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Everything posted by Joslin

  1. What do you want to see?: A document the whole sever can access that shows all the ranks in every battalion and their equivalencies to all the other battalions Why should we add it?: Do reduce confusion in lower ranks and to create smoother RP What are the advantages of having this?: It would make it easier for everyone to be as informed as possible on ranks since different battalions have different names for their ranks Who is it mainly for?: The whole server Links to any content: N/A
  2. +Support +Very knowledgeable +Very easy to talk to +Helps the Cadets +Well liked +Dedicated Really hope you get it!
  3. Massive + support +Always willing to help the Cadets and fellow NCO's +Very active +Willing to do sim's and training whenever he has a chance +Definite leader +Really good guy and extremely easy to approach and talk to
  4. I'm really sad to see you go, but I also want you to be able to take care of yourself without any background noise from the server. I've definitely enjoyed the stuff we would get into in RG and there will definitely be a void left with you gone. Please take care of yourself and I hope that whatever life is throwing at you right now will abate and open new and more fantastical doors in your life. I really hope to see you again. Semper Fidelis
  5. Massive + support + Great person and very easy to approach + Wants to truly improve the battalion + Is looked up to + Sets a positive example for all to follow
  6. Name and Rank: SHG VI Joslin Are you in Shadow Guard?: Yes How active can you be?: I can be active at least 1.5 hours a day and more on weekends Length in Royal Guard: at least a month Why do you want to become a Trial Senior Guard?: I want to help train and cultivate the future RG and help them realize their potential Why do you believe you are ready for this position?: I'm hard working and creative. I also don't give up on people when give up on themselves Do you have any warns? No
  7. Great guy and an outstanding leader. Definitely deserves it
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