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Jack II

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Posts posted by Jack II

  1. 44 minutes ago, [GL] Inaccurate said:

    After hearing she got blacklisted, I feel like that a server warning and a blacklist is a little much.

    This isnt just what she did to get a blacklist. Peggu has a history of doing stuff where she can’t control her anger. Honestly it amazes me on how she got away with so much. 

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, _Alpha_ said:

    It basically was in TS, she's blacklisted from GENSEC and I think Rang handled the rest but I'm not too sure.

    She was blacklisted from gensec but thats just a branch punishment. i want a server punishment too

  3. 10 minutes ago, trevdec29 said:

    i made a sit on her and some admin heard her call sinnik a "dumbass" and yeah i heard her over her in game mic dissing sinnik everytime she respawned



    honestly she can't control her temper and to rant on someone nice as sinnik is one of the most disrespectful thinks you can do.

    • Like 1
  4. Your in game name:Jack

    Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:127963272

    The player's in game name:Peggu

    The player's steam ID (required):STEAM_0:1:150759047

    What did the player do player diss command

    Evidence (required):901E01AB60D7A7A1D1F8C5A92467FA8B9D6DD46214099ADE8A8755FD7C5F6E41E01F6957ADBB5BAB

    What do you believe should happen to the player:Warn for diss

    Any extra information:Taking into previous accounts she has a history of not controlling her temper. Entire server heard the diss she was doing witnesses such as trevdec, DHOS cryolast, and sinnik. 

    • Like 3
  5. 20 hours ago, Propane said:

    What you want to see? - Disallowing camping in EZ/Gates

    Why should we add it? -  Recently I've noticed RHO camping in Gate A, calling us out, then running away to get a ton of other MTF to help them or other RHO.

    What are the advantages of having this? - CI get less discouraged to do raids when RHO seem to always know CI are raiding

    Who is it mainly for? - CI

    - support

  6. 3 hours ago, Fool said:

    A buff to the Fubar's damage either back to 200 or to 175 from the current 115, also if this gets accepted ban D-class CC's from getting it

    YESTERDAY I WAS 682 AND U FUBARED ME INTO ACID WITH 1 HIT, ITS TOO OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Lore Name:Jack
    SCP:049 vs 008

    Question / Idea: Will 049 be able to cure the d-class exposed to SCP-008. 
    Background Research: SCP 049 cures anything that  he thinks has a pestilence, I wanted to see if 049 will be able to cure a victim of 008, one of the most deadliest diseases ever.
    Hypothesis: I think 049 will be able to cure 008.

    Observations (What Happened During Test): Okay so the D-class walked into 008, open the lid and exposed himself. About a minute later you can hear screaming coming from the d-class yelling in pain. The D-class started to develop abnormal looking features on its body a minute later, it looked bruised, battered, and bloody. Finally you can see the screaming comming from the d class fade away into growling. The now SCP 008-1 starts charging at the door banging, there was 2 security guards ready to fire at will. We uncuff SCP 049 and let 008 walk towards him, SCP 049 said how SCP 008-1 had a pestilence but 049 didn't exactly try to cure it at first. We told SCP 049 under fearrp to cure him or attempt to, SCP 049 tried curing 008 but nothing worked, 008-1 was later terminated and incinerated. 
    Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A

    Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 049 has never seen this type of disease before possibly, it could only possibly be used for the Black Death.
    Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.

  8. Full Name (Lore Name):Experienced Researcher Jack


    Experienced Researcher

    Current SCP:RP 

    Level: 91

    Requested Name(i.e RIG Unit [Number] [Name]):

    RIG Unit 4232 Jack

    Who gave you permission to apply?:

    Tomato, and Trevdec

    Why should the foundation authorize your requested unit? (80 word minimum).

    I like to play Research a lot, I am very active on it, and due to Gensecs recent low numbers I think I will do a great job escorting the researchers in need instead. I am very good at PVP, and I have 8 weeks total on the server so I know a lot about this game. I also have good knowledge of SCP Lore. I will also be super active on research too, I really love research and I would love to help out my fellow researchers in escorts, and most importantly, protecting them.

  9. In-game Name:Jack






    What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): R&D

    How would you rank your knowledge of the lore?  9/10

    Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Ive been thinking about this decision for a long time but with the influence of Kami and some other people I decided I want to switch from foundation research to CI R&D. I think R&D is really cool especially since you can become a CI sleuth, and which I hope I can possibly make command and become Maynard. I really like CI and I think Id be a good choice to be recruited to R&D. I already have a lot of knowledge when it comes to research due to me being a Researcher. 




    What is something that sets you apart from other applicants?I am very creative, especially when it comes to tests, I also know a lot about SCP


    How active can you be?4+ hours a day


    Do you have both Teamspeak and Discord:Yes


    *Please note you can get removed at anytime if violating the SOP or being inactive for 3-4 days

  10. 8 minutes ago, oscar.hollingsoworth2 said:

    The "Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency?" answer isn't 75 words long. You just edited your app so its 75 words and no longer a RnD app. smh.

    Decided to join the military smh

  11. 5 hours ago, Mr. February said:

    Thank you for the suggestion, I have been wanting to it to be added for a while now and we finally got around to adding it. - Epsilon-11 Major February. 

    No problem man

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