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Posts posted by YourCat

  1. Your In-game Name: rho36 EYELANDEr, RHO36 AAS Defacto Lead Camo, EliteChildSoldier

    Your SteamID: don't need it

    The admin's name in-game: 1stsavagery/chineseman

    What warning did you receive: FailRP | Giving D Class HP/Nades to allow him to MassRDM other DCLass, (for the innocent Elitechildsoldier) MRDM

    When did you receive this warning: today

    Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning: Okay, so you're aware of the Delta Four Static Task Force Lore, correct? For those unaware, they're essentially SCP-008 offspring that are trained to become ELITe soldiers. In the SAME way, this D-Class was essentially our very own D4. He was trained as a RHO CHILD SOLDIER since the young young age of 3 years old, conditioned to kill and eat any that opposed rho. This D-Class was our PROTOTYPE, and we ENABLED him to THROW 5 grenades into D-Block (killing several D-class and Security in the process) for the EXCLUSIVE purposes of rhosearch. So, can you really blame them here?

    Why do you think this warn was false: Lemme explain something to you. This ALLEGGED crime commited by the two ALLEGED perpertrators is UNSUPPORTED BY any proof at all. The D-CLASS IN QUESTION were standing in the DIRECT line of fire of the abused elitechildsoldier, and they were all slaughtered in the process. in addition, how can we be so sure that my clients assisted the dlcass in this alleged allegation against them? why would they do such a thing? we were simply conducting a harmless experiment upon RHO's weakest child soldier, and a few people happened to die in the process. i rest my case, your honor.

    Evidence the warning is false: none is necessary we are clearly innceont

  2. Loved utility so much, and will never leave the people there, but it's time I leave the server unfortunately. With the combination of not enjoying myself and the prospect of a true irl job in my grasp, it's time that I leave. I hang my broom, my welder, and my stethoscope. I am sorry to leave after only 5 month, but I have NO plan of leaving you guys on ts or on steam. 

    • Laughing 1
    • Sad 2
  3. im sorry ive been filling out so many loa's recently, i just feel like such shit, im at a huge low right now, i think im going to take another week break from the server, i just need to do something, before my emotions destroy me. sorry to disappoint anyone, and my dms are always open if you want to just talk with me, could use some nice friends right now

  4. +support, sorry my man, kinda cringe, I always thought it was like a special feature of the CC that you paid loads for but if its just a bug then that's a major no for me... Imagine being CI and dealing with that.


    • Like 2
  5. On 5/13/2020 at 12:52 AM, CreameyCheesey said:


    • Opens up CC market to further donator interests from more RP-oriented folks
    • Should be possible to enforce proposed rules to avoid further "discount MTFs" from being made as a loophole to the system
    • May need some sort of 'forfeiture of CC' punishment clause if the owner of the CC continually breaks the branch SOPs they should be following. (Preventing further Dr Slimes from occurring)

    As the owner of a legit Utility CC, I think it's kind of a neat concept that people could really enjoy if it was allowed again. We would of course need to be wary of the ways people would attempt to game the rules, and have a prepared way to actually punish these people if an RP punishment cannot be given to them by the branch they are representing. This is important in the instance they attempt to do something like, for example, decide they don't have to follow an SOP because they arent officially in a branch even though their CC is related to the branch.

    I know Dr Slime was a thing in the past, but we may want to avoid permanently preventing anyone else from getting a chance to own a CC that is part of an RP-focused branch they love. Right now the market for CCs is somewhat restricted to those interested in PVP or gunplay, and I know the interest still exists out there for Util/Research CCs that can be more in depth roleplay characters.


  6. Lore Name: Cat
    Rank: AR
    SCP: 912

    Question / Idea: 912 functions better in this environment than previously thought, given that he behaves like SWAT, albeit in a much more aggressive manner. This personality and behavior fits well in the SCP Foundation, specifically the D Block, however the most interesting function about him is that it doesn't feel pain from aggressors. But can he feel pain from other inputs of stimuli?
    Background Research: Setup needs to be made from this test, specifically certain parameters of how the armor functions. Seeing that there is no complete overview of his anatomy, specifically a possible neuron system, I must preform these tests with the help of medical. 
    Hypothesis: Does 912 feel pain from non aggressive sources?

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Upon explaining how there is a possibility that it could feel pain from something like a toe stub or a non aggressive stimulus, 912 in it's infinite wisdom slams his foot against the medbay wall. It describes an "uncomfortable feeling." I believe this is pain, or at the very least 912's version of pain. We then moved to items that are designed to deal damage, AKA weapons. I were going to give a combat knife and tell him to "scrape the side of his pants." He borrowed the knife, scraped his own pant leg leaving a small hole, and handed the knife back over and told me no stimulus was felt. I sewed the patch back up and he was back to normal. I then moved to a non aggressive item, specifically a medical hammer used to test reflexes. I applied it to the knee and it kicked forward. We then, with 912's explicit permission, hit it (not to) hard on the arm to test if pain was felt. He responded similarly to the "uncomfortable feeling" from before. We finally concluded with testing if it could determine temperature by giving it a small, room temperature metal rod along with another rod heated on a hot plate for approximately a minute. It could tell the difference and became increasingly uncomfortable holding the hot metal rod, thus dropping it.
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: 

    AR Cat can be seen preparing the metal rods and putting on gloves in order to handle two rods. They picks up the rods, one of which was on a hot plate, and hands them over to 912. It then begins talking to 912.

    AR Cat: I've handed you two metal rods, one of which is rather hot. Can you inform me of which is hotter?

    912 very quickly tries handing back the hot rot to Cat.

    Cat then records it's data on a clipboard, and examines the glove of 912. It was partially singed. They apply aloe onto 912's glove and 912 seems to find relief, opening and closing his glove a few times, before giving a thumbs up to Cat.


    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): The results show that only non aggressive items can harm 912's anomalous neuron system, and items purely made for dealing damage have no effect. This could possibly render 912 neutralized at some point in time from D Class if not careful enough. There is a possibility that even when non aggressive items are used to purposely harm 912 it may not feel pain, but this would require me to look into the matter further. We can confirm however, that 912 has a way to react to stimulus around him. My next question is where does the neuron system lie? I have hypotheses as to it, but nothing truly solid yet.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: It was correct, yes.

    (My pronouns are It and They, hence why the video log may seem off. I had no screenshots because this was my first log, and I was unfamiliar of how the layout works, so my apologies.)

  7. Your Name : Cat

    Your SteamID : STEAM_0:0:83704627

    Your  Rank : OPSV

    What is your Level? : 51, boutta get 52 and get my level boosts to get lv 60

    Which command member gave you permission? : Borealis

    On a scale of 1 - 10, How active are you? : 9.9

    Are you a Containment Cleaner, and if so, What Rank ? : Ye, CC

    Why are you  fit for MMF (The longer the better) ? : I have spent countless hours on janitorial and finally being able to hang with my bois on MMF would be a blast. Just another way to participate in my favorite branch known as janitorial.

    What do you believe MMF's Purpose is? : a beefier CC in my opinion, its literally just a mobile task force for janitorial.

  8. + Support
    I see this guy all the time, is on janitorial 24/7, which is why you guys don't see him due to not paying attention to janitorial. Very creative in his RP's, think he would be cool to work with on event team if I get my own app accepted.

  9. What is your ULX Rank?: Senior Moderator

    What is your RP Rank?: Operations Supervisor (low command for jan), MSGT in Security.

    What is your timezone?: EST

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8.5, I have lurked on the SCP Wiki for hours before, but there is always more that I can find.

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): No.

    How Active are you? (1/10): 10/10, ALL my freetime goes to this server.

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): 1 warn, prop minge more than a month ago

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: 

    My experience on the server is more than quite a few, and I know the ins and outs of the rules and server. I have been in every branch (outside E11) at least once for at least 2 weeks. This allows me to understand a fluid and creative way to mesh the classes together in a singular event easily without any hitches. Masterful command of the SCP Lore allows me to think of clever ideas and events, and my activity is constant which allows for more events than usual from me. As for the content of my events, they will mainly revolve around finally bringing Utility into the mix, something that is often not recognized even though their entire branch is based on thorough roleplay, which can provide a powerful addition to the thoughtful and intricate events that I plan on making if allowed on the team. Working under constraints of time and resources is a specialty of mine, so using only the models, weapons, and entities whitelisted for base event team members would be a breeze for me. 

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): One creative event that I would love to do is based off SCP - 090. Essentially, this SCP goes off the basis of being a cube similar to a Rubik's Cube in the way it turns, but it turns on its own. Each side that turns has a different radius of effect. When a face turns, it predicts with 100% accuracy that a disaster will happen. The front side is a local event, which would mean something akin to a major containment breach in the foundation, or another side would be the global range, which predicts large scale disasters like a deadly earthquake, or the example from the wiki would be a catastrophic tsunami. I would plan on using this while walking into the foundation, placing the object in temp euclid containment, and allowing researchers to observe it. However, at one point, my assistant would get curious and try turning the block while I wasn't looking, causing a turn of the block in the local face, predicting a major foundation threat. The threat includes the foundation suffering a massive earthquake, causing the utility staff to get to work in LCZ. However, HCZ would then be dangerous to traverse, with certain weak containment cells broken open, releasing certain SCP's. At this point, the box would be immediately transported out of the foundation by my assistant, taking it himself for ransom. The event would end when the utility members finally clean everything up and the SCP's are re contained.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes

    What is your favorite SCP? Why?: Definitely SCP - 1230. It is a notebook that transports its users for periods of time into a fantasy realm of their dreams. For some, it is harder to leave than others not because of the SCP, but the person themselves. For others, fun and glory lie ahead for what feels like a few days to a few years in most cases. There is something charming of thinking about such a noble SCP, one that provides nothing but care for the individual. These types of SCP's are my favorite, and I might make a passive event based off this SCP alone!

  10. 6 minutes ago, Your Local Soviet said:


    The green-line was useless since a D-Class can just stay on for 2 seconds and walk off, and repeat. It was extremely mingy. However, with what you said with the line being tiny, I would support a bigger red-line.


  11. The guy after I told him a roll would suffice for replacing a base decided to then continue saying he was right regardless of the fact. You do not need to say /me applies a base, like a plain roll is fine. The SCP knew what was going on, and I told him a /me command is not necessary, and he kept telling me otherwise, the same sentence over and over. So there should be NO reason that he should have continued to tell me I was wrong, I was fed up with him not listening to me doing that, so I warned him for staff diss. I told him before hand if he didn't stop saying he was right instead of listening to why he wasn't, he was going to get the warn, he refused, thus the warn. I told staff after that to not accept his sits because of the obvious mingery. It shouldn't be a question. I, Cat, am low command of janitorial so I would know just rolling to apply a base to 106 is suffice. Period. 

  12. NAME:Cat

    RANK: Medic

    Sub-Division: None ATM

    ACTIVITY (1-10, 1 being very inactive and 10 being very active): 9

    Anything you would want to see in medical: Less strict surgical thingy, I want to go through my own equally intense and fun RP sugeries

    Are you on the roster?:Yes

  13. - support
    I was there to see the entire thing, this guy was just minging with his friends, as most of utility at that time were. We were tired, lacking sleep, and bored, so of course they minged around. I could pull beanz in here and have him explain that its just utility having fun with themselves and their friends after hours. Both parites were also on the teamspeak and had no problems with the scenario whatsoever, but rather laughing at the situation. While I don't believe using admin commands is the best way to have fun, in the scenario we were all just having blowing off steam from the events earlier that day. This guy is a competent staff member and I have seen him preform sits in the past quickly and efficiently. Removing him from staff in my eyes could be detrimental as we have one less guy taking sits, and a good mod at that.

    Edit: Let's also keep in mind that in this scenario costco did FailRP, and therefore while not completely warranting the actions of what happened, is definitely better than if he had just done it without the failRP

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