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Private Marksmen

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Posts posted by Private Marksmen

  1. Lore Name:Yarmen
    Rank: Junior

    Question / Idea: Can SCP 912 Detain Or Defeat Three Individuals Who Are Aggressive?

    Background Research:912 only uses force when targets of 912 are aggressive or resist arrest.

    Hypothesis:912 will be able to restrain all three individuals with ease

    Observations (What Happened During Test):Three D class, one armed with a wrench, were told to attack SCP 912. When they attacked 912 used his baton in an attempt to neutralize all targets. However, The D class had managed to brake 912 apart using there fist and the wrench.  The D Class themselves only had minor bruises after the test. 912 was not damaged and was put back together.

    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion: SCP 912 combat capabilities was far weaker then I had thought. Due to this I would recommend not letting SCP 912 be used for dealing with D Class alone since he is unable to combat them so easily. His Combat Abilities seem lower than that of an OFC.                                      

    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?:No, SCP 912 Combat Abilities is lower then I have thought.

  2. 912 is bad. I found this out after playing with him for a long time. The reason why 912 is bad is that he is basically a somewhat bullet sponge guard with only a stun stick and is restricted to arresting first then using lethal force when they resist arrest. SCP 912 is not above security he is below them. One Security officer can do a better job at dealing with D boys and he might even have a higher chance at surviving threats like armed D class or CI then 912.

    912 is only allowed to arrest anyone who has a weapon out and are not foundation personnel so unless he sees D boys have weapons out he can't do anything to them. Even if he does see them with a weapon out he has to arrest first. If they resist arrest then he can beat them to death. Now that 250 health and armor might sound cool until you realize you only have a melee. This melee aint that good. Sure it bypasses armor but your gonna get wiped by CI and D class don't get armor [I think] so it does not matter that much.

    A guy with a gun will take a lot less damage than a guy with a melee since he can shoot from a distance and use cover while the melee guy has to rush in and take a lot of blows. I have found that 912 might be able to take 3 scavengers and when it comes you guns he can take on one guy with a pistol. Though I found myself getting killed by one scavenger. Even if he defeats them he will take a lot of damage and since nobody can heal you that means you gotta die to get all your armor and HP back. Meanwhile, an officer can take on one or two pistol boys or 4 scavengers. He may be damaged a lot by it but he can be healed and buy his armor back.

    I remember this one time where there was a group of D boys. I saw one guy with a weapon and tried to arrest them. One of the D boys brought out a pistol and just shot away all my health and armor and killed me so I might be wrong about him taking on one gunmen. If there was an officer in that situation he would have probably killed some of them before dying since a lot of them had guns. Heck an OFC could take on those hammer or scythes boys better since you HAVE to get close to fight him but the OFCs don't. Good luck with that using that blue dildo.

    Ok, why not use security as support. Nope. Friendly Fire. Big Problem. You're more likely to catch the bullets for the D class than actually help.

    912 I believe is just a free easy version of gensec OFC. Your 527 but can be killable and can arrest D class but they'll probably kill you anyway. The thing is I don't know how to improve him. My last suggestion to improve him was denied and now I can't think of anything else. At best he can be used as test and I don't like test. Comment down below what you think. No Poll This time. Maybe I'm talking out of my ass. When I talk to players on the server they seem to agree with me and you can't deny that players haven't been playing. He's becoming a dead job. I only played him to see what is wrong with him.

    Anyway, have a good afternoon. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, [icOnic] BonkBoeink said:

    I don't remember much other than they become zombies and they were really hard to kill, but I'll put it like this:

    The virus is a chemical that gets put into the air and everything close it it gets infected. After a certain amount of time, the infected things die and a zombie is spawned replacing them. Everything that is killed by the zombies become a zombie. The concept itself is okay, and if it wasn't bugged, I'm pretty sure GL would still have T-Virus, but there was a glitch.


    The glitch, in question, made the zombies just straight up unkillable. There was nothing you could do about it. The only thing you could do is restart the server. The server that I played on used t-virus and the zombies killed almost everyone on the server and they had to contact the owner to get him to restart the server.


    That took awhile....


    So if you were on that server with me, you'd realize how much of a clusterfuck that situation was.



    Wanna know what sucked? Since there was so much zombies on that server, the zombies just kept on spawn killing. Even the anti spawn killing thing didn't work against them I believe.

    TZs spawn with 1000 HP in not 10000 if they spawn as bosses. Maybe you thought they were impossible to kill simply because they were really hard to kill.

  4. On the SCP forums, I made a discussion thread on what would happen if the T Virus from GBomb was plopped into the server. Apparently they had already done this and it turned out terrible but then I wonder what would happen if it was released into this server. This server is much different then the SCP server and from what I believe has a better chance at surviving. First let me explain to you what this is. I'll be copying the explanation from the other forum with a few edits here and there to save time and trouble.

    Paste Starts here:When you get this addon I linked with or the Gbomb 5 addon you will get several new entities. The tag chemicals will be looking at. Inside that chemical tag is several things. Napalm,VX gas, poison gas and the one we're looking at is T-virus and T-virus cure. When the T-virus is spawned a vile will pop up where you aimed at. If the vile dropped at a certain hight it will break causing a green mist to form where it broke. Any NPC or player near where the vile broke or stepped near the green mist they will be infected. The green mist will soon disappear though and after is disappeared it will become safe to go near.

    Anyone near an infected player or NPC will be infected. Distance is around 3 to 4 meters or about one blue barrel length. After two minutes of being infected the player or NPC will die and in its place an HL2 T-virus zombie will appear. Symptoms of the virus include vision going dark, creepy sounds being heard from infected, the color of the player model going red to black, red blood dripping from there model though sometimes this symptom will not manifest and moments after they will become a zombie they will give out a roar. 

     I will be calling T-virus zombies TZs for now on. TZs can infect anyone at the same distance as infected. TZs will be any random type of HL2 zombie. Poison, fast and regular. No zombine though. Sometimes there will be two TZs instead of one that will manifest. TZs will behave like normal hl2 zombies except there health will be 1000 and they will be able to infect anyone near them like infected. There are also boss zombies that are rare to spawn and have a greater amount of HP and are much larger in size. Usually, though they will get stuck inside the map especially when they are indoors. TZ headcrabs are also capable of infect anyone that gets in the same range as regular TZs or infected. Testing has shown that TZs or infected can infect people through walls.

    TZ regulars or TZ-Rs are the least dangerous. There slow so it easy to get away from them. TZ fast zombies or TZ-Fs are the second most dangerous since they are fast and all they have to do is to get near you. TZ posion zombies or TZ-Ps are the most dangerous due to there ability to throw headcrabs. Again, headcrabs can infect and they only need to get near you to infect you. While it is unknown how much HP headcrabs have they have been shown to be very strong and hard to kill.

    There are two ways to counter the T-virus. In the entities, there is a protection tab that has in it a hazmat. Putting this on allows you to be near any TZ or infected without being infected yourself. Another way is by using the cure in the chemicals tabs. It works the same way as the T-virus. Drop it on the floor and everyone near it is cured. Unfortunately, after about a minute of being infected, the cure won't work.

    For how effective this T-virus can depend on the map itself. What matters about the map is its size, how its structured and how good its AI nodes are. Big open maps are where TZ - Fs rule unless the big maps have bad or no AI nodes. Cramped maps like are  SCP server can be great for poison and regular zombies and even big boss zombies who can block one-way hallways. There spread may usually consist of players who are infected moving to areas that are not infected then spreading that infection there. It also depends on how many players there are and what game mode it is. Sandbox servers do not need to worry about the T-virus with the ability to noclip. But darkRp servers might shit their pants when this boy starts walking in unless that server only has 12 players. If the map is like our SCP server where every door is a button press then the only way the infection can travel is through players being infected traveling to none-infected areas.

    I've made a demonstration video of the T-virus in action here. Not the best video I made but hopefully it will get you a better idea of what it can do. Theres a revive addon I had on that video so ignore the parts where the TZs are attacking dead NPCs. That's not what they do. This is also just testing on NPCs:

    Now that I've shown you what this thing is I want to ask you guys what exactly would happen if this was released into the server. I don't have much experience with this server so I don't have much of an idea what would happen but my guess is that with your large map and lack of ai nodes will make the infection really hard to spread. It would be very easy to avoid zombies since by testing TZs on your map I have found they don't chase after far away targets and even give up on targets if they get far enough

    Anyway, have a good night. Let's see where this discussion goes. 


  5. 16 hours ago, October said:

    Back when I was a part of the event team, the T-Virus was on this server (not gonna flex but it was because of my suggestion). Anyways, we quickly figured out that this was a mistake because there’s a glitch on this server that makes the zombies that spawn invincible and the server has to be restarted. I think it’d be very interesting to see if this happened. 

    Was this glitch a one time thing or does this always happen when spawning zombies?

  6. 7 hours ago, Gunther said:

    -Support Half the weapons stated are donator weapons, having a D-Class being able to supply them for 500 dollars would make buying them from the store pointless. Also, I'm extremely biased but I don't think D-Class needs any more weapons to supply themselves with, as they already currently have a wide array of weapons, melee and ranged.

    The pipes are 415 [I think]. I'm suggesting to lower them between 100 or 300. Also which weapons are donators?

  7. What you want to see? -

    I want to see the D Class Supplier be able to sell more than just pipes but other melee weapons such as wrenches, knives, crowbars, cleavers, and hammers [Not the big hammers the small ones.].

    I also want to see the pipe become less expesive. Lowering it down to 100 or 200 would be nice. If the adding of weapons are accepted have those weapons be not so expensive as well.

    And Maybe JUST MAYBE allow him to sell medkits and keypad crackers. Make sure to make them a bit pricey so that nobody can spam them or buy them so easily.

    Why should we add it? - D Class Supplier Is a somewhat dead job. People are not playing him and the reason why is because what he sells is rubbish and too expensive. You buying that thing does not give you much of an advantage. You're very likely to die in most rushes so you buying that pipes every time you die or even buying it sometimes will drain your funds even if the supplier only sells at base price. Adding more options, lowering the price or adding useful tools like medkits and crackers will maybe have some D class flock to the supplier thus making an incentive to play as the supplier since they might be able to make a profit or be able to aid there fellow D class.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Reviving dead jobs is good. Dead jobs are bad and make the server look bad. Plus making a job be good could keep people who like jobs like that around more.

    Who is it mainly for? - D Class

    Links to any content - N/A

  8. I have messed with GBombs a lot. Especially with its chemicals. The T-virus is the most interesting part of it. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=951823357 Have you ever seen an addon that, after understanding it, realized it is too fucking dangerous to exist in a server.. This is one of those addons. A nuke can kill everyone on a server and maybe even crash it with a few but dropping this into a dark RP server and it might guarantee alot of lag along with a crash. It's certainly the most interesting way to crash your server. It's worse than 008 addons. Much more dangerous.

    I wonder though what would happen if this was released into our server.  First, let me explain what this is.

    When you get this addon I linked with or the Gbomb 5 addon you will get several new entities. The tag chemicals will be looking at. Inside that chemical tag is several things. Napalm,VX gas, poison gas and the one we're looking at is T-virus and T-virus cure. When the T-virus is spawned a vile will pop up where you aimed at. If the vile dropped at a certain hight it will break causing a green mist to form where it broke. Any NPC or player near where the vile broke or stepped near the green mist they will be infected. The green mist will soon disappear though and after is disappeared it will become safe to go near.

    Anyone near an infected player or NPC will be infected. Distance is around 3 to 4 meters or about one blue barrel length. After two minutes of being infected the player or NPC will die and in its place an HL2 T-virus zombie will appear. Symptoms of the virus include vision going dark, creepy sounds being heard from infected, the color of the player model going red to black, red blood dripping from there model though sometimes this symptom will not manifest and moments after they will become a zombie they will give out a roar. 

     I will be calling T-virus zombies TZs for now on. TZs can infect anyone at the same distance as infected. TZs will be any random type of HL2 zombie. Poison, fast and regular. No zombine though. Sometimes there will be two TZs instead of one that will manifest. TZs will behave like normal hl2 zombies except there health will be 1000 and they will be able to infect anyone near them like infected. There are also boss zombies that are rare to spawn and have a greater amount of HP and are much larger in size. Usually, though they will get stuck inside the map especially when they are indoors. TZ headcrabs are also capable of infect anyone that gets in the same range as regular TZs or infected. Testing has shown that TZs or infected can infect people through walls.

    TZ regulars or TZ-Rs are the least dangerous. There slow so it easy to get away from them. TZ fast zombies or TZ-Fs are the second most dangerous since they are fast and all they have to do is to get near you. TZ posion zombies or TZ-Ps are the most dangerous due to there ability to throw headcrabs. Again, headcrabs can infect and they only need to get near you to infect you. While it is unknown how much HP headcrabs have they have been shown to be very strong and hard to kill.

    There are two ways to counter the T-virus. In the entities, there is a protection tab that has in it a hazmat. Putting this on allows you to be near any TZ or infected without being infected yourself. Another way is by using the cure in the chemicals tabs. It works the same way as the T-virus. Drop it on the floor and everyone near it is cured. Unfortunately, after about a minute of being infected, the cure won't work.

    For how effective this T-virus can depend on the map itself. What matters about the map is its size, how its structured and how good its AI nodes are. Big open maps are where TZ - Fs rule unless the big maps have bad or no AI nodes. Cramped maps like are foundation can be great for poison and regular zombies and even big boss zombies who can block one-way hallways. There spread may usually consist of players who are infected moving to areas that are not infected then spreading that infection there. It also depends on how many players there are and what game mode it is. Sandbox servers do not need to worry about the T-virus with the ability to noclip. But darkRp servers might shit their pants when this boy starts walking in unless that server only has 12 players. If the map is like ours where every door is a button press then the only way the infection can travel is through players being infected traveling to none-infected areas.

    I've made a demonstration video of the T-virus in action here. Not the best video I made but hopefully it will get you a better idea of what it can do. Theres a revive addon I had on that video so ignore the parts where the TZs are attacking dead NPCs. That's not what they do. This is also just testing on NPCs

    Now I am gonna ask you guys what you think would happen if this was released into the foundation. I'm gonna brainstorm some scenarios later. I think its gonna be a catastrophe if the admins don't handle it right. [Like they will ever use this.] If they did they would have to nuke it. It would be more interesting than just a bunch of zombies being spawned in. Who knows, maybe I'm hyping this up a little too much on how dangerous it is. Have a good night.

  9. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP 662, Butler's Hand Bell 

    2. Link(s) to playermodels:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=701548403&searchtext=Butler This is the best I could find

    3. Link(s) to sweps:Maybe a noclip swep and a knife

    4. How much health/armor do you think it should have?: Maybe 1000 HP or 100 HP

    5. Why should we add this SCP?: Another safe class to test upon, an SCP that can be useful for utility and maybe a treat 05s

    6. Basic summary of the SCP: Basically SCP 662 is a bell that if you ring it calls a butler named Mr. Deeds who appear from the nearest area not within line of sight, usually from around a corner. The person who rang the bell can ask him to do the most reasonable request. Most reasonable requests given to Mr. Deeds will result in satisfaction. He can create minor items like gold, clean things up like cars or cells, and even can commit murder.

    7. Extra information: Heres the wiki http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-662 and heres my two scents on implementing him.

    When playing SCP 662 you will spawn inside an isolated spot on the map. Maybe the admin's room. You cannot leave that room until an advert has been made that someone has rang the bell. Only certain people can do this advert. 05, lead researcher and maybe high-rank utility guy. Once someone adverts that they rang then you'll either noclip to them or just have it where an admin TPs you to them. SCP 662 can only be called every 15 or 30 minutes and can only do two task. As to what he can be requested to do I think he is allowed to clean anything including cells and kill anyone below high command if requested or in CI. Note that the one who is requesting the killing must know RP wise the name of the person who they want to be killed. The 1000 HP is there to not make him such a pushover when doing assassinations. Once his task is done he is TPed or he noclips back to his spot. 

  10. What you want to see? -  I want to re-work 912 to be this.

    -He is indestructible. He cannot be destroyed. Maybe a nuke will do. Billion HP for him.

    -He can arrest ANYONE who has no armor and has a weapon out regardless if they're in the Foundation or not. 

    -He can't talk. Not one single word may come out of his mouth. He does not have one after all.

    -He can only be ordered by someone who has a police uniform on but he will not be allowed to arrest or kill anyone in armor or in a security uniform even when ordered. Chaos counts as well.

    -He is not allowed to arrest D class unless they have a weapon out or they attack another person or him.

    -Once he makes an arrest he must bring that person to someone who has a police uniform. Thus someone must be in a police uniform in order to retrieve his prisoners.

    -Someone must advertise that there putting on a police uniform before ordering around 912. Gensec can do this.

    -One with a police uniform must say the name of the individual to be arrested to 912. You cannot tell him to "arrest all D Class." or "Arrest That Guy."

    -He is not allowed to kill someone for resisting arrest. Only when they attack him.

    -[Maybe] Adding a tazer to his arsenal.


    Why should we add it? - I want 912 to be more like an SCP and less like a security guard. He seems to be the least accurate SCPs and I don't think that has to be. I believe he can be much more interesting that.

    To the foundation, They now need to be mindful to him like SCP 066, SCP 1048 or Dr Bright but it's not annoying to deal with since the worst case scenerio is him arresting a researcher for pulling a gun out and you can simply get a guy with a uniform to retrieve him. He can even be still useful, utilized to deal with Armed D class or rogue foundation members that don't have armor. His 250 health and armour was not really much to work with since anyone with an smg could deal with him by simply backing away and multiple people who were armed simply blew him away. Making him indestructible makes him not so much of a pushover.

    BUT to D class he may seem OP to them but built into these rules is his weakness. He can't arrest any D class simply because they escape. He can only arrest anyone that's not in armour and has a weapon out or is instructed by someone in a police uniform to arrest someone. He is basically a passive version of SCP 076-2. Keep your gun away and he won't bother you. But even if you do provoke him to arrest you then you can still attempt to avoid his arrest. He can't attack you if you avoid arrest and avoiding handcuffs aint that hard. They can no longer just gun him down or melee him to death. They have to exploit hes weaknesses. [If you think he's weak though maybe adding a tazer will do.]

    To chaos he is just another passive SCP they can either take or ignore.

    What are the advantages of having this? - This I believe creates more RP like researchers getting arrested for pulling out a gun so they gotta get a police uniform to free him or its a code bright so they get a uniform on to tell 912 to arrest him. It also changes 912 to be kinda more fun like 066 or SCP 076-2 where you get to punish people who make a mistake and you no longer have to worry about chaos or armed D class since they would usually kill you.  He also is no longer just utilized for chasing down D class.

    Who is it mainly for? -SCPs

    Links to any content - N/A

  11. I found 912 to be used less and less each day and by playing him alot I think I know why. Put him in any scenerio of what he can do and then replace him with a regular guard. That guard would do the same if not do a better job then 912 could. At best I found him being useful as a hallway monitor due to is freedom of movement. Riot control just has him getting more holes than cheese due to friendly fire since he is a melee job and he has to get close to cuff or stun stick thus having all the guards shooting him as well as the D class with the hammer and since the hammer does more damage he is likely gonna die or lose lots of his health and armor.

    Dealing with melee opponents he has trouble with. When dealing with armed men he just gets blown away. I know he aint supposed to take on chaos but the moment D class get guns he might as well stay in spawn. That 250 armor and health won't save him from the tactic of backing away while shooting or just getting two guys with guns. Even when he does succeed in killing his enemies he might as well kill himself because he just lost most of his armor and half of his health is gone. He also seems not that very interesting.

    He is basically a guard with lots of health and armor and no gun. Just a stun stick and cuffs. Nothing really special about him. I want him to be more like his real wiki. I have an idea of changes to him that I might represent as a suggestion but I want to know what you guys think of it.

    He is indestructible. He cannot be destroyed. Maybe a nuke will do. 

    He can arrest ANYONE who has no armor and has a weapon out regardless if they're in the Foundation or not. 

    He can't talk. Not one single word may come out of his mouth. He does not have one after all.

    He can only be ordered by someone who has a police uniform on but he will not be allowed to arrest or kill anyone in armor or in a security uniform even when ordered. Chaos counts as well.

    He is not allowed to arrest D class unless they have a weapon out or they attack another person or him.

    Once he makes an arrest he must bring that person to someone who has a police uniform. Thus someone must be in a police uniform in order to retrieve his prisoners.

    Someone must advertise that there putting on a police uniform before ordering around 912. Gensec can do this.

    One with a police uniform must say the name of the individual to be arrested to 912. You cannot tell him to "arrest all D Class." or "Arrest That Guy."

    He is not allowed to kill someone for resisting arrest. Only when they attack him.

    To the foundation, Now they need to be mindful to him like SCP 066, SCP 1048 or Dr Bright but it's not annoying to deal with since the worst case scenerio is him arresting a researcher for pulling a gun out and you can simply get a guy with a uniform to retrieve him. He can even be still useful, utilized to deal with Armed D class or rogue foundation members that don't have armor. His 250 health and armour was not really much to work with since anyone with an smg could deal with him by simply backing away and multiple people who were armed simply blew him away. Making him indestructible makes him not so much of a pushover.

    BUT to D class he may seem OP to them but built into these rules is his weakness. He can't arrest any D class simply because they escape. He can only arrest anyone that's not in armour and has a weapon out or is instructed by someone in a police uniform to arrest someone. He is basically a passive version of SCP 076-2. Keep your gonna away and he won't bother you. But even if you do provoke him to arrest you then you can still attempt to avoid his arrest. He can't attack you if you avoid arrest and avoiding handcuffs aint that hard. Just don't attack him, show your weapon and if you fail to do so just don't attack him and run away. [Maybe adding a tazer to his loadout so if you guys say he's underpowered.]

    To chaos, he is just another safe SCP to take or pass by instead of having to be target practice.

    comment on what you think of this, what I should approve or if you disagree that he is a pushover type why. I put up a poll if you want to be lazy.

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