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Posts posted by tEDDY34

  1. 31 minutes ago, Will said:

    Seeing as inmates can not retrieve anything from their inventory per MOTD, it would also be considered to be FailRP to spawn entities such as a money printer. It is highly unrealistic or probable that you or someone else would be able to get a machine the size of a cooler that prints counterfeit bills, into a state correctional facility without it being caught.

    Even if you were to try and get one into DOC, you'd either need to have a monster sized cake to hide it in, or you'd need to bribe the cops with enough donuts so that they aren't paying enough attention to you sneaking them in.

    Printers aren't retrieved from inventory's, they are bought in the entity shop so that MOTD rule doesn't apply if we want to get that technical. Also, no one ever roleplays buying a printer or assembling one either because it is a semi serious rp server.

    I do agree that it is absurd but the player had no way of knowing it wasn't allowed because it isn't stated in the motd, I believe that the punishment should have been a verbal.

  2. 6 minutes ago, Sprink said:

    The punishment was not a violation of the staff handbook as you state. On SCPRP racism is not tolerated in anyway shape or form.

    It's not racism. He was just playing music that had the word in it. If you went to almost anyone in real life and played this kind of music in front of them they wouldn't find it racist either, it's just the art style and  culture. The music wasn't played with any malicious intent, it wasn't used to discriminate anyone, it was just played to be enjoyed.

    This will be my final reply since there is no reason to further argue with your biased opinion.




  3. +Support

    After playing that music prada was warned for "Playing Music with Racist Words", playing rap with the nword in it isn't racist.  I don't understand why it escalated to a ban. I know he staff dissed as well but that itself should have only been another warn and possibly a jail.

    Way too harsh of a punishment, clear violation of the staff handbook.

    1 minute ago, Prada said:

    @Sprink does not matter if i have 22 warns on another server, i said in chat your 13 it's not player/staff diss. It wasn't a racist song either it's part of lyrics. Go listen to 


    Saying that he is 13 is you implying that he is too young/incompetent for his position, the staff dis is valid.

  4. 21 minutes ago, jackyman21 said:


    how the fuck are you gonna get components advanced enough to make a non rejectable counterfeit currency in a game in a prison?

    common sense

    It's a semi serious gmod server, roleplay doesn't need to be that in-depth.

    DOC have a sweeping procedure in their S.O.P for contraband so I don't know why it wouldn't be allowed, I looked at the inmate rules and tried finding anything related to inmates not being able to spawn printers/weed and didn't find anything.


  5. I know I'm the one who made the post but his side of the "story" is probably going to be "It was a mistake".

    There is solid evidence and other supposed cases of him doing the same thing. He hasn't responded despite being pinged 8 times so I don't blame them.

  6. Your In-Game Name: tEDDY (Was boofy at the time)

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:524281329

    Staff member's In-Game Name: Hammy

    What did they do? Hammy took a sit without being on duty, this right is reserved for senior admins+.

    Evidence (REQUIRED):https://gyazo.com/54d79b1aeb3d1abd13c1afbe1b5ea7a7 -- Him teleporting to the sit as an elite gun dealer

    https://gyazo.com/cac8d27a6e4a06508b684a27cd12b88f  -extra screenie incase I lost the first

    https://gyazo.com/44e2cb6c22637cc92e4e9f926ec17f6e  - Him switching on duty after I asked him if he was a senior Admin

    What do you think is an acceptable punishment? Needs to be talked to.

  7. 1 hour ago, Valentino said:

    + support 

    very clear evidence of staff rules broken

    will change if new evidence comes up.

    As clear as ice. Hope he just gets talked to/retrained because none of his actions seem malicious.


    Yes, Valentino just came back and has been inactive. 

    However, he left because of irl issues and wasn't able to play, he's definitely qualified to be PD command because of his past experience. It looks like he's back and serious now since he's applying for LT and I feel like he really deserves a chance to climb back up to what he was.

    Best of luck

    Can't wait for the staff app

  9. 34 minutes ago, Mag1c said:

    Conrad has shown time and time again that he can be funny and professional, he has made a place in all of hearts with his kindness and handles sits very well. Adding on to that, he knows most of the rules and follows them to the most as you can see by the amount of warns he has (0). He deals with people in the correct, and best way possible from what I have seen. He is mature on staff and can handle tough situations such as someone Mass Rdming or someone screaming some not so nice words. In my conclusion I think Conrad deserves the promotion and is ready to handle the responsibilities that it gives.


  10. +Support

    This is obviously a false warn, sometimes people are invisible to ems so calling a sit would be appropriate in situations like these so that they don't stay dead for an extended amount of time. He also mentioned that he was rushed due to training and I can understand that, I don't know why hammy pushed for a warn and even disobeyed an admins order to not warn him.

    He was warned for "evading a staff shit" which is an obvious typo (happens) but he was the one who made the report and once revived wanted to get back to roleplay so it isn't evading. I honestly think that the warning was issued maliciously because I know that Prada and hammy don't get along.

  11. What is your in-game name?: tEDDY

    What is your steam name?:  [GL]Teddy

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:524281329

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: Yes, I've been staffing on gmod for years now, I've been staff on 2 scp rp servers and a few dark rp servers.

    What date did you start playing on the community?: Mid September I believe.

    What date did you make your forums account? September 23rd

    Current rank on server?: Senior Moderator

    How many warns do you have on the server?:5 warnshttps://gyazo.com/6348c3a1019c57509b1275a62324c444

    Have you donated?: Yes, around 330$ USD.

    What rank are you applying for?  Admin

    Are you staff on another community?: Nope, I only play gaminglight. 

    Timezone: EST

    Permission :

    Manager: Matthew

    Head of Staff: Eternity

    Super Admin: Zerg, Max and Will

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank?:

    I feel like I deserve the rank because I meet all the requirements and I'm very active. I've been part of the staff team for a good while now and I've enjoyed being staff in this community more than any other. Admin is a big step and I feel like I'm finally ready for it, it's been a goal of mine since t-mod and I've finally racked up the time and experience for it. I've neutralized many heated situations, helped hundreds of players, I've turned minges into proper role players and I've done nothing but help the community as my time as staff. I'm ready to have the responsibility of being an admin and properly use the permissions given to me, I've intensively reviewed the staff handbook in preparation for my initial staff application, my senior mod application and now, my admin application. I'm ready to invest more time into staff and help enhance everyone's roleplaying experience.  

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?:

    After bringing the player to a sit for mass rdm, I would first give them a chance to explain themselves or give some kind of reason for what they've done. If they completely reject my offer and start insulting me I would then gag/freeze them and begin checking the logs. Upon conformation that the person has mass rdmed with 100% evidence I will inform him of the punishment that he will be receiving and that they can appeal it on the forums. I would first warn the player then issue the 5 day ban associated with mass rdm. If the players that he killed were  afk in spawn, I would revive them in order to avoid confusion for when they come back.

    -What would you do if you think a player is an alt account?:

    If I think a player is on an alt account I would not confront them at all, I would grab his/her's steam ID and inform SMT that there is a potential alt on the server so that they can use their methods and handle it.

    -What would you do if a player is threating to chargeback?:

    If a player is threatening to charge back I would inform them that there is a permanent ban associated with that action and if they continue I would gather evidence (Either a chat screenshot or a video clip of them saying it) and contact JMT on the server or make a JMT ticket on the discord to let them handle it. 

     -A family is mass minging and causing issues, how would you stop the family from minging?:

    I would first make sure the family isn't currently involved in a role play situation and then bring them to a secluded roof, I would then talk to them and inform them of what they've done wrong and refer them to the motd and answer questions they have. I would issue out punishments if any individuals of the family have broken a significant amount of rules and then return them, I would then monitor the players to make sure that they behave and don't ruin anybody's roleplay experience.

    -How would you deal with a situation you don't know what to/don't know the answer to?:

    If I don't know how to deal with a situation I never hesitate to ask my fellow staff members for advice/answers regardless of their ranks, I would also check the teamspeak channel, go over the motd and asses the situation with common sense. If it's a major situation then I would contact JMT, if they are available I would use the discord JMT ticket to contact them.

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