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Posts posted by Jummy

  1. Hey there.

    Hi, miss me? No you don't. 

    As I'm sure some of you have seen, I've gone very inactive as of late, and some of you in command may have seen the issues I've been having in certain channels. So I'm sure some of you are wondering what's going on.

    On the GL side of things: Research is hard to deal with. There's not enough command, enlisted are hard to get on, and sometimes it does feel like I'm taking care of a bunch of babies. (Looking at you, Domz.) But in the end I still enjoyed playing on the server, and I still loved the community built around it. The little issues were enough to bear.

    That doesn't mean I'm completely happy, I'm still frustrated with how certain things were handled and how certain stuff went down. It's honestly all a blur cause... well... most of it was kind of pointless in retrospect. But I'm not glad about how Research is doing right now. I know leaving as one of few real leaders in the branch isn't the best, but I figured they'll have to find some way to work that out, and then improve from there... hopefully.

    And why I'm primarily resigning, well, is entirely different. If you really want to see, highlight the giant white line below, only cause it may worry some.

    Recently, I have had a slew of depressive episodes, due to real life drama, general stress with school, past traumatizing events, and more. This has caused me to get to a state of near disrepair, where I barely took care of myself both mentally and physically, never worrying about myself, and only others. This all culminated in a suicide attempt recently, but I thankfully did not go through with it.  

    I'm going to attempt to go back into therapy, and focus on real life health more than ever. I will stress that GamingLight has not caused any of this mental stress, or has led to that extreme level of sadness, but I just know I am not in a state to be command, or hell, really be enlisted either right now. I've been prioritizing focusing on real life more than GamingLight, and I'm proud of that, but I'm afraid for that I will have to cut it out of my life for a while.

    Last time I resigned, it was for similar reasons actually. Not the same level, but still. So when I come back expect something worse! (/j)

    So for all those reasons, I have to leave for a bit. Most people would probably give final messages to their friends, so I guess I should do the same. 

    High Command - Please try your best and be open to input. I want this branch to succeed dearly, and you're kind of responsible for that... so...

    NydeKore - Well, you're resigning too. So many High Command gone within a few days, really fucking sad. Anyways, you were always my favourite and you always seemed the most open, although that may be biased. If you ever wanna play something together then I'd be open to it.

    Tyler - Blessed soul, a fucking angel you are, Tyler. Always saw the best in people and always wanted to help the branch, but still knew when to let other command shine and when to step back from things. I'm still pissed about that one time you made me supervise your SCP-106 MT, but I'm willing to forgive and forget.

    Earl - Guy I told first about all of this. Golden Age command member, as well as a generally likeable dude. Probably the most chaotically fruity guy I've ever known, as well as the funniest. Even through stoic speech, you always made me laugh. We never ended up finishing that one lore series, maybe we'll get to when I return. 

    Avalon - We didn't really talk, but Christ, you do work. Was fun to talk to for the brief moments we did talk.

    Phill -  Top 10 most DEVASTATING resignations in Research!!!←  Okay but for real, sorry to hear about why you left. You were a really cool and calm guy to talk to from what I remember. Hope you're doing okay!

    BillyBob - Tall in spirit. Always lit up the room, and whilst sometimes annoying, did still put a reluctant smile on my face. Hearing you go full tactical rambling mode during RFA ops was always nice, made it feel so much more in Role-Play and fun. Speaking of RFA...

    Domz - I'm not even gonna lie, you're dumb as hell. Sometimes it was funny dumb but other times... jeez. Barely talks during command meetings and does bare minimum like... dude. If you want to resign or something please just say it, it's kind of infuriating. Aside from that: have fun with RFA.

    Other Command Please do me a solid: Work together, learn from mistakes, don't overwork yourself, and never ever prioritize GL over your real life. Do not become engulfed in a frankly corny and stupid GL server.

    Alright, that should be it. If I missed you, it's not cause I don't know you, or hate you, but it's just cause, well... this isn't really a goodbye. Think of it more like an LOA... just way longer. Remember: It's stupid G-Mod, but that doesn't mean it's all pointless.

    Thanks to anyone who read, from people who know me, or don't. 

    And incase I don't see ya: Good morning, good afternoon, and good night!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, JDWhatever said:

    Moonrose: Start trusting your command, they won’t trust you unless you put some faith into them and actually show you care. Be conscientious of the tone you use as it sounds like a belittling teacher. The way you currently run the branch is heading on a downhill spiral… no matter how many branch updates you release, or how many times testing restrictions get lowered. 


    Nyde: Honestly, you’re a solid individual. Reasonable, know when to play and when to be serious. Keep doing everything you’re doing exactly and you’ll be just fine.  

    Smitty: Homie I love you to bits, but since you became DHOR you became an ass. Respect doesn’t come from trying to intimidate. (trust me I know from military experience). It comes from being a reasonable person, and showing affection. 


    someone said it.

    • Skull 1
  3. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-2006 

    2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2859203566 (I will explain more later)

    3. Link(s) to SWEPs: n/a (None)

    4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? 3000

    5. Why should we add this SCP?: Listen, we have a lot, and I mean a lot of SCPs that are just monsters that kill you. I get it's a horror based game at it's core, but I still feel there could be more interesting things we could do with SCPs. This SCP could bring a bit of that horror + more RP without actively being able to kill personnel. It would also give Research more interesting in-game SCPs, which is always a plus (i am biased.)

    6. Basic summary of the SCP: SCP-2006 is a spherical entity (in lore) able to take shape of anything it deems scary. The SCP's main goal is to make personnel afraid. This SCP is capable of speech, by the way.

    7. Extra information: For balance reasons this SCP would not be able to kill people, as (just an example) if it saw SCP-682, it could just take that form and... and yeah we're super screwed. This SCP would also not be allowed to transform into humans, as that would just take away the purpose of SCP-8286-GL. For a method of transformation into scary things (like other SCPs) then... well I'm not too sure. There could be a custom swep, or an advert system of changing SCPs for it. Probably the latter as to avoid long programming.

    This SCP would not stir chaos via killing, but rather through communication error. If there is not a clear known whereabout of SCP-2006, or people just don't know it's SCP-2006, then things could go bad quickly without teamwork. MTF should have to use deduction to figure out what's what, I think it's a bit more fun than just shooting at it (although you could do that immediatley.)

  4. Imagination: 15/25. Test idea is okay, and the humor at the end was nice.

    Writing: 13/25. I don't know if the often lowercase is a part of the aesthetic but it's distracting when you spell certain things capitalized either way. Everything else is fine, though.

    Aesthetic: 25/25. Colours pop out from the background in a nice way, and the gif is great.

    Pacing/Length: 20/25. Feels a bit cut short but still not longer than it needs to be for the most part.

    Overall: 73/100, Great

  5. Just now, jkhkonecny said:

    what can I do to improve that to make it more authentic 

    Hard to say, maybe get more into detail on some ideas for PTs/Mass Tests? Or hell just some other miscelanious things. Also there are other ways to get research online, aside from bribery.

    if you wanna do generic stuff, well: generic stuff works. but the more you stand out the better in this branch (for good reasons, of course.)

  6. Note: Dearly sorry for the long wait! I forgot about this.

    Imagination: 20/25, smart use of the SCP and having a more vague form of lock is fun.

    Writing: 17/25, could use some work on the clinical tone, but still convincing and in character.

    Aesthetic: 10/25, bland, but does its job.

    Length/Pacing: 20/25, wish there was a bit more in depth testing, but still isn't longer than needs to be.

    Overall: 67/100, Good.

  7. 1 hour ago, Pills said:

    I don't believe the TTK is the issue as last year, I felt it took a normal amount of time to kill someone. The issue was everyone had a ton of hp. The TTK was so high that the Fury Soldier had 300/225 and E4 had 300/250. And other jobs also had crazy high hp. So I believe that's why it went down. I feel the main problem with 'why it takes too long to kill' is that the limb damage does like 1/4 of the damage when I think it should probably do a 1/3 or 1/2. I get that it doesn't sound reasonable but it will definitely have a decent increase in TTK. I personally don't have an issue with the TTK but if people want it buffed, just buff that. The reason I am defending the TTK so much is because if the TTK gets high enough, it rewards how many bullets you can dodge and speed rather than aim. I get the roleplay in the TTK increase "humans should be able to tank that many shots" but if the TTK is too high, CI/Sarkic raids are just going to end at EZ a LOT more often. SCPs are going to be recontained much quicker. (So you would need to buff most of the SCPs) and in general I feel like a TTK buff is just a nerf to all of these. I haven't reread any of these sentences so my grammar is probably god awful and idc goodbye

    Ah yeah, completely forgot about limb damage, I don't get why that of all things would be so low.

  8. I believe current TTK multiplier is 0.85? It may be higher, I'm not sure.

    Personally, I feel it should be higher. Human players shouldn't be able to take many bullets, and combat ending quicker is a good thing. And I feel faster combat makes RP better, as you'll have to strategize more to get the jump on enemy gamers.

    Stuff like D-Class will be harder, but it'll be harder for both sides, since everyone is equally taking damage here.

    Non-Combatants will die faster, but so will their threats.

    I really don't see a major issue on the off chance they'd buff TTK to a higher degree, it's just rewarding better combat with more engaging fights, and just seeing an unexpected opponent fall on the floor with a gun to the face is just beautiful, ain't it? Hell, it'll even make certain weapons somewhat viable now. Like shotguns will have more of an actual purpose, cause... y'know, they can kill people in a close range much better, like it's the point of a shotgun or something.

    Now I'm just one person who thinks this, and I'm sure there's something biased in here, so I'd like to hear other peoples' opinions on this matter.

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