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Posts posted by Conrad

  1. On 6/21/2021 at 2:33 PM, Mike Simoa said:


    Ive known travis since he was a msgt, and Ill say this, I havent had a serious issue in these 4 months that Ive known him he does a great job in pd lc and his other departments and I feel that he is rdy for colonel.



    (I wrote this like three weeks ago bare with me)


    Each and every single member of SWAT, it has been an honor working beside you. This department hold some of my fondest memories on this server, and I met a lot of cool people who I wouldn’t mind to continue talking to!


    Commander Nao - Thank you for the extra opportunity in SWAT command, and never giving up on me. And
    I carried in left 4 dead 2. 


    CoCommander Drippy - Pretty cool guy ig and he’s nice with the kf2 I think idk

    Captain Soul - Oh yea, I’ve known Soul for quite a bit of time ever since he called me a random when Pimp added me to his cc. Was an honor working beside you


    Captain Chipdail - Ah yes, the best Russian in SWAT, it was an honor working with you in DOC, SWAT, and PD command and I will cherish the time I fined a guy for 10k for the reason “bad”

    Lieutenant MiniEpic - Quite frankly the master furry, one of the first people I met on the server. Thanks for the memories. “I’m a gay furry”


    Lieutenant Techy - Lowkey got command the same time as you and look at us now... Fuck u


    MSGT Scruffy - Didn’t talk to you all that much but it was still fun working with you!


    MSGT John Newsom - I’ve known John and his hot piece of ass sister for awhile, and quite frankly, I’d tap that.


    SSGT Ragle (because he told me to) - aye yo fuck u



    Dude there's too many supervisors and enlisted to thank but thanks all of you for making my experience in SWAT possible, it was an honor working beside you all!

    • Sad 2
  3. 13 hours ago, Masterson said:


    -While I do think your a nice guy, this application mainly the last question could use a lot of work.

    -I very rarely see you on

    - Low Amount of fourms post.

    Also no poll

    You seem like a very nice person from when I have talked to you, however I think you need to work on becoming more well known, a long with a little bit more acitivty on the fourms, good luck!


  4. On 4/7/2021 at 2:28 PM, Vital said:


    -sorta mingy 

    -Sometimes see you on

    -Just don't Think your ready in my opinion

    -Not that known in the community

    Nothing against you! in my opinion just try and be more known and work on a few other things and you will have my +

    I have also have had bad experiences with him and doesn’t have a poll on the app 

  5. 18 hours ago, Jimmy James said:


    This guy has been around as long as I can remember and is always a respectful and well known. Phil has previous staff experience and would be a great addition back into the staff team.


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