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Posts posted by Toasty

  1. Hey guys, as most of y'all know I have been a little MIA in game recently due to the fact I have been working on the map update. I was waiting to do this until after the update since I wanted to give y'all one last thing before heading out, I hope y'all enjoy the new map as much as I enjoyed making it. Throughout my time on this server, I have been able to meet a ton of different people and made a bunch of friends in the process, I remember joining back in January of 2021 and becoming a Security Officer, funny thing is I actually failed the test first time due to not paying attention and was told I could try again in 24 hours, I just changed my name and took the test again within the same hour, I only thought I would play for a couple days since I didn't know much about Gmod RP servers. Here I am now with only a couple months left until it would mark my 3 years on the server and after working my way up to O5 and SMT. Here are the shoutouts to all the people I have met along the way.

    Zeeptin: I wish you the best of Luck with the server and I'm thankful you allowed me to be the one to work on the map update. 

    Nu7 HCMD Buddy Trio

    Piller: also known as "Pillercat" but a fan of Dogs and Turtles, I have known you since we were both Security NCOs and were a part of the same batch of Security JCMD. It has been a long journey since then. Make sure to give Ruby some treats for me.

    Soul: Closest Friend I have made on this server. Back when I transferred from Security to Nu7 you made the switch easy since you were welcoming. 

    O5 Members

    Weiss: The Ancient one, you have been here so long and have done so much to help the server. It was fun working together with you as O5.

    Infected: Didn't interact with you that much but you were a cool guy and a fellow member of O5.

    Alexx: There always felt like there was some beef between us, not sure why but it was still cool working with you as SA and later O5.

    Ozzie: You were killing it as SA, the DoTF/HCZ Manager tag team we had was great and made MTF the best it could be. MTF #1 (totally not biased). Later on though it did feel like there was some tension between us, not sure why but the past is in the past.

    Hoovy: Great guy, has done so much for the server and is the guy who was the O5 Council. Had a lot of fun playing Friday the 13th with you and the few times we played Sea of Thieves; we never continued our Voyage. Also, a fellow Clash of Clans enjoyer (I got kicked from the clan for missing war attacks).

    Starr: We never got to do the RDM RP we talked about. I still remember we had that talk on what our future O5 names would be then the next day you got jumped from LCZ Manager to O5.

    Django: The Cowboy man, did a ton to help out the server. Was a great member of SA as well as O5.

    Site Admin Members

    Pills: Most recent Site Director and a great member of SA and would have been a great addition to O5 or Ethics Committee. Also known as the Duck Man.

    Spixe: A fellow One Piece enjoyer. Did a ton as LCZ Manager, no doubt would have become O5 or Ethics Committee. 

    Blackbeard: Didn't interact with you that much but you're a cool guy and the amazing work you're doing you will be O5 in no time.

    Drizzle: Never really interacted with you but you have done a lot to help Research and Security. Keep up the good work.

    Spider: Same as Drizzle I haven't interacted with you much but you're doing great as Director of Logistics and helping a lot with Maintenance and Medical.

    Fool: First Director of Containment since the name was changed back. A fellow Halo enjoyer.

    Goat: First Director of Intelligence, did a ton as E-11 CMDR as well as A-1 CMDR.

    Curtis: Second Director of Intelligence. Was killing it as E-11 CMDR, and has been doing great as DoI. Keep up the great work.

    Mind: Fellow Zone Manager at the time, did a lot to help LCZ.

    Sixx: Can you spell the name of the state that is surrounded by Tennessee, Arkansas, Alabama, and Louisiana?

    Cecil: First RnD General in a while. You did so much for CI, unfortunately after you left as General RnD didn't last.


    If your name isn't here then I must have forgotten to add you but that doesn't mean you were irrelevant, I just simply forgot. 

    I wish y'all a good one. 

    Monkey D Luffy GIF


    • Gaminglight Love 3
  2. 18 minutes ago, Vuitheirt said:

    Biases are a definite concern, I kind of agree these should be applications for people who reach a certain rank, hand picking could really lead to favoritism  

    There will be a new channel made that all MTF CMD have access too, in the channel MTF CMD will fill out a post to suggest someone then the other MTF CMD will vote on the person based on experience with them. By the end of the week if the suggestion has enough positive votes then it will be ran through MTF HCMD & MTF SA for a final decision, once the decision is made if they are accepted then it’s announced during the MTF main meeting. There will be a max of 5 people per meeting and no one can get multiple jobs in the same meeting. Hopefully this explanation clears up any confusion or worries about the “hand picked” aspect. 👍

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into CI, always working to improve CI as well as helping improve the server as a whole. You were an absolute beast of a General and it was fun working with you as Site Admin, I wish you all the best of luck in college and whatever career you decide to pursue. 

    Feel free to come hang out every now and then, you are always allowed to hop on EOI and get some spy RP in. (I know, RP, eww 🤢

    Star Wars Salute GIF

  4. Name: Toasty

    Rank: HCZ Manager/Lead Admin

    Branch: HCZ Branches

    Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): 12/21 - 12/26

    Reason (If private that's fine): Going to families for the holidays

  5. The reason you were warned was from a video of you attempting to enter my office to use the Slot machine, there was an invisible permanent prop at the door preventing people from entering which you acknowledged was there but then proceeded to spawn a chair and use it to go through the prop to enter my office. SA offices are a spawn location and anyone besides SA or people invited into the offices are allowed to enter, you weren't warned for entering others spawns but while you were still in a place you are already restricted from entering, you then abuse the prop system by placing a chair to enter an area that's blocked off by a prop to prevent anyone from entering. Unfortunately, time of day does not matter, the rules are active 24/7 and should be followed while playing on the server.


  6. Post name: Remove 8286 ability to enter D-Block

    What are you suggesting? - Removing 8286 ability to enter D-Block

    How would this change better the server? - At the moment 8286 having the ability to enter D-Block causes problems in my eyes. While in D-Block D-Class have to deal with Security & MTF defending preventing them from escaping, having 8286 in there adds a Keter SCP that they have to deal with as well and since 8286 is an SCP it doesn't have to follow the rules of engagement within D-Block and could just kill all D-Class whenever it wants without any repercussions, even if the D-Class are innocent. On top of 8286 being a Keter and being able to kill whatever it wants, D-Class are unable to fight back unless they want the entirety of D-Block attacking them so basically 8286 is being protected to RDM D-Class. 8286 being in D-Block also affects Security, Security has to deal with D-Class rioting and with 8286 they have to worry about being stabbed in the back or "cross fired" by it, it just adds more things for them to worry about that they shouldn't have to. In my opinion 8286 being in D-Block causes people to have to deal with stuff they shouldn't have to deal with, of course D-Class will have to deal with the SCPs when they manage to escape D-Block but that should be something they have to worry about later and not in the initial riot and attempt to escape D-Block. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Unfortunately, this change would be a nerf to 8286 since it will be restricted from D-Block but 8286 still has an entire Facility, Surface, and CI base it can roam around and interact with players, the removal of D-Block would be a minor nerf to 8286 and a massive benefit to D-Class & Security.

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - This change would be a huge benefit to D-Class & Security. With this change it will allow Security to better perform their job without having to worry about a Keter SCP killing them from behind or within their ranks as well as giving D-Class a better chance of successful riots and survival since they won't be getting RDM by a Keter SCP that has the protection of the entirety of D-Block.

  7. Man I remember when we were both hosting MTF PTs together as VCMDRs a little over a year ago, time sure does fly by. You always had the beterment of the server first and helped out a ton, thanks for all that work you have put in to help make the server better. I wish you the best of luck! 😀

    Salute Honor GIF by CBS

  8. - Support 

    Unfortunately due to the situation you were KOS to begin with. You gathered redacted information and leaked it twice in open comms after telling a group of people that KOS anyone who gets that information, IDK why you decided to try and sell the information back to RRH since just them knowing you know anything about them is a killable offense. Also since it was open comms and everyone can see it then that “document” was unnecessary to begin with since everyone knew the information. Since it was level 4+ info they didn’t need to negotiate with you as well. Catalyst was also trying to get prof of the info and in a open comms advert you said you are going to make a copy of it and show the copy, how is RRH supposed to know you haven’t made more then one copy to begin with. You also decided to tear up the copy of the document and call off the negotiation that never existed in the first place. After I told them to terminate you for knowing the redacted info, I  then proceeded to organize a MTF raid on CI to wipe all your guys memories followed by torching the RND labs to get rid of any redacted documents you had, also the MTF didn’t know the true objective other then the SF in TS with me. The information you gathered was enough for a nuke so instead of nuking the entire server and resetting all RP we I decided to tell them to terminate you and erase any redacted information from CI

    • Like 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Starstep said:


    Honestly, this is definitely one of the better map suggestions I've seen.
    I'd love to constantly switch between maps AS LONG AS the good modifications are kept throughout and updated on every map we move to.
    For example: On Site-05, the new CI base, or even the new D-Block if the community finds it necessary.

    Not changing maps frequently can and will cause burnout, and it has happened countless times before.


  10. =======================================

    Job Update



    Name: MTF Stealth Operative > MTF Zeta-6 “Midnight Trackers”


    Description: MTF Zeta-6 is a group of operatives that specialize in the tracking and containment of escaped anomalies and the pursuit of Persons of Interest and Groups of Interest. These operatives are Level 3 personnel of the Foundation.  You must purchase the MTF Job Pack on our store to play this job.


    Remove Model: models/player/metrocop.mdl


    Add Model: models/player/nightcrawler.mdl



    Job Update



    Name: MTF Tau 5 Soldier > MTF Tau-5 “Samsara”


    Description: Immortal cyborg clones created from the flesh of a dead god, MTF Tau-5 units have increased dexterity, strength, and possess regenerative capabilities. They are suited with the most advanced weaponry to combat threats towards the Foundation. They are Level 3 personnel.  You must purchase the MTF Job Pack on our store to play this job.


    Remove Weapons: tfa_csgo_xm1014


    Add Weapons: tfa_mossberg590



    Job Update



    Name: MTF Demolitions Expert > MTF Lambda-9 “Big F**king Guns”


    Description: MTF Lambda-9 are designated to contain Keter level SCPs that require high damage output ordinance in the event of a containment breach. They are level 3 Personnel of the Foundation. You must purchase the MTF Job Pack on our store to play this job.


    Remove Weapons: tfa_fg42

    Add Weapons: tfa_m249lmg


    Switched the Ares Strike to the M249

    • Like 2
  11. What is your in-game name?: Toasty


    What is your steam name?: [GL] Toasty


    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:462304249


    What is your discord username: Toasty#1797


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes, I joined the staff team in SCP-RP on March 28th of 2021. I am currently a Senior Admin (9/3/21 - Current).


    What date did you start playing in the community?: Id say mid January, 2021


    What date did you make your forums account?: February 3rd, 2021


    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?: 0


    What is your donor rank?: Diamond


    Are you a staff member in another community?: N/A


    Have you read the staff handbook?: Yes


    Timezone: EST


    What rank are you applying for?: Super Admin


    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum): Throughout my time in this wonderful community I have met so many amazing people be that through RP or Staff, each of those people has helped me become the person I am today. When I first started playing on this server I was too shy to use my mic and didn't know what I was doing, since I needed help I made a staff ticket and a member came to help me. That person was very kind and walked me through what I needed to do in order to play because the interaction I had with them made me stick on the server and also made me want to join the staff team in order to help players the same way that staff member helped me. Joining the staff team was one of the best things I could have done on this server and I'm thankful for being given the opportunity to help out the same community that has helped me.

    I believe if I were to be given the rank of Super Admin, I will be able to bring skills to JMT that will help benefit the staff team and the server as a whole, these skills include; Leadership, Dedication, and Attentiveness just to name a few. I ensure that I am always available if needed be that in Game, Team Speak, or in Discord. I’m glad to help with any situation that someone is experiencing and answer any questions they might have. I will ensure that staff members are not left in the dark and receive the proper training required for them to become successful staff members themselves. In order to help out, I have joined Forums Diplomats to help keep the Forums a clean place for people to use. I have also joined the Support Team in order to ensure that members of the community get the proper help they need. As a Super Admin, I will be able to help out staff members in various different ways ranging from small stuff like telling them their quota to larger stuff like helping a staff member administer the proper punishment to a player that has been quite naughty, whatever the problem is I am glad to help and I will ensure that it will be dealt with in a proper and swift manner so that everyone will be able to get back to playing on the server and having a great experience while doing so. 

    I would like to wrap this up by thanking everyone who has given me the opportunity to become the staff member I am today. Thank you for taking the time to read through my application and giving me the opportunity to apply for Super Admin. I have gotten so much from this community and I believe this is the next step for me to help give back to such a wonderful community. 


    Scenario questions


    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?: Firstly I will try and deescalate the situation, if that doesn't work and the person is out of hand then I would have to !gag them, will also have to !mute them if they take it to chat. After that I will inform them that they will be receiving a Warn for being Not Compliant With Staff and depending on what they have been saying could also result in a Staff Diss Warn on top of their MRDM Warn. I will issue the Warn and since they are getting a Warn for MRDM they will receive a 5 Day ban.


    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?: Like the previous situation I will try and deescalate the situation, if that doesn't work then I will separate the players into each corner of the staff room so then I can get a detailed description of each of their POV and any available clips. Once I have got all the evidence, I will settle the situation by administering the proper punishments if necessary.


    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?: Depending on what they have done I will administer another punishment. For RMD I will Jail them for a short time, for toxicity in chat I will !mute them, and for toxicity in voice I will !gag them. 

    Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?: If the player has been caught doing it then I will give them a Warn for Exploiting, if there is no evidence then I will inform them that what they have been doing is a punishable offense and return them, once they are returned I make sure to keep and eye on them and if they continue to abuse the bug and i catch them then they will receive a Warn for Exploiting and Lying to staff since they said they didn't do it.

    • Like 1
  12. On 2/15/2022 at 5:04 PM, Yato Sensei said:

    + Support

    Only for foundation jobs though, CI has enough already even on their starter job. "Tank" classes really don't feel like anything special, it's just another job with different guns and they get overshined by other aspects of other classes. I'm not talking about making then 250/250 or anything like that but a small HP or armor increase would be good.

    Also justice for BHM, thank you 🙂 

    + Support 

    A "tank" should have a decent amount of health/armor to be able to tank damage

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