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Posts posted by Spice

  1. In-Game Name: Spice

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:149556730

    Rank: Head Admin

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified):4 days  12/10- 12/13

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine): Going on Vacation

  2. Name (which you most commonly use): Spice

    Position I am applying for: General 

    Do you have any command experience? If so please explain:  Do I have any Commander experience? Yes, I do. I have been the Vice Sovereign Protector Kir Kanos on Imperial Rp for 1 month or so and from my understanding, I was doing an amazing job at Vice Sovereign Protector. So after that one month, I applied for Sovereign Protector Kir kano's (promoted to Commander). I remained the Sovereign Protector for around 5 months I believe. Along the side of being the Sovereign Protector, I was also a DT COL JK9 for around 2 or so months. From there I transferred My Sovereign Protector rank to the Eighth Brother and my DT COL rank to SubLT in naval. after this I would say a month later I got an IQ hand and also I became a gunner officer in naval and the rank commander in naval. I've also Been Both Yoda and Mace Windu on JVS. I was Mace Windu longer than Yoda due to certain situations. So in total, I've been a commander/command for around 8 or so months if I'm correct. 

    How active can you be? With School  coming around and me being in more advanced classes instead of being on like 24/7 like I was in the summer. I am not sadly cut down to the  maybe like 6 or so hours the most a day or maybe a bit less. If  it where to be a break and I had no homework then I would be on 24/7.

    Are you familiar with the Star wars universe and have played other Star wars related servers? If so please explain:    I'm just going to make this as simple as possible.  Am I familiar with the Star wars universe , and have I ever played on any other Star wars related servers?  Yes I am familiar with the Star wars universe and I have played on one other Star wars related server. To be more precise I have been on the Gaming light imp rp server for 8 months and I have watched every movie . Along side this I've also learned a lot more since joining gaming light just more IQ lore and such. So in a nut shell I know ALOT of star wars lore. I used to be Head Gamemaster for JvS too.

    Why do you want to become command?   I'm going to keep this short sweet and simple. Why do I want to become Command? I want to become command due to the fact that I know what I'm doing and I want to help improve the server/command overall. Of course, I will go a bit more in-depth on this. I know what imp doing as a command as I've pretty much-been command for gaming light imp rp for 7 months. Along Side of This, I guess you can say I'm also command IRL. What do I mean by this? I'm in a JROTC and I'm the DTCO. I'm in charge of both the drill team and my platoon which in total is 100 people or more people I lead with just myself. Also, I do plan on helping the server and the battalion(s) as much as possible whether it be from just doing a simple roster or handbook to helping with running a battalion. So in a nutshell these are my reason why. Because I know what I'm doing and I want to help all the battalions and the server as much as possible.

    What qualities can you bring to the position? What qualities can I bring to this position? Well, there are many qualities that I'm able to bring to the position. To start with I'm just going to name a few. My leading abilities, I'm responsible, and I'm mature. Let us start with the very first one and as always I'm just going to keep things short and simple.  So to start with, my leadership skills. When it comes to being a leader, you need to have a variety of skills. So I would say leadership skills just due to the fact there are SOOO many qualities that you have as a leader. If I were to list all the qualities you should have as a leader I would say that it would probably just go on, and on, and on. But here is one I feel is very important. Being able to adapt as a leader is what I feel is one of the most important traits of being a leader.  Because you NEED to adapt to whatever situation you are present with and be able to handle the situation. The next quality is my responsibility. Being responsible is an important thing in life, and I feel is something you will need to get far in life. I know for a fact that I am a responsible person. If I were not a responsible person then I would not the position(s) that I currently am in or was in. Lastly is maturity. Just like responsibility, I feel that if you want to get far in life you will need to be mature. Being mature is when you know when to stop joking around when something is funny and when it is not, not being stubborn from failure and overall acting your age. I know for a fact that I am mature. If I were not mature then I would not be in the positions that I am in right now. Also two other things I say I have are common sense and learning from my mistakes. I say this due to the harsh fact that some people (in my opinion) just don't have either or.

    What makes you different from other players?   Why should you pick me over all others? To be honest, I believe that I'm simply am a better choice. Why would I say that. Well I feel that this whole application is more than good enough to explain why. But just incase you didn't see,  I should be chosen over all other due to my qualities that I bring to this position, why I should be chosen for command, why I want to become command and over all because I feel that I'm a very good leader.  

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