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Posts posted by Mr.E

  1. -Support
    Want the role show the effort, the GM team needs people who will put the effort into it, you not being able to put a decent app together shows me straight away you aren't bothered either way. Please improve on your Application quality.

    Good Luck!

  2. +Support

    Detailed App, I've seen you be active in SF as well so activity shouldn't be an issue for you which is a great + for the GM team

    Good Luck! I hope to meet you in the GM team and see you provide the server with great events!

  3. +/- Indifferent

    -Currently haven't seen enough from you in game, we currently require active GMs, I'm not saying you aren't fit for it however activity needs to be ramped up heavily in my opinion,

    + I know you do plenty for how active you are, I know you are good at what you do and wouldn't have an issue with you joining GM however as stated before we need active GMs.

    Good Luck Chaos would love to see you on the GM team, good luck!

    • Thanks 1
  4. What is your ingame name?:


    What is your SteamID:


    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:

    Currently a Midshipman at the time of this post.

    What specialty are you applying for?:


    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:

    ISB Agent Kallus (Mikey)

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: 

    Personally I feel I can bring plenty for the SF Battalion, for one I am already in a Officer position in 501st as a 2LT, which for one already shows I am a capable leader. Currently SF is a very active battalion, which is perfect for me as I am the same, unless I have work or have to do some chores around the house I am always reachable to anyone, this is something that most people don't have the luxury of. I am also currently a GM, this opens so many opportunities for SF to do SIMs and trainings under realistic conditions, I have already conducted a SIM with SF with enemy Fighters and they performed reasonably well however the FL in control was not to happy which shows improvement is needed, especially with actual combat against AI controlled ships, which I am willing to do day in day out.(Of course being weary of player count) I have also been getting plenty of positive responses from SF members in game, due to me attempting to make more of an effort to know them and work with them. I am also looking forward to working with the SF NCOs, Officers and Command Team to make SF be bigger and better, but most of all have fun. I feel I could improve SF plenty especially with combat and discipline.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?: 

    I have plenty of leadership experience, as a prior Senior Guard and a current 501st 2LT, I know that I have the needed leadership skills for this position, I also have been attempting to improve my relations with SF greatly, which I will leave up to them down below. Another reason that I should be trusted for this position is because of my activity, I currently have the most time played this month on battle metrics and have been dedicating more time to Naval, as a position like this needs active AOs to get the job done, furthermore I am also a HVYAL in 501st which means I have an increased amount of responsibility that other battalions have entrusted me with, which I personally feel I am doing perfect at, I just hope SF and Naval can support me in my push for Aviation. 

    Why do you want this rank?: 

    I have already stated a few things above. For one I find doing the basic things in Naval sort of boring and repetitive and lust for something else, this is it, I find SF a great group of people and would be proud in being called an Aviation Officer, however I mainly want this rank to help SF, I recently saw PTOBs resignation which means that SF have just Lost there Senior Marshall, which is very heart-breaking for most of SF, however with the Loss of PTOB means that leadership is down one, this is a perfect opportunity to come and help SF even more. When I get this rank I intend to quickly and hastily get my Try-out Cert, as we need the activity to stay the way it is for SF to be triumphant.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: 


    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: 

    To Oversee SF and its operations, make sure Officer and NCOs are holding try-outs, trainings, as well as me. Make sure Pilots have the correct Landing, taking off codes, make sure they know how to land and take off correctly and that they conduct themselves professional around the ship. I am also meant to address any issues people may have with SF or issues within SF.

  5. On 2/19/2021 at 7:11 AM, MrTouchdown said:


    -Extremely active

    -Good application

    -As i worked with Edgy for a while in medical i can say that he is a great person, dedicated to what he does, and will do anything he can to help out.

    -Would be a great VCMDR


    Would personalise more but I don't have enough time, though a big +Support

  6. -Support
    Not enough detail, I have honestly not seen you much as of recent, that's not an issue its just there are other people who are more active and have far more qualities better for the position, remember to keep improving and take peoples advice onboard to improve yourself.
    - App not enough detail
    - Doesn't have a poll
    - Personally haven't seen much of him

    Good Luck.

    -501st 1SG Pisces-

  7. +Support
    So confused to why you didn't apply at an earlier date. As a previous RG Senior Guard, I can say that Hawkeye is one of the most capable Royal Guards I have known, he has shown dedication for the longest time and deserves this, I have seen nothing but hard work and great leadership capabilities out of this man. I honestly hope he takes the Main Sovereign position one day.
    + Cares about RG
    + Long time member
    +Good leadership abilities 

    -501st 1SG Pisces-
    -Dishonourably discharged Senior Guard Kuiyn-

  8. -Support
    You are simply not mature enough for the role, I have seen recently an improvement however it is not enough for me to support this application, you have also not put enough time into this application, Other people applying have done much better.
    - Minges
    -Spends too much time on CCs
    -Not mature enough
    -Has not shown enough leadership capabilities 

    I feel in the future this position will be right for you, however you need to keep improving, take into consideration what people are saying. I have no quarrel about the fact that you are dedicated to STs, it's hard being dedicated to a battalion such as STs, however the spot requires a Mature leader who is an example to the new comers, In my honest opinion being command of STs is something that is odd for people to command, as new immature players are permanently in your battalion. 
    +You are dedicated keep it up

    -501st 1SG Pisces-

  9. +Support
    With Mickey becoming a SNR Commander in STs and no Vice Commanders are currently present, we definitely need Willie for this role, he is the most capable ST officer for it in my eyes, I have only seen good from him, he is not to serious, yet not to immature. A perfect blend for the ST battalion.
    +Great Leadership skills.
    +Is trying to improve STs and it looks to be working.

    -501st 1SG Pisces-

  10. +Support
    Shock is in a bad position let's get an experienced person to lead it.
    +Good application
    +/- Commander (2x)
    +Revived Shock 


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Please stick around for a little longer this time.

  11. +Support

    I feel like this man has been around forever, time to give him what he rightfully deserves, he has been in DT command for a Darn long time, I have no quarrel seeing him as the commander and I'm sure no one else does, perfect ably reasonable and nice guy.

    Glad to see him finally moving up from VCMDR Position.

    -DT PFC WC1

  12. +Support

    I am so lost currently with the -Supports. I am so bewildered and confused and shows me how gullible a lot of the members are, the Demotion was unjust and the person who demoted her for the incident even said they regretted it and it was harsh for them to demote her, if you guys did a little more background checking then maybe you would realise that it was an accident, even though some of you aren't any better...

    +Support all the way, She is always active, getting ARC back onto its boots. As many people have stated in 501st(Our battalion that we work with) Katie is very supportive and a very good officer. She basically meets every standard for the role. Just because of one CC incident doesn't mean it affects her actual command skills.

    I would say more but it's 9AM and I haven't even slept.

    -1SG Pisces

  13. In-game name: Pisces

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:525727718

    Current RP rank on StarWarsRP: MSG In the 501st

    Have you donated to the server?: Yes Around 40 USD

    Have you been banned on any GL server before?: I have been falsely banned for 4 hours before, but apart from that no.

    Have you received any warnings (please give reasons if applicable)?: I have 15 warnings, most are for RDM Or ARDM, the one I would like to give a reason for is my warn for MRDM Which was uncontrollable and happened almost a year ago back in February, basically what happened was, I was protecting my VIP as a RG pretty normal when a load of STs came running around the corner near tram, they were all minging and attempting to harass said VIP which was the eighth brother at the time, so I  gave them the proper amount of warnings 3 and then proceeded to kill them all for not leaving, I was then pulled into a sit with a ST and RoccoRex who then sided with me on some things and with them on another and proceeded to still give me the MRDM Warn which mind boggled me, because I was new to the server I didn't know you could appeal warns so it has been sitting there.

    How much time do you have on the server?: 5 weeks of in game time, I have been playing since April of 2020 and took a break between The end of March until around November, which then I put my act together.

    How well do you know the LORE? Explain: I honestly watch loads and loads of Lore channels on YouTube, I find them very enjoyable and educational to watch, so I would say I have a good base knowledge on star wars lore.

    Why do you WANT to become a Gamemaster?: Recently the server has been popping off, which has been a good and bad thing, the good side is the player base in general growing and becoming larger, however with the large player base events are becoming harder and harder to do, for the simple fact of server performance, therefore 501st have been very bored recently, as events are scarce and we aren't getting enough GMs on at the times we need them for small things like SIMs, I have also noticed that the GM team aren't doing too many Passive RP events, which I will gladly do with my lore knowledge, I can also then spin these events off the next day to possible be a proper event with combat and more fun things than just chatting. it will also help me be a better NCO in my battalion which is what I want to be for my battalion, I need to give good training to new players, such as Breachings, simple battlefield tactics, all these things to make them better players for the server, as I currently pride myself on teaching them to be able to get into special forces battalions such as DT and IF, becoming a gamemaster will help me in so many aspects.

    Why should you be trusted to be a Game Master?: I have had prior experience as a GM on Icefuse Imperial Roleplay, where I held a few events until I retired to GL, I have been attempting to redeem my warns for a few months now, as I do regret getting them I hope that with a slight glimmer of trust that I can show my worth as a GM, as currently the server is really suffering on the event side of things, as well as make a change for battalions doing sims and such.

    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: I haven't used them in a while however I could easily revise them and be ready within no time

    Are you experienced with being a Game Master and how they function?: Yes, I have prior experience on Icefuse IRP And a Small Warhammer 40k server, I have good knowledge with GM Items and commands.

    Give a brief example of an on-ship event, as well as an example of an off-ship event: It would begin with a fleeing ISB Agent, who would be running from rebel hired bounty hunters, however this isn't about the money so there is no bribing, the ISB agent would be refuged aboard the ISD and they would be sent onto high alert preparing for the bounty hunter's arrival, little did they know the ISBs ship had been placed with rebel tracker, there fore a rebel strike team would be joining the bounty hunters, totalling around 8 Rebel elites in total, it would begin with a damaged DX9 transport requesting immediate landing as they had escaped from the ISBs personal frigate which he had a small Garrison on, the so called "imperials" would gain access to the ISD and act scared and terrified, they would then leave with the ship being left in MBH, where the Elites would break free and start there rampage looking for the ISB, there objective is to kill this ISB and get off the ship. If they are successful in the killing of the ISB then there would be no further carry onto the event, however if you beat the rebels back, they will have navigation co-ordinates to a rebel listening post, which would be then ransacked by the empire, this would be down to hoth but would not happen until later in the day.

    Do you know how to give a weapon/SWEP to yourself/someone? (Give an example): !give ^ cc2018_dc17ms for myself. !give (Name/Numbers) cc2018_dc17ms for others.

    Do you know how to model yourself/someone? (Give an example): !model ^ models/player/bunny/imperial_arc/arc_troopers_trooper.mdl !model (Name/Numbers) models/player/bunny/imperial_arc/arc_troopers_trooper.mdl

    Have you read the Gamemaster Guidelines?: Yes

  14. What is your in-game name?: DT SPC WC1

    What is your steam name?: Mr.E

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:525727718

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)
    Yes, I have been a Senior Moderator on Icefuse Imperial RP, this was around one month and a half as a staff member, I followed all guidelines given to me, however the staff team began to become more and more corrupt over time and it began to become more visible to me as a staff member therefore I resigned and played as a player therefore I could not be used, which is what I saw on Icefuse Imperial RP. I then moved to Icefuse CityRP however it was even worse there, so again I resigned as they were hostile towards me and very power hungry.

    However my time during a staff member on these servers was spent very well, and the community appreciated the effort I put into it, I knew all the commands as well as got to know a large portion of the player base, the time I spent as staff I was viewed as a very helpful and kind one, however I was very ruthless when it came to Sits as I had no prejudice against anybody.

    Servers I have been staff on:
    Icefuse ImperialRP: TR Senior Moderator TGM
    Icefuse CityRP: Moderator

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)
    Around the end of February

    What date did you make your forums account?
    March 2nd 2020

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    How many warns do you have on the server?

    Have you donated?
    Yes I bought the Royal Guard Package for $5

    What rank are you applying for?
    Trial Moderator

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    You will be tested on it:
    Yes Sir, Ill be prepared

    Greenwich Mean Time/British Standard Time

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length)
    I have spent around 6 months on the server now, I have also recently began enjoying myself on the server again. I feel if I become staff I can get on at earlier times and assist players then as a large majority of players are from the US, which means some will be on earlier and staff may not be on to deal with staff issues.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?
    Freeze the player on the spot, check the logs for the amount of RDM the player has done, if it is over 4 it is considered a MRDM and will be banned accordingly or banned for a shorter duration however I will put in the ban that it needs to be extended however long, and I will most likely contact a higher up saying that the player needs to banned for longer.

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