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Somm for the <D.A.L>

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Everything posted by Somm for the <D.A.L>

  1. This is the greatest test log I've seen in a while, you had a good idea, you had good execution, great work both of you.
  2. Name: Associate Researcher Samuel J Rank: AR Clearance Level: Level 3 Describe the incident: AR Samuel Jackson and D-5009 was escorted by two Mobile Task Force members to SCP-049's containment chamber, 049 was seen "renovating," it's operating table before stopping once it noticed visitors. AR Samuel Jackson: "Doctor, how was your day," SCP-049: "Have you brought what I asked?" AR Samuel J: "Yes, one moment please,", Associate Researcher Samuel Jackson put their bag on the floor and pulled out a perfectly sized orangutan costume, and ordered D-5009 to put it on, D-5009 entered the containment cell and SCP-049 began to take notice, SCP-049: "You brought me a monkey?" AR Samuel J: "The orangutan's anatomy is very similar to a human's," SCP-049: "Is this what I asked for?". After pausing for a short moment, 049 began to inspect the fake orangutan shortly before touching it, before taking a more angry tone, SCP 049: "Oh, I see, this isn't a monkey at all, you lied to me,", AR Samuel J: "I can assure you that is indeed an orangutan,", 049 began to operate on D-5009's corpse in a rushed surgery, shortly afterwards D-5009 turned into an instance of 049-2. Mobile Task Force soldier SGT Ash F0XT shortly afterwards left the room, before Dr. Bright walked inside the chamber, Dr. Bright: "Who wants to help me kill the 049-2?", 049's containment chamber was opened and the Mobile Task force soldier remaining in the room opened fire on the instance of 049-2 along with Dr. Bright, SCP-049 ran out of the chamber attempting to attack the foundation personel present, the instance of 049-2 was quickly dispatched by the Mobile Task force unit present, 049 appeared to surrender and calm down shortly before Dr. Bright went absent from the room, 049 reassumed it's aggressive state and turned the Mobile Task force soldier into an instance of 049-2, the blast door was closed by Associate Researcher Samuel Jackson and Mobile Task force was called to the location, the first force sent was wiped out by SCP-049 and turned into SCP-049-2. A Chaos Insurgency raid also occured in which case all Chaos Insurgency soldiers were turned into 049-2. RCF reported on the scene and afterwards successfully returned SCP-049 to their containment chamber. List classes of SCP(s) involved: SCP-049, SCP-049-2 Immediate complications due to the incident: Defcon grade lowered, Junior Researchers locked in bunks. Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): Distrust of foundation staff by SCP-049. Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): Mobile Task Force, Security RCF, Resolution towards incident: Large RCF force surrounded SCP-049 and moved them back to their chamber. How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Euclid breach, moderately dangerous. Extra Information: None.
  3. Thank you very much, because of this test I was promoted to AR and I should be able to conduct more original tests in the future with access to Heavy Containment.
  4. Have you found out which disease causes the reader to combust into fire? That happened with the reader in my own test and I have yet to find out. Anyway, great log.
  5. Lore Name: Junior Researcher Samuel J Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 1025 Question / Idea: Does SCP-714 successfully block all of 1025's symptoms of disease? Background Research: The inability to jump from appendicitis symptoms still remains when wearing SCP-714. Hypothesis: SCP-714 will not block the more advanced effects of SCP-1025 but will prevent most direct symptoms. Observations (What Happened During Test): D-1325 was taken from the cells and moved to the safe item containment area, D-1325 entered the area with visible distress, D-1325: "I'm not going to be putting on that ring,", the test was unaccompanied by security and no attempt was made to force them to put on the ring, and they were taken into SCP-1025's containment chamber, D-1325 was unrestrained and the door was shortly after closed, Junior Researcher Samuel J: "Please pull out a random page from the book,", D-1325: "Alright,", D-1325 shortly afterwards cooperated and read a page from the encyclopedia of diseases. D-1325 started screaming in agony for only a few seconds, Junior Researcher Samuel J opened the door to see D-1325's corpse on the floor of the chamber, and from camera footage, D-1325 appeared to combust into flames after reading the book, it is yet to be verified what page of the book he read to cause this outcome. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: Camera footage inside SCP-1025's chamber. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Unknown, will be conducting test with participant wearing SCP-714, they will navigate to the page read in this test and read themselves without any consequences. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: I did not have the chance to find out, but I have found something much more interesting to test on. Edit: Did not clarify that the escort left for whatever reason after I got to the safe chambers, which is why I said I had no security, very important.
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