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Posts posted by Beanbazzled

  1. In-Game Name: Bean

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:221752061

    Rank: Senior Admin

    Reason for leaving: Bored

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? Yes

    Do you agree to contact your manager once your 48 hour notice is up? Yes

    • Sad 2
  2. In-Game Name: Bean

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:221752061

    Rank: Senior Admin

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 9/1/21 - 9/9/21

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Vacation

  3. What is your ingame name?:


    What is your SteamID:


    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:

    Rear Admiral

    What specialty are you applying for?:

    Chief Medical Officer

     What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:

    Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?

    I could help improve my assigned branch by running trainings and tryouts to encourage activity within their ranks. I can also help by advising all Medical ranks on what they are doing well and what they could improve on to help Medical function as well as possible. I could help the command team by giving them ideas on how to improve their battalion as well as helping them with their responsibilities so I can take some pressure off of them. I will also make sure all Naval MOs are aware of what is expected of them to keep them functioning as well as possible.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?:

    I believe there are many reasons why I should be trusted with this rank. Firstly, I am active and am on for at least 3 hours almost everyday. I am also very experienced in leadership and know what it takes to help a battalion grow, which would allow me to effectively advise Medical command on how to keep their battalion thriving. And finally, I have plenty of knowledge on how Medical works on this server and have already been helping out Medical as well as Naval who wish to be an MO by teaching them how Medical works as well as what will be expected of them upon joining the battalion.

    Why do you want this rank?:

    I want this rank because I want to help Medical be the best battalion they can possibly be by running trainings and tryouts to keep them active. I genuinely enjoy Medical passive rp and want to run more of it to keep the battalion entertained. I think Medical currently has an amazing command team and I would love to be able to assist them in keeping Medical as a fun battalion that is attractive to new players.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:


    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:

    My purpose as the CMO would be to assist the Medical command team in making sure the battalion is operating as smoothly as possible. I would be tasked with making sure all officers and NCOs are doing there job by doing trainings and tryouts. I would also be in charge of training all Naval Medical Officers and making sure they are active and doing their jobs.


  4. 18 hours ago, TheDeadGuy said:

    -Has improved the battalion a lot since getting the position of Vice and is one of the main reasons the battalion is doing as good as it is 
    -Approachable and understanding
    -An overall great guy and the best havoc I have met 





  5. What is your ingame name?:


    What is your SteamID:


    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:

    Rear Admiral

    What specialty are you applying for?:

    Medical Officer

     What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:


    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?

    I can improve this battalion by incentivizing activity within the Medical ranks. I would do this by hosting SIMs and trainings to make sure that every Medical is kept busy with passive RP, as that is one of the main things Medical specializes in. I would also host tryouts to make sure that there is a constant flow of new troops in the battalion. I feel I could contribute a lot to this battalion by advising both NCOs and Officers on what they are doing well, as well as what they could improve on to continue to climb through the ranks.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?:

    I feel as if I can be trusted with this position for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, I am pretty active and am normally on the server for at least a few hours everyday. Secondly, I have been in high ranking positions before and believe that has given me a lot of experience on what makes a battalion successful. And finally, with my experience comes plenty of knowledge on how the server works which would allow me to effectively advise both Officers and NCOs on what they can do to reach their max potential within Medical.

    Why do you want this rank?:

    I want this rank because out of all the battalions on the server, Medical is one of my favorites. I think that they currently have an amazing command team and Officer core and would love to help them make Medical the best battalion it can possibly be. I also really enjoy Medical passive RP and would love to run trainings with them so we can keep the battalion entertained and active.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:


    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:

    My duty as a Medical Officer would be to assist in the overseeing of the Medical battalion. I would be tasked with running tryouts as well as trainings to keep the battalion active. I would also be tasked with running passive RP such as checkups and surgery to keep troops engaged as well as make sure all other Imperial troops are in good shape.

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  6. +Support
    Staff members are meant to deal with all situations in a calm and respectful manner no matter what the situation may be. The staff member in question failed to do so horribly, this is just awful behavior, especially from a Senior Admin.

    • Like 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Nimo said:



    Has experience and would lead well as a Head Gamemaster

    Great effort into application, really puts an image in my mind.

    Trusted within the Gamemaster Team


    Good luck Milford, I really hope you get the position.


    Milford is a great leader and I believe he would make an amazing Head GM, good luck !!

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