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Posts posted by Eyelander

  1. After some thought, I think I get where you're coming from, but overall this seems like an unnecessary and negative change
    I don't think that it would really help research, the branches are quite different, and as Nyde said prior, it would probably just make most people in R&D leave the server, it would not make them join research
    R&D is definitely in a rough patch right now, but considering that competent people have been put in charge for a bit (Skela and Orange), I think that it can bounce back in no time

    • Like 1
  2. +support

    even though toaster has had some issues in the past, i believe he is genuinely sorry for what he's done, and he is willing to change. i think the offer he proposed (not giving him explosive WLs) is also very good.
    i think he deserves a second chance

  3. Post Name: Full Revert of TTK

    What are you suggesting?: Change the damage multiplier back to what it originally was (0.75 instead of 0.7)

    How would this change better the server?: This suggestion has been made many times, and for good reason. The current state of PVP is slow and does not feel as fun as it used to. Changes have been made to partially improve this, however, none of them have been large enough to make a change; especially the most recent one. The most recent one has increased the multiplier to 0.70 from 0.65, which is incredibly insignificant for every weapon, even the ones that do incredibly high damage. This change has not caused any noticeable improvements in the PVP, and I personally think that at this point, the best approach is to skip these lackluster solutions and doing a full revert, because the majority of the community has shown support of returning to this fast paced combat. This has been seen in the multiple suggestions made for this. (Linked below)

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain.: I fully acknowledge how much this could disadvantage low HP classes like non-combatants, and how it could damage RP (the latter was listed as one of the reasons for not completely reverting the TTK in the first place).

    However, I would argue that the role of non-combatants is made more vital if guns do more damage. If every bit of health and armor matters in an encounter, people will be much more encouraged to go to Medics and Maintenance whenever they are low on health/armor. This also happened before the TTK nerf with Bio Engineers. Bios were very powerful back then; health and armor was very valuable, so the class that could give both of these were treated as one of the most important parts of the raid.

    I'd also like to address the point of how it would make the server even more focused on PVP. I really don't think that it will harm RP that much, the server is already in a state where it is almost entirely PVP and changing up the PVP would just make the PVP better instead of messing up the balance. If anything, I believe it could benefit RP, because D-Class would have more reason to fear being gunned down by Gensec if they take more damage, meaning that they will probably try to join an actual branch or just try to comply with Gensec and try to get tested on.

    Who would this change mostly benefit?: I think it would benefit most people that play combat branches, especially those that prefer quicker combat.

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - I just want to add on how this suggestion may come off as petty because of such a small degree (0.70 -> 0.75), but I still think that it is a very necessary change and it could help the server a lot. 



  4. 3 hours ago, Tomato said:

    Nerf class D to hell. Make it nearly impossible to escape as Class D. Don't give them keycards or hackers. Make it so being on class D is boring so they join an actual branch

    there are much better ways to make them join actual branches
    that will also directly hurt CI if less people are escaping

  5. 2 minutes ago, Starstep said:


    Honestly, this is definitely one of the better map suggestions I've seen.
    I'd love to constantly switch between maps AS LONG AS the good modifications are kept throughout and updated on every map we move to.
    For example: On Site-05, the new CI base, or even the new D-Block if the community finds it necessary.

    Not changing maps frequently can and will cause burnout, and it has happened countless times before.


  6. Name: eyelander

    Steam ID: 7

    Forum ID: farmers

    Discord ID: Strange Eyelander#3479

    GPA: dropout

    Experience being a forum moderator: forums

    What you will contribute to the farmers sub forum (1,000+ words): n/a

    Final take away: give me moderator 🤑

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