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Posts posted by Bulborb

  1. RP Name: Bulborb
    SteamID (i.e. STEAM_0:1:55975235): STEAM_0:1:539418347
    Discord Tag (i.e. Name#0000): Bulborb#5642

    Branch(es) (Maintenance, Medical): Maintenance
    Rank(s) (Include both branches, if applicable): Maintenance Expert
    Subdivisions/Whitelists (FTO, CS, MMF, HLPR, ACM): FTO, CS, MMF, HLPR.

  2. 1 hour ago, Toasty said:

    + Support

    I believe that this would be extremely helpful in boosting activity for Maintenance, FE, and CE. The off hour XP being more is also really good since it would give people and incentive to hop on and fix stuff since during off hours people mainly play D-Class and nothing gets fixed. 


  3. 22 minutes ago, Noah Lee said:

    You guys have a insane amount of numbers on the server right now as it is adding in another class to simply create unbalance on the server is nah.
    Also 5 min NLR is a little eh with the weapons/weapon its going to have it. maybe like 7min ish, im assuming you guys are going to also push for the AR you guys wish to add in to be balanced to the server, and its going to make the class strong
    and if it would to fully get pushed thru, 
    the rank requirement to join the class should be SM+ or maybe provisional delta and or increase the minimum player requirement for the class to be active


  4. So what happened was I saw you on 912 in d-block shooting people with a gun which is breaking a rule, after you died you just left the game it was maybe because one of the d-class said something about calling a admin but after breaking a rule and leaving after seems like a LTAP. 

  5. So I was supervising ShinSpin when this happened we guy a report from the "AFK guy" which wasn't AFK, when we brought you and said you were getting reported for RDM and you claimed you would never do such a thing, after we we're talking about the warn which was ARDM and RDM but you flagged onto 5208 which is LTAP. After I brought you back and froze froze you with my physgun you claimed the sit was over since you we're already warned, to make you punishment worse you made a false sit against payton for RDM and wrote something like "OMG PAYTON PUNCHED ME OMG" you didn't even make a report on me you made a report on payton. That's why we banned you for 5 days.

  6. 3 hours ago, Smoll said:

    Hell the fuck no
    When there's barely MTF and alot of scp's are breach and going to surface, 939 is a pain in the ass to RC first of all every 939 run away instead of actually going where people shoot and in general its way too much hp imagine theres 2 mtf to deal with him it would be taking ages to rc

    Also when you said in 2 honeybadge clip you took him down to 1.3k hp was he not moving or you hit every shot with a aimbot? XD


    Yeah 939 is already a pain in the ass to deal with I don't think he needs a buff even with the weapon update we aren't gonna hit every shot

  7. 3 hours ago, The Gaming Goat said:


    First of all you shot other people as SCP-999 

    Second it is clear that RP was the least of your concern

    (Just becaused you have it does not mean you should use it)


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