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God Of Thunder

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  1. Lore Name Thor Odinson Rank Junior Researcher SCP 1048 Question / Idea How will SCP-1048 respond to being put in various outfits? Background Research SCP-1048 is a sentient being, who has the appearance of stuffed rabbit. In terms of clothing, SCP-1048 has always been observed to just wear a black bow tie. This is logical because all rabbits wear bow ties. However, aside from the singular bow tie, SCP-1048 is basically naked. Hypothesis SCP-1048 will be grateful to receive such fine attire? Preparation SCP-1048 had been given 3 outfits each labelled from A to C. -Outfit A is a Doctor's Uniform, dressed with mint colored gloves, aprons, and head wear. -Outfit B is a Policeman's Uniform, equipped with its very own miniature handcuffs, baton, and toy pistol. -Outfit C is a frilly pink dress, with a small, shiny tiara. Observation After much struggle, from onsite Security, Outfit A had been successfully dawned onto SCP-1048. After a few seconds of processing the outfit, SCP-1048 began to crawl towards Thor Odinson, and pressed its tiny stethoscope against his muscular leg. SCP-1048 then listened carefully, while maneuvering the stethoscope, as if it were listening for a heart beat. A short while later, SCP-1048 began to gesture as if it had gasped in surprise, and began staring at people in the room, as if it were shocked to discover the lack of a heart. After getting use to the procedure, Outfit B had been worn on SCP-1048, with relative ease. After a short moment to ponder its new uniform, SCP-1048 began too charge at the nearest Class-D personnel, at top speeds (Which of course, being a stuffed rabbit, was not very fast). SCP-1048 then planted in front of the nearest Class-D, who was restrained on a wall by nearby security, and began to gesture its hand forward, as if it were ordering it to halt. SCP-1048 then proceeded to attempt and climb the Class-D's legs, in an attempt to further restrain it, with its miniature cuffs. After a short struggle, and almost falling, SCP-1048 had succeed by tying the Class-D's 2 index fingers together. Unlike Outfit B, SCP-1048 showed much hesitation towards being dressed with Outfit C. Due to SCP-1048's persistent struggle, a second security officer had to be introduced, in an effort to dress SCP-1048. After a 10 minute struggle, Outfit C had been successfully put on SCP-1048. However due to SCP-1048's hesitation against the outfit, it proceeded to sit in place with its arms crossed, as if it were refusing to "play along". Conclusion SCP-1048 has been observed to show excitement towards being dressed in clothing, and will often role play as the outfit's respective occupation. However, as seen in Outfit C, SCP-1048 has shown an immense aversion against outfits that may be considered "girly", and will refuse to continue said role play, if it is ever dawned in such garbs.
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