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DeletedUser12345 last won the day on August 6 2023

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About DeletedUser12345

  • Birthday 07/09/1959

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  1. I understand the suggestions were locked for a reason but I believe they should be unlocked for the fact that so many people have great ideas that just get swept under the rug because there is no formal way to suggest change. Not only that but we can’t give community feedback on changes if they are being suggested straight to Zeeptin or SMT.
  2. +support best gaming chair in the west.
  3. Thanks for your work and dedication in Security.
  4. "I thought you were a woman"
  5. Your name: Sprink Your Discord ID name (EX: Igneous#3706): sprinklertek Your Discord ID code (EX: 204661777512923136): 476574291689865257 Which discord server were you banned on? SCPRP What was the reason for your ban (if you know it)? I was banned for posting a 1984 gif after a user was banned. Why do you deserve to be unbanned? I apologize for my inappropriate behavior amongst the discord. I believe it was bad timing for myself to post a meme and was not trying to disrespect Zeeptin for banning the individual. I understand now how Zeeptin could have viewed what I did as wrong and I apologize if it seemed that way but I was just attempting to make the bad situation into a good one with laughter and memery. I would like to be unbanned so that if I chose to I could redeem my reserves and come back to the server because without being able to join the discord I am unable to hold any RP jobs.
  6. Shouldn’t have transferred to Nu7 smh.
  7. Aren't these supposed to be in suggestions?
  8. +support give this man command NOW
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