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Posts posted by BRUH

  1. This shouldn't really be a surprise at this point. I haven't been playing gaminglight that much, and thats because Ive been working on other things. I want to thank all the people ive met throu this past 8-9 months. im surprised that i didnt get permabanned but somehow i never did. for all the people who dont know, i have had 39 warns for a good 7 months at this point and no I didn't get permabanned
    i got farther then i ever thought i would, i thought i would only reach SAIC before getting banned but somehow never did and got to DCOS.
    now i might be getting on the server every year or when my friends on, but other then that im dip.

    Cya BTW im still be in the discords i think

  2. 5 hours ago, frog milk said:

    BRUH, you've been a great mentor to me in the FBI, very sad to see you go. I wish you the best ❤️

    keep up the good work, you were a great agent!

    5 hours ago, LuckyGoose said:

    Sorry my friend you where the real one in FBI. Was there to see you get command and was there to see you go I love you bro<3

    Thank you, you were a real one

    5 hours ago, Masterson said:

    Sucks to see you go. Thats a real BRUH moment. 

    really is a BRUH moment

    5 hours ago, Phil GSC said:

    Aye you can't retire, gotta wait atleast a week after another command member leaves smh


    Good luck on ya all the things you have going for you brother will miss ya

    Love you phil HMU when you get DCOS

    5 hours ago, TheJayden said:

    Damn sad to see another person go 😞

    You trained me for PD back when you were a PA

    low key is sad thou

    5 hours ago, Jayden said:

    Sad to see you go man, you worked so hard for your position.

    Wish you the best with what comes next!

    Thanks man, you have always been supportive 

    5 hours ago, Mr. Sins said:

    Sad To see you leave


    5 hours ago, SupremeLord Kami said:

    brooo, i'll miss you. good luck

    good luck to you as well, HMU when you get director

    5 hours ago, K1LLER said:

    Well That was Unexpected...


    5 hours ago, Alex Raddish said:


    bruh bruh bruh bruh
    fr thou congrats on DAD you minge💓

    5 hours ago, Solomonnew said:

    Bruh... lol you’ll be missed! Good luck with everything else..

    thank, goodluck to you as well

    5 hours ago, Mr_Gaming said:

    I'm gonna Miss you Bruh, it's been fun tho

    it really has been fun, good luck 

    • Like 1
    • Heart-Eyes 1
  3. 15 hours ago, Alex Raddish said:


    I was the one who kidnapped Mar. It is a common misconception that Panic and Comms are separate. I've seen many people debate this before. I didn't call a sit on him, because it wasn't a big deal, but pulled over to explain to the pursuing officers that he didn't know. It was an honest mistake and I don't think an immediate warning was necessary. I think just explaining to Mar that they are in-fact separate and giving him a verbal not to do it again would've sufficed. No disrespect toward Will. Mar only has 1 week on the server. There's many blurry and or unspoken rules that aren't explained in-depth in the MOTD that people break unknowingly often. Mar has not been warned for FailRP before. He has very low warnings and personally, I don't think this should be one of them.


  4. On 5/10/2020 at 1:11 AM, SupremeChow said:


    There is no such thing as “minge hour” you must be always following the rules no matter the time of day , you claimed he was in your family because both of your names start with T, which is the FailRP warn, on top of that hitting a officer randomly with a. fubar is copbait, and even if he was aiming a gun at you that’s fear rp,Rifle>Fubar . Reading your appeal, you tried going into SS base which is again cop bait either way you look at it since all gov buildings are aos/kos .

    @Ender has video evidence , please upload your side aswell. 

    Huge -Support 
    Minge hour is still a thing late at night, BUT doesn't mean you cant get warned. trying to use minge hours as a excuse just doesn't work.
    there is also Lots of proof of you minging. I understand that you want to have fun, but there's other things you can do to have fun that's not breaking the rules.

    and to clarify to all people who don't know what minge hour is. its a term that is used when there is no Staff on.
    Also minge hours is JUST a term.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Cole B said:

    Lucky lets not try and blame will for staff demoting you when I literally just had a conversation with you about this. 


    Luckygoose was afk for way more than five minutes so I asked will to demote him for being afk on gov. Because it was not letting me demote you for some reason I went to will and asked him to do it. 


    I went to you in game and explained it to you and you tried to claim that it was no more than five minutes of you being afk. 


    Goose while you were afk I had the time 

    1. see your car sitting there for about a minte 

    2. See someone lockpicking your car 

    3. Saw him steal it 

    4. Bring him to a roof and explain why he was getting warned and warn him

    5. Return him 

    6. Him stealing your car again 

    7. Me warning him again and jailing him for 180s 

    8. after the three minutes was up I still saw you sitting there afk so I asked will if I was allowed to demote people for being afk on gov 

    9. He said I was so I tried to demote you 

    10. I did not have permission to demote you so I asked will to do it. 

    Could be a missunderstanding. he could have been doing things in Discord, teamspeak or making this report. if he called in 10-7 for 5 mins then hes fine

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