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Jack (utility one)

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Posts posted by Jack (utility one)

  1. 22 minutes ago, Mind Stone said:

    You’d get mad if I didn’t mention you and I don’t want to endure your wrath. 

    you know me to well.
    I would talk more how much you've also had an impact on me, such as making me a furry, but I plan on keeping up with you so I can do that another day >:D

  2. +support

    Although elevate has had some issues to say the least. But hes vastly matured and I can say he would make a wonderful person to be the face of a branch. He's an extremely hard worker and I believe he would make a wonderful hcmd and can make this thing work.

  3. I will be hosting RHO tryouts tomorrow at 4:20 EST at 682 CC!! I am looking for the silliest of rhoplayers out there to come along and join the cause. We will be testing your ability to do shenanigans and buffoonery actions. Now if you think you are the goofiest of goobers, than come along and try and find a place amongst our team.

    the rho job you are trying out for is only the funniest of classes, arcane autonomous scout. All slots will be paid for by the rho community.

    • Heart-Eyes 2
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  4. So basically, since we don't put our branch updates in suggestions, I thought it would be more courteous if we at least post our update somewhere so people know what we're adding, changing, ect.

    D5 HP/AP + Weapons Update
    This is the list of things we added. Including more HP/AP, new weapons, and a new CC.

    Current new-weapon stats:

    (this is subject to change as we continue to test weapons and see if anything is op or not good at all)

    The Recluse (destiny_recluse)
    Accuracy: 3 | 0 
    Fire Rate: 950 RPM 
    Mobility: 95%
    Damage: 33
    Range: 0.76K 
    Stability: 80%
    Side Note: The Recluse's Reload Animation has been fixed after this update was released, this is why we are suggesting major buffs to this weapon since it doesnt insta-reload any longer

    Crysis Scar (tfa_ins2_crysisscar)
    Accuracy: 2 | 0 
    Fire Rate: 700 RPM 
    Mobility: 93%
    Damage: 42
    Range: 0.54K --> 0.54K
    Stability: 75%

    ACR-C (tfa_ins2_acrc)
    Accuracy: 2 | 0
    Fire Rate: 800
    RPM: 800 RPM
    Mobility: 89%
    Damage: 40
    Range: 0.40K
    Stability: 70%

    Sojourner's Tale (destiny_soujourners_tale)
    Accuracy: 4 | 2 
    Fire Rate: 80 RPM
    Mobility:  90%
    Damage: 16 x 14 
    Range: 0K
    Stability: 15%

    Seventh Seraph CQC-12 (destiny_7th_shotgun)
    Accuracy: 5 | 4
    Fire Rate: 80 RPM
    Mobility: 90%
    Damage: 24 x 6
    Range: 0K
    Stability: 0%

    Heritage (destiny_heritage)
    Accuracy: 4 | 2
    Fire Rate: 100 RPM
    Mobility: 100% --> 95%
    Damage: 22 x 12 
    Range: 0K 
    Stability: 10%

    (we'll probably do this every update just cause why not, so yea, here ya go you sweaty nerds)

  5. 1. What is your in-game name?: Jack

    2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:102743983

    3. Current Rank in Security: CPL

    4. Time on the server: a while

    5. On a scale from 1  (the minimum 30 min per day) - 10 (6+ hours Daily), how active are you?: 7

    6. Do you have any active strikes on the roster? (This includes other branches): Nope

    7. Which Juggernaut members recommended you to apply?: Lamn

    8. What is your current level in game?: 117-ish

    9. Do you understand that if you abuse this job it WILL be taken away?: Yes

    10. Why do you think you deserve to join the Security Juggernaut Sub-Branch? (100+ WORDS):
    I think I deserve jugg because I have tons of experience with these types of jobs and roles, and my previous and current experience in command. With being a CC user, I have practically taken the role as a juggernaut. With the heavier fire power and hp count, I have always targeted the heavy hitting targets while letting the squishies fight it out. As well with my experience in command positions, I know how to lead any group of lads with ease. I can also judge any situation with ease and accuracy, allowing me to determine the best way to use my attributes the best way I can to benefit security and the situation at hand. Overall my past experience as command and having a high fire power class gives me the reasons to obtain jugg.

    11. As a member of the Juggernaut Sub-Branch, do you have the right to give orders to people above your standard Security Rank? Why or why not?: No, you always have to respect and listen to those a higher rank than you. Juggernaut is only a sub-branch and the ranking structure of the main branch overrides it's authority.

  6. dang man, sad to see you go. I always had a blast hanging out with you and I'll always remember that. You helped make D5 the branch it is today and I can't thank you enough. For how long I've stayed on here though is a secret that I'll keep to the grave >:D. It was pleasure my friend, can't wait to play with you again some day 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  7. Name: Jack

    Rank: MM

    Branch (Medical / Maintenance): Maintenance

    Length (MM/DD/ - MM/DD): 1/18/2023-1/22/2020

    Reason (If private that's fine): Grandmother passed away

  8. ZACK!!! It's been a good and long ride my friend. I'll always remember the fun we had in medical, I truly will. Your dedication to medical and the server is second to non and I can't praise you enough for it mate. Welcome to retirement my friend!

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  9. On 11/4/2022 at 6:24 PM, Star said:

    even if you do stupid shit.

    I'll always be stupid, I simply embrace it. It's been a pleasure my friend, should try to get baka up and running again 0_0

  10. 3 hours ago, PryingTree said:

    How you would like an entire branch update that people look forward to, just be a simple HP/AP change, and MAYYBBEE a job change?

    (gonna be my last reply, don't wanna flood the responses and what not with the chatter)
    BUT, thats legit the old utility branch updates. The job additions in my entire time in medical were two. Advanced Combat Medic, which Inaccurate did, and Medical Research (which wasn't even an addition, it used to be Surgical) which I fuckin made lmao. Every update besides those two were simple changes and mixes to keep things new, and people still played. I'm ONLY saying the things I say because I know you don't need to constantly change stuff to make it active.

  11. 30 minutes ago, Sixx said:

    dead sub-branch that's been taken over by MTF and security 

    So why don't you make them change? If their the ones taking what medical has, remove it. If they are actively taking away another branches responsibility, make them change it. I've always hated the idea of other branches getting medical/utility jobs as all they do is ignore us more and more, no matter how much they try and stop it. So at what point are yall going to have enough and just remove it from them? As that sounds like the route of all the issues.

    Like this isn't a jab at medical, I love em man, I dedicated a lot of my time running that branch. But come on, if this was just an HP change or a job change it wouldn't be that bad. But your changing a lot for no reason.

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