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Posts posted by DeltaBlueWolf

  1. 10 hours ago, robertomanjini said:


    +good app

    +has time in the battalion 

    +has shown dedication when i was MO, and also CMO and showed what good medical he was when he took charge 

    +loves medical in alot of ways 

    +idk who else to think of a better person for this position 


  2. I am not a suitable vice commander. while being in this amazing position i have not been on the server as much as i should have this is because of me allowing stress to get the better of me and i believe i wont be able to improve this due to the number of events happening around me that include an apprenticeship right around the corner and a sibling on the way this will take up too much time to also be in command of this amazing regiment medical has helped me in so many ways just trying to count them makes my head spin love you guys and i'm sorry i couldn't be the vice commander that you deserve.


    • Like 1
  3. On 12/18/2020 at 12:47 AM, Mr Greg said:

    + Support
    - Knows how to be in a command position
    - Is back on the server and decently active
    - A great choice to fill the second slot

    Trust worthy and has a lot of experience he has already helped me a lot within medical and is a great fit for command! - MC VCMDR Deltoid

  4. On 12/19/2020 at 7:16 PM, The Ky said:

    Massive +Support
    Very Active
    Best fit for the position 
    Has been in medical for a while 
    Has already done so much for Medical 

    Good luck

    M gonna be honest maple is the best for this position and I have up most respect for this guy as he is kind and has already improved medical for the better I hope to have him as my commander soon 😄 - MC HS VCMDR Deltoid

  5. On 12/7/2020 at 7:46 PM, Friend Maple said:


    • Good Leader and makes themselves readily available
    • Has shown great maturity in handling issues
    • Does not immediately judge a situation from initial appearance
    • Would be a sturdy rock for Shock to build themselves up around
    • Good Person


  6. On 12/2/2020 at 10:46 PM, Rupert Monroe said:


    Wants to help IF improve 

    Good at what he does


    Friendly to other battalions

    App isn't as long as other Command Apps but you don't really need to write an Encyclopedia Britannica on why you should get VCMDR on a Gmod server so I don't really care but spelling could you some work (It should be "I" when you refer to yourself, you should know this dog)


  7. On 11/23/2020 at 2:44 AM, Micro Wave said:

    -Absolute amazing LTC and has done so much for ST since he first joined
    -was a amazing 7th sister
    -Deserves the rank, is an amazing leader and has done so much with ImpRP as a whole.


  8. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 

    MC EMS DIR COL Deltoid 5764


    2. What Regiment are you applying for? 

    The 69th medical core


    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? 

    I want to be a vice commander because i love medical its been like a new family to me that is why i want to be a good vice commander for them i also want to add some of the many ideas i have had for medical with maple because communication is paramount between commanders cause if we do not communicate it the command team becomes unorganized and messy.

    the ideas i wish to implement with maple would be stuff like adding activities to medical to make off event time in medical more entertaining, ideas to improve communication that can be used to organize medical to certain areas of the map this can ensure that events are more fun for medical troopers i believe these have the ability to make medical a more unique experience for our troops i will also do my best to represent medical as well as possible in command meetings to just walking down the hall i will do my best to be a good vice commander. I want to be up there with maple to help lead implement new ideas for medical and to be a kind face to go to if you are confused and that is why i want to be a vice commander.


    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    1 month i joined medical on 20/8/2020


    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

    The purpose of vice commander is to assist the command team with pretty much everything battalion related including roaster work, adding/updating documentation, adding rules and rewarding and/or punishing NCO+ But Vice commanders also have to take control when the battalion has no commander or senior commander which means we must be trust worthy and trusted by those that you command without trust there is no hope of commanding a regiment you also have to provide new and exciting things to your chosen regiment to keep activity up in your regiment and be their for anyone to go ask questions to if they are confused or wish to suggest something you have be be there for them.


    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : 

    I believe i am trustworthy of the rank vice commander  because of my experience around the server in all my time i have never gotten a PT a strike or a demotion along with the fact that i was trusted with director of research i have also never gotten a warn during my time on the server, i have been entrusted with the rank of Game Master which i have used for many SIMs, i have shown ability to get criticism and improve myself for the better this leads  me to believe that i am worthy of the rank Vice commander of this amazing regiment i have also been a director in research which allowed me a glimpse in the world of a commander and i loved it sure it's no nowhere as big as medical but research still holds a special place in my heart.  

    I understand that I have a lot to live up to but I am ready to take that step. It will be hard but I believe that with determination I will be able to live up to Brendan and blarg maybe not in the same way as they stepped up but I will in due time.


    7. How often can you be Online? : 

    I am online 7 days a week about 3+ hours each day i do have exams coming up so that may take a hit.


    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 

    I do not have any.

  9. What is your in game name?: Deltoid

    What is your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5305544389

    What is your rank on the naval roster?: Midshipman

    What specialty are you applying for?: GO

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral Nimo

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: to make sure we are not caught with our pants down when the rebels come to attack us i will be repairing and maintaining TL, ion cannons and making sure our targeting systems are operating smoothly i will do this by focusing on working with the others in the GO branch to ensure we are all on the same page and working to the best of are abilities so we can work as efficient as possible. i will also not show any disrespect to our fellow troopers (from are battalion or any others) on this ISD, i will not minge, i will make sure that those that who act inappropriately in Turbo lazers will either be detained or be told to leave as to keep turbo lasers a safe place for those who are operating in them and i will stay active to ensure the safety of this ISD and the troopers on bored.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: I believe i should be trusted with this position due to my rank as a medical LTCOL with this rank i have shown i can be active, respectful, and that i can offer a helping hand no matter when or where. another reason i believe i should be trusted as in the GO branch is my experience on this server i have been in many different battalions and i have never gotten a strike in any one of them nor have i gotten a warn from a member of staff this makes me believe i would be a good fit for the gunnery branch.

    Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank because since watching the empire strikes back i have loved the look of gunnery, their uniforms, their station and the fact they can commit genocide with a flick of a switch i also wanted to know how they functioned and that has stayed with me all these years.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Of course

    What is your purpose within you assigned branch?: To maintain the ships  weaponry systems such as TL and ion cannons we must also make sure the targeting systems are functioning to the best of their ability in order to blast enemy fleets out of the sky. as well as maintaining serious RP as to not seem unfit for the tasks we undertake or to have our reputation diminished.

  10. Massive + Support

    - Great leading skills

    - Very trust worthy

    - Has command experience (Directer of research)

    - Amazing guy

    i love this man he has shown time and time again that he is dedicated, trust worthy and outgoing i have witnessed him study on other servers to improve research ive seen him learn how to use blender just to make one model just to improve research ive never seen him lose his temper once in all my time on this server hes has even made custom pictures for tryout pings he is the definition of a good guy and i hope to serve under him as my vice commander soon.

  11. +Massive Support

    -Has experience in medical 

    -Has already helped me with ideas


    -Very dedicated

    -Good app

    I hope you get accepted good luck 😄

    (from Medical MAJ Deltiod)


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