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Posts posted by Schoodst

  1. Imma just take a break for like a week, I've been wanting to play other games, and gaminglight just doesn't seem that interesting to me at the moment, ill be back soon tho!

    1/28/23 > 2/4/23

    Ranks are stated in signature:

    Nu7 SM


    RRH Guardian

    Senior Moderator

  2. (Before you -support because of previous problems with this, I listed some ways they could make this work better)

    Suggesting the return of gifting!!! 

    Many have suggested this before but I thought up some ways to make it work!

    1. Add some filter so staff members cannot be selected without permission from that staff member (notification or something like that)
    2. Make the gifts acceptable, so people can look at what they're being gifted, and set up precautions incase they're staff, (or if someone is gifting them a lower dono rank, they can decline the gift, and the person gifting will have their credits refunded)
    3. Addition to part above, make the giftees credits not be taken until the gift is accepted, this will make it easier incase the gift is declined

    These are some ways that the gifting system could work better, this combats the issue of staff losing ranks due to gifters. But all in all, bring gifting back!

  3. 3 hours ago, Mangoo said:

    +/- Support 
    I want to preface this with just a quick opinion statement. I am neither against or for you atm, you just have your pros and some small issues i see here and there that kind of put me on the fence, I don't want to disrespect you or put you down, just want to give you some advice so that you can maybe improve where you are weak. Also ty for making this colorful and formatted, much more fun to read than typical white on black.

    + Active from what I can see
    + Not much past experience, but you do make up for it in desire to learn and give a good effort
    - Answers are either vague or kind of off track at some points
    - A questionable warn history

    Question Analysis : 
    Q1 : Isn't much that really tells why we should trust you, but then again you don't have much command past, so for now just proving yourself as trust worthy and remaining active is enough.
    Q2 : Same problem as other applicants, moreso just be more specific when writing applications such as this. Just stating that you are ready to change the branch or fix its drawbacks isn't specific enough and just sounds like stuffer content that just inflates your application with no extra content to be gathered. But for your experience, this is good enough.
    Q3 : Again, just being more specific here would benefit you greatly, just specify your strengths in detail. In this question you could also highlight your weaknesses and admit them, as to me that is a bigger strength that many people have. So again, just be more specific here.

    S1 : By the books yes, this would be correct. But i feel a more soft and eye to approach would work better here. Try to see eye to eye with the PFC, maybe think back on when you had a bad day and what would have made that better and try to talk the PFC first. If it continues then issue punishment
    S2 : What is described isn't necessarily against the rules, for example if this individual was a CPT and you were a 2LT and they were just ignoring you or constantly out for your skin, it wouldn't be against the rules but its more of just a toxicity issue that needs to be handled calmly and rationally. In a situation like this, its best to hear the person out, ask them why they seem to dislike you and ignore you. If you can work it out from there, great. If not, bring it to a higher command member who can handle the issue and go from there.

    Thank you for the feedback! I'll make sure to improve on some of these spots.

  4. 19 hours ago, "La Sombra" Meepyon said:

    Well I play as 343 a lot, let's see what I do:

    -Fly around and go just about everywhere,
    -Visit other SCPs that are on and talk to them in their containment chamber
    -Report (sometimes cuss at them if needed over my mic) any GENSEC or MTF member if I see them out of line, like breaking the rules
    -Talk to any D-Class
    -Spectate any gunfight or SCP killing sprees that go on

    It's a LOT more fun than what people think

    W Sombra he the 343 police

    • Like 1
  5. Your name on the roster: Schoodst


    Your current rank (SGT+ is required to apply): FTO SM


    You understand if we accept this you will have a 2 Week evaluation period where we will judge your activity and watch you closely? This should never be no:  Yes


    Do you have any warns on SCP-RP? If so, please say when they were, and why. You can check warns with !warns: 8, reasons in screenshot




    Why should we trust you as a Command Member? (100+ Words): I have been a member of MTF for a while now, and I feel I can do well as a command member. I enjoy playing on the server and know the rules and what to do in situations of need, I have little command experience, only being and RnD command for a little while, but I still feel I understand what I need to be a command member, I enjoy this branch and can commit myself to better this branch in all ways possible. I have been a part of the community for a long time and Nu7 has always been my favorite branch.


    Why do you believe you deserve this position, and why do you want it? (125+ words): I feel I am ready to become a part of command, I have the strengths needed to fulfill my role as a member of command, and I am ready for any challenges I might face. I would like to become a part of command because I enjoy Nu7 and would like to better it and make sure that everything is well in the branch while making sure to keep out any bad audiences. I don't feel like "deserve" would be the right word to describe this. I more feel like I am ready to take on this position, not that it is owed to me, or that I "deserve" it, I feel that I am ready to take up the position and will put in any work needed to make myself, and the branch in a whole, better.


    Why do you feel that you are the best option for the rank you are applying for? (50+ Words): I feel I am one of the best options for this rank because I have many strengths that will be useful towards being command, I am good at helping others with any problems they may have, and I will work to fix any issues that may get in the way of working operations.




    You've organized squads for the people on at the time. You notice that a PFC is disrespecting others, in an extremely frustrated tone. What actions do you take?: Pull the PFC off to the side, and tell them to stop the toxicity, if they stop, I will let them go with a warning, but if continued, to a major degree, I will pull him aside again and give him a strike.


    You have a problem with someone in the branch, whether it be they are causing issues or are not listening to you. They have not done this or have been warned about this before. In your opinion, what would you do in this situation?: Tell them that what they are doing is against the rules, and that they need to stop. If continued, give punishment as necessary (pertaining to what they did). If they stop, then just make sure they don't do it again.







  6. In Game Name: Schoodst

    Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427): STEAM_0:0:81042712

    Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): Schoodst#0907

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

    Current RP Ranks Held: Nu7 FTO SM, CI STS PFC

    Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): None

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 8 (All from around a year ago)

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: The Red Right Hand team is one of the more interesting branches in the foundation. The whole mystery surrounding them has always made me interested in them, and joining them is something I would most definitely want to do. The jobs that they do are something that I enjoy doing on Nu7 anyways, so I already have a feel for the tasks I will be put up to.

    Why should we accept you: I am a pretty active member of the community and can be on most hours of the day. I am already familiar with the kinds of work I will be put up to in the Guardians Squadron as I already do most of it on Nu7. I am not terrible at PvP and can hit most of my shots. I can follow orders given by higher ups efficiently and can handle most threats against the personnel I am defending. I know when I need to retreat and when I can take advantage of a certain situation.



  7. Update to this, I still gave Silvester a verbal warning, as Silvester said it was a lag spike (You can still move while in a lag spike, but you cant see people OR DAMAGE OVERLAY). Second, Shinspin, don't put words in my mouth, I never said it was "just combat healing and performance issues", I said that Silvester was experiencing performance issues that stopped him from properly seeing the damage he was taking. He most likely started his heal countdown when he started lagging, although he definitely should have waited, that's what the verbal warning was about, just telling him to start counting for heals AFTER lag. The second clip I pretty much agree with though, was combat healing, although I wasn't part of that sit (Silvester only waited like 4 seconds, and yes I counted). When I said "you don't have enough evidence", what i meant to say was there wasn't enough evidence overall to prove whether or not he was lagging, so I didn't want to make any bold claims just for them to be false.

  8. 22 hours ago, Sixx said:

    Ah yes, having to redo ALL of the perma props on the map every 2 months, sounds like a fun day in hell. 

    A map rotation every 6 Months would be much better logistically speaking than every 2 Months. 

    Use persistence files, they already use them to save perma through server restarts and those are DAILY, going back to what I said,


    On 12/7/2022 at 10:22 AM, The Schoodster said:

    they can use Persistence files to help load in the perma props easier on map load, (adding the command to the server .bat file) with +sbox_persist (whatever u named it)

    They can use the persistence files to just switch out every map change.

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