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Scythes of Paradise
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Posts posted by Piemp

  1. Just now, ~š“¢š“žš“¤š“›~ said:

    a long time a ago there was me a minge and tenston a cadet that needed to be trained so i trained him we got a long very well then decided to base after that we came up with this crazy underground parking base which we used a lot then we joined og.


  2. 9 hours ago, ~š“¢š“žš“¤š“›~ said:


    countless times will has failed to ban someone who has made ddos threats or been extremely racist. Will I like you but this shows once again you failing to give someone an adequate punishment. This also shows some kind of bias that a super admin Cannot have. I like you will but I feel that your actions in the past and in this post should lead to a demotion.Ā 

    evidence of other wrong doingsĀ 

    1Ā 2021-05-02_19-19-17_Trim.mp4

    https://prnt.sc/12etu9nĀ doesnā€™t ban for ddos threats.

    2 Ā complete immaturity when dealing with someone saying they were going to boot the server and a player.MedalTVGarrysMod20210412001026_Trim.mp4

    3 Iā€™m getting ss right now but will also didnā€™t perma ban someone who was advertising another community by name in chat.Ā 

    I would recommend putting that in a differentĀ report

    I am gonna have to-support it cause if you fire a gun near someone in a stand off I would assume they would shoot back so not really massrdm but they did rdm sienna

  3. Ā Ā 

    1 hour ago, Authorized said:

    Yeah I understand that now,Ā  It was a year ago I understand that it's not an excuse I just want another chance at RP Im sorry I advertised I was young and stupid it was a youtube link to my channel back then. I just want another shot at experiencing the Police RP experience and hopefully if you give me that chance I could add on to the fun experience of the community and make it better and more fun for people all around for all of us to have a good time.

    I 1000% respect that but advertising is a big deal I can tell your sincerely sorry about it. Ā Itā€™s up to smt though if it gets shortened or unbannedĀ 

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