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Posts posted by Dect

  1. 55 minutes ago, Hope said:

    +/- support

    While I think that everyone should be given a second chance if you only have one warn, I think you  need more time to re-evaluate what you did as the warn is quite recent. (9/13)

    Nevermind my old post

  2. 2 hours ago, Phillers said:

    This sit was already handled in game by a staff member. If you believe that said staff member handled unjustly or unfairly, you should be reporting them. Staff's decision in a sit is final, after all.

    As for this situation, metagame is not applicable because even IF he got told it through Ts3 he could've been in an RP Channel, and as 527 is a Anomaly which is both Humanoid & Sentient, and is allowed to assist Foundation staff it could've warned him just fine.


    9 hours ago, Sprinklertek said:

    I was in fact the moderator on the scene. I decided to go with a verbal because it was clearly miscommunication from both sides. J0LT was typing in chat which could have been easily overlooked and in the clip not all of the CI were actually pointing there guns at him.  I also see no evidence really of meta gaming and in the original staff sit this was not said so that part I have no idea what happened.  The thing that really ticks me off is that people are saying that is "staff bias" which it defiantly was not. I handed out a punishment which is the necessary punishment for this report according the staff handbook and it seemed like a complete miscommunication in the clip and when Infamous was there he explained the situation and even admitted he did not see all the CI and did not see the chat. Also 527 can talk so it was not metagaming for the Fish to tell him that there was CI there.


  3. 8 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


    • You were just denied. I suggest waiting some more time
    • Haven't seen a quality test log from you
    • You stated you wouldn't do tests on the job which is pretty counterproductive
    • O5 Research isn't like command, you don't really oversee people like command does. Its more for doing tests that you usually wouldn't be able to do as normal research if im not wrong
    • Mingey from all my interactions with you


    30 minutes ago, General bacon said:


    App semms rushed

    Just denied

    You say you dont want to do many test 





    You were jsut denied of this role
    Relax and apply another time while you have time to fix and alter yourself

  4. Just now, Dragin said:

    You can't even hit me dude. Just cause you guys think you can shoot through solid objects doesn't mean I am breaking the rules 😂

    If you're being directly shot that means you are in combat. I don't understand how you still don't think that this isn't combat healing. Being shot at = combat. Meaning that your statement of saying that you were out of combat for 10 seconds is a lie. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Dragin said:

    Thats a riot shield not a medkit the person healing me was Doom Guy as for the elevator you also stopped shooting 

    Being shot at still means that you were in combat. someone still shot a bullet towards you at the end if you look. you were still being shot at and being shot at means you were in combat. 

  6. 3 hours ago, Phillers said:

    Defcon reasonings are already announced in /f comms. Quite frankly, i see no reason why CI/D-Class should be able to see the reasonings behind the defcons. If CI wants to know the reasoning they have Maynard&Sleuths for that, and D-Class have no reasoning whatshowever.

    As for the Announcing it every 5-10 minutes part, that would just be tedious to do. If someone wants to know the reason behind Defcons they can ask in /f comms.

    I have literally never heard this was an issue.


  7. 3 hours ago, Sixx said:

    Not to be disrespectful but aren't you blacklisted from staff?


    Honestly you have changed a lot since you were removed from staff and I truly believe you could make an amazing T-Mod. Your active, dedicated to the server, and made a well written staff app! I hope you get!


  8.                I did say I baited you but I realize my bait was not a bait over all. I do need to watch now I communicate but I did not say that all safe class SCP's need to follow and comply with foundation personnel. I said that you and 999 had to follow and comply with foundation personnel. I don't understand why you're making a staff report in the first place when you did not receive a punishment but all was done to you was that you were cuffed by roll and moved out of the containment chamber. With you refusing to leave the CC is failrp as 1424 needs to follow and comply with foundation personnel but it is also failrp for you to be in the cc in the first place. I only see this as you wanting a punishment for yourself at this point. You also didn't leave the cc you were rolled against and put on a leash. This is my side of the story.
    You also didn't include your steam id or my steam name

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