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Posts posted by Dect

  1. 9 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    From what I see, the grenade exploded just behind you, and he didn’t fly back he jumped back. From what I see I don’t think it was suicide bombing but that’s just me

    And from what I’ve seen the grenade launcher does mediocre damage when you shoot it directly at someone’s feet. Let alone at someone close to them.


    +/- Support as this is a very sticky situation and its hard to tell weather or not it if it was his intent to do so. He also didn't die during it so I wouldn't call it "Suicide Bombing".

  2. -support
    -Application is slim
    -9 warns

    39 minutes ago, Mystery Gamer said:

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) i believe that i can do better in this server cause i came to this server just to get banned but untell i see how fun playing on a rp server and i believe that i deserve this rank cause i can be on to help others and stop people from making this server not fun CAUSE ITS A FUN SERVER with great people like cookie,assassin,dect,fallout,sarge,sprink,beepis,lantard and other more great people and i can make the server a great place for people to play and have fun and i can help with the rp exp like handing rdm,mrdm,ardm,ltap,mass cursing and other stuff

    -Thank you for the complement but I will not be implementing bias because you gave such kind words

    40 minutes ago, Mystery Gamer said:

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    i would warn them for mass rdm (with prove and checking logs) and if it keeps on happening then i will get higher up that can ban them for mass rdm and mass cursing

    -This is a major red flag. With a mas rdming situation you need to report it to a higher up immediately to get the Ban placed on the victim after you warned them for such actions.

    42 minutes ago, Mystery Gamer said:

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    ? You will be tested on it: no cause i cant find it i will see if a admin can get it for me

    -Have not read the Staff guidelines which is linked in the format.
    -I hope to see you take these critiques into consideration!

  3. 39 minutes ago, Sparkle said:


    Quality application and has made positive impacts in the many branches she has been in. I very much enjoy the efforts.

    Pleasure to be around
    Application is very beefy 
    Eilish has been nothing but welcoming to others and has been very dedicated to helping others
    I have never had a negative interaction with Eilish and I will definitely recommend Eilish to be on the staff team just from the way Eilish acts around people and takes initiative

  4. 41 minutes ago, Squash said:

    +/-Support leaning towards -

    Your application is pretty good, but you only recently joined back. There are others that proved themselves in the testing environment, and showed that they can handle these anomalies. I think you need a little more time within Research before joining 05 Research.



  5. -Support
    -App is very short and doesn't look like you want the position.
    -Only SGT in Chaos Insurgency.
    - Fairly new to the server.
    -I advise you to become a bit more well known in the community giving you a status that will help you get into RRH.
    -Read for wanting to join RRH is very vague.

    I personally believe that you may have potential to become RRH in the future but maybe now isn't that time.
    I hope you use my critiques as a way to guide yourself to get that RRH position


  6. On 10/4/2020 at 1:48 AM, [GL] Mike said:


    Active, Responsible, Takes Lead, Great Command Performance 100% of the time, Has no toxic past/behavior, Committed.

    Good Luck man! 


    14 hours ago, BadAim said:


    outstanding application, GJ 👍


  7. On 10/5/2020 at 7:36 PM, [GL] funnyfish0 said:


    Really Cool guy Knows how to do these kinds of tests


    Why not

    I have seen this man go from being a minge to taking pride in what he does
    I never really had a conversation with this individual but my total outlook on him has always been positive

  8. 4 minutes ago, Tweety said:



    -Very active

    -Dedicated to his job

    -Loves helping people

    -Very friendly


    As an scp i have to say his very annoying because he keep fixing my cc and doors everytime we break it XD


    I dont see why not

    • Like 1
  9. 38 minutes ago, [GL] Dtscalice said:


    Active man

    actively calls for a medic or goes to medbay when surgery is needed (also How the Hell do you always end up at perfectly 20% HP?????)

    extra + Support so that he dont die as often or end up at 20% HP again lol


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