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Posts posted by DeltaBlueWolf

  1. On 9/25/2020 at 4:10 AM, Blitz said:


    Did not know @ting the owner was a bad idea. Jupiter can be a little, lets say stupid at times. Right after it happened i told him not to do it and its not allowed but he was already banned. I believe he should get a second chance.


  2. What is your in game name?: Deltoid

    What is your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:530554389

    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman 

    What specialty are you applying for?: Engineering Officer aka EO 

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral RJ

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?:  I shall help 31st with tryouts and do my own (if that is okay with 31st ), i shall run sims to help improve their skills and i will offer help and assistance to those that need it. i hope that this will improve the activity of 31st and increase the number of people wanting to join the 31st regiment.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?:  I have been kind, responsible, i have always listened to my higher ups and taken on their criticism, i have never gotten a warn from a admin ,  i have learned from past mistakes by taking on criticism from higher ups/lower ranks and improved upon that criticism which makes me believe that i can be a suitable EO for the 31st regiment.

    Why do you want this rank?: I would like this rank so that i can help and assist the 31st with their daily duties such as tryouts and sims. i also want to put the 31st regiment is on its best performance possible by making sure that all the 31st know the rules, what their equipment does and assist them whenever and wherever possible so that we can all be safe on board this ISD. 

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes i do

    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: My purpose would be to assist the 31st regiment to make sure that the ISD is working at its peek capacity. i would ensure that all 31st equipment is up to date and if not upgrade it, repair it, or order new equipment so that 31st can keep maintaining and repairing the ship. i would help enforce the rules of 31st so that the 31st can be seen in a good light by all the members of this ISD so that they know that the 31st are a trust worthy battalion and that they can feel safe knowing that this ISD is safe to work on. 

  3. 1. What is your name? Deltoid.

    2. What is your rank? SA.

    3. How long have you been enlisted? 10 Days.

    4. What rank are you applying for?  i am applying for SP.

    5. How many strikes do you have? I have no strikes.

    6. Why should we trust you with a NCO rank? i have been respectful, responsible, always followed orders, i have never gotten a warn from a admin , i have learnt from mistakes and improved upon them which makes me believe that i can be a suitable NCO for this regiment.

    7. What can you do to assist officers with this rank? i can be active during a time where most NCOs cannot due to me living in Britain, i shall help with tryouts and run my own, i shall run sims and i shall offer my help to those of us that need it.

    8. Do you agree that if you are striked within the first week you will be put back down to the enlisted rank? Yes i do.

  4. 1. Whats your in game name? MC SG S SGT Deltiod 5767

    2. Whats your steam id? 76561199021374506

    3. Have you read the medical SOP?  Yes

    4. How long have you been on the server?: 3 days

    5. How many warns do you have?: 0

    6. Why do you want to be an officer?: i want to be an officer so i can help others in medical and be there to help them, i have also noticed a lack of commanders/officers in medical that are in the BST timezone and i want to help in that regard.  i may be new to the server but i still love this regiment and i want to help it as much as possible which is why i am willing to take on the responsibility that being an officer brings.

    7. What timezone are you in? And how available can you be on a typical day?: BST i have school on week days but i can be more active during the weekends.

    8. How well do you command this regiment?: i will dedicate my time to become the best leader i can be  for medical  i am able be honest, loyal, focused  and i can take criticism and responsibility for my actions. 

    9. What makes you standout from other applicants and what can you bring to the medical corps command?: i can provide coverage for a timezone not many others can, and im able to take criticism to learn how to be better i am also able to take orders well.

    P.S thanks for reading

    btw 3 days total play time ive been hoping onto the server for about 9 days now

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