In-Game Name: jeff
SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) STEAM_0:1:124369060
What is your ULX Rank?: silver
What is your RP Rank?: 74
What is your timezone?: pst
How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 5 just more to lean.
Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): NO
How Active are you? (1/10):8 i have school. MOST OF THE day and I stay
How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 22
Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I know it is a lot of warns but every one on the sever love me. Trust me I will be a good et. I will host a lot of event. We will have a lot of fun. my main goal is to make the sever good again. like I said it is a lot of warns but we can work pass the pass and move to the preset and we can work pass coronavirus. we can get pass the sick ness. so if we can get pass this we can get the sever up and going. and we will have a lot of fun. all of the et that we do is for the sever to have fun and win the sever have fun I have fun. The sever will have a lot of fun. a lot of people no how I am and trust me they will have a lot of fun. I hope that you have a good day
sincerely Jeff
Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):
(682 vs d class )
the d class will have a shotgun and try to take down scp 682 and give them 1000 hp and 200 armor and scp 682 will have his swap and 3k hp and no armor and the d class can choose what skin the ci will get the power off and win the power goes out all of the scps will be let out so win the event ends the mft will have to get the power back on and the mtf will have to get the scp will get rc'd if they need help I will help . I'm just hill to have fun and the sever to have fun and bring the sever up.
Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: yes
What is your favorite SCP 682? Why? you are a big turtle and fast and you can go a kill spring.