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Retired Staff
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Posts posted by Spice

  1. G'day gents...

    I can't believe this day has finally come. I have been a part of this community for nearly four years, with approximately two and a half years serving as part of the SMT. It's amusing how things have unfolded because, based on what I've witnessed, I'm not surprised. Throughout my time as a member, I have observed the decay of this server and community. There has been an increase in corruption and a prevailing sense of sadness, contributing to the overall decline. It is often claimed that the SMT members are busy, but in reality, this is only true about 3 out of 10 times. Let me provide an example with Bub. He probably only plays the server about twice a month, despite the daily activity shown on BattleMetrics. Moreover, the majority of his logged hours consist of him doing absolutely nothing. This makes him a literal hypocrite, especially considering that he has removed staff members, including myself, for similar reasons. I won't delve into the specifics of my removal to avoid exposing Bub further.

    Furthermore, during a flood incident that I experienced, almost all of the SMT members, except for Bub, were understanding and supportive. It was disappointing to see the Head of Staff, who should lead by example, display such hypocrisy and lack of concern. He accused me of poor communication, despite the fact that I regularly provided updates regarding the situation. Additionally, when I informed him about taking a break, he criticized me for not spending enough time on the server. It's ironic coming from someone who is rarely seen on the server, appearing perhaps twice a month and spending the majority of his time being AFK. It is evident that he is failing in his role as the Head of Staff. Removing someone from the server for supposed activity and communication issues, when only one task was assigned to me, and claiming it was never completed, is absurd. It's even more ridiculous when he completes some tasks that aren't even due and accuses me of not meeting deadlines. When I requested further proof of my alleged shortcomings, he couldn't provide any. This raises serious doubts about his competence as a Head of Staff, and it's baffling how he attained that position. Almost every time he speaks, he stumbles over his words and displays a god complex. His poor communication skills are evident and contribute to the overall dysfunction.

    Bub also stated that I'm never on when he is. However, it may be the case that he is rarely on himself, taking into account different time zones. Nevertheless, I must admit that my departure from the Pykes was somewhat petty and a mistake on my part. But what choice did I have when I was falsely removed? With that being said, Bub, I hope this sheds light on the shortcomings of your leadership as the Head of Staff. I also hope that you face consequences, just as you removed me, or rather, "had me resign." Additionally, I find it concerning that you removed two staff members without considering your own removal or at least stepping down. An incident that stands out is when Pixel Cat was present, and you engaged in continuous RDM for a straight twelve minutes. Don't pretend you were unaware of your actions. To the rest of you, I hope this message reaches you well and brings some clarity. Have a pleasant remainder of your day!


  2. In-Game Name: Spice
    Rank: Head Admin
    Reason for leaving: Due to private Reasons
    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours after this post? yes
    Do you agree to contact your Head Admin+ once your 48 hour notice is up? yes

    Unfortunately due to some complications within real life I will have no choice but to step down from my current position withing GL Staff Team . It was a pleasure to work with yall for the amount of time I spent with yall (around since 2018/2019) I hope everyone the best of luck in your future endeavors!

    short little shoutouts:

    -Beckett & Zeeptin: Thx for being overall a great people and allowing me to be SMT for the community Much love.
    -Bon: Cya Later British man
    -Rux: Thankyou for accepting me back into SMT and I will forever remember ye
    -Bub: Wish ye the best of luck in your future endeavors and much love

    To the rest of yall that I've forgotten to mention or just to the rest of the community, I appreciate yall for having me as one of your SMT (Head Admin) for imperial RP and hope to see yall again in the future. But For now I had a lot of fun and wish yall the best of luck.

    • Sad 3
    • Gaminglight Love 1

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