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Everything posted by jevil4969

  1. Name: JR Makhnovian SCP #: 082 details: SCP-082 found its way into LCZ and I had him stay at the garden while i got the class d he requested. I brought 2 class-D along with 1 more class-D who found his way there (not sure how) SCP-082 set up a picnic with a table and chairs. 1 D-class insulted his table, and the other refused to sit down and the D-class I didn't bring was the last one left. SCP-082 and the class-D had a conversation about painting and classical musical and SCP-082 excused him afterward, and he was returned to D-block (after administering amnestic of course).
  2. Name: JR Makhnovian SCP #: 330/513 Test Idea: does SCP-513 have any emotions Hypothesis: I doubt SCP-513 will display any emotions whatsoever Observations: the class-D flirting with 513 was on meth and SCP-513 was either unresponsive or unimpressed so we also tried with SCP-330 which showed similar results Conclusion: further testing will have to be done, as the D-class was very bad at flirting (and on meth) and the question is still mostly a mystery
  3. Note: in this document scp-343 will be abbreviated as "343" and the same for scp-294 being "294" Name: nestles crunch Rank: JR reseacher SCP: 294 & 343 Question / Idea: what happens when you type god into the coffee machine, additionally what happens when 343 drinks it? Background Research: none Hypothesis: 343 will feel a small amount of pain but be fine overall Observations: 343 approaches 294 and attempts to drink "God" however the cup is empty Conclusion: 3 choices here. 343 is not god, 343s name/title is different (unlikey), or 343 is too powerful for the machine. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No it was not
  4. Name: Jevil Rank: JR researcher SCP: 294 List of Personnel involved in testing: 1 research intelligence guardian Level D Personnel involved(if any): 1 Question / Idea: do certain words dispense items even if they aren't physical things Risks/Safety Precautions: I had a RIG escort me if the class D tried to pull something Background Research: i know that certain things that should not seem like they should dispense anything will (example: God) Hypothesis: very little will dispense a liquid estimated 5% of the list of words Observations: only 1 word worked "UwU" (requested by the RIG) Was my Hypothesis Correct?: yes
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