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Everything posted by RedKnight

  1. RedKnight

    Knight's LOA

    Name: Knight Rank: 2LT Date: 2/4 Date you will return:2/11 Reason: bored of gensec and feel like I'm starting to be a bit too hard on peeps and kinda want a moment to calm down. Note: May be on once in a while but won't be on for the most part if at all.
  2. Requirements for an ACM application: Medic+ Level 45 No strikes/demotions in the last two weeks Permission to apply from two command members Good Reputation Decent Activity A reminder that if there is conflicting rules in the Main SOP and ACM SOP, the ACM SOP overrides it. Questions: 1. What is your Ingame Name: Red 2. SteamID (steamid.xyz if you need to get it): STEAM_0:1:108321105 3. Rank: Medic 4. Time on server: 3 weeks 5. Total strikes ever received: 0 6. How many warns do you have on GL: 0 7. Who gave you permission to apply: Tako and Price 8. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?: 9 9. Why do you think you’re fit for ACM (60+ words): I'm more active than a good portion of the other medics, I have a good bit of combat and medical experience behind me, I've done "Street surgery" on other servers before and understand how to do it quickly, due to being nu7 and A1 in the past I still know how to recontain every SCP if the need arises. I'm also good at juking/stallling 106 and 682 giving MTF enough time to either shoot it or get a D-class into the femur breaker. I'm also recording 24/7 meaning that if someone makes a false report against me or other medics around me I can easily defend myself or the other medics 10: (Bonus question, this is in no way required, but it gets you some brownie points) CI is currently raiding. You see an MTF E-11 CPL at 27% health running away from a fight. Just as you start to examine his condition, an MTF A1 Captain comes up to you and asks you to help them fend off the CI. What do you do? Continue wit the medical treatment as we area medics first and foremost (Also A1 don't have ranks anymore)
  3. Thank you, I just noticed the spelling mistake, thats my bad, I believe when writing thing I thought "Its bio hazard unit not researcher" idk why I did this but thank you for pointing this out for me.
  4. Thank you man, and us hardly knowing each other is most likely due to you either being CI or D-class so it does make sense that we don't know each other too well.
  5. In-Game Name: Knight/Rachel Corbin SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) : STEAM_0:1:108321105 What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Silver What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 3 weeks of in game time, about a year since first log in on the server What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?: Security FTO 2LT and Senior Researcher What is your timezone?: EST How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 8 due to the fact that I know all of the well known SCPs and alot of lesser known ones but its impossible to know every single one Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): No but I'm hoping to start somewhere How Active are you? (1/10): 9 How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I believe I would make a good member of your event team and that you should let me join due to my activity, good track record, myself being involved in a good portion of event for the past few weeks in one way or another and constantly trying my best to help out the ET hosting it. I believe I have good ideas for events and my vass knowledge of SCPs could come in handy, I'm aware of most anti foundation groups, many Safe, Euclid, Keter, and XK SCP's that many people have / had no clue even existed, I've read so many SCP files that it would only take me a few minutes to make a brand new SCP either from scratch or using pieces from other SCPs and combining them, along with all of this I was around when the server had one of its only XK end of the events and I know how to recreate it or make it even better if ever the need of that arises. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): Well a simple short event could me a SCP 113 event, this scp changes the persons gender after a few painful seconds, this could be done with a colored rock and some player models although this event wouldn't last very long. Another event could be a 008 event with NPCs, that way every branch can be included including MTF, Research, Security, D-class, and CI, this will most likely end in a nuke so it would require higher ranking ET's and staff to be on for it. A last event could be a SH (Serpent hand) raid where they attempt to wipe out the foundation and save the SCP's other than 682 and 106, during the event only the ETs in the group would have key cards to ensure that only certain SCP's are let out. Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes What is your favorite SCP? Why?: SCP-783 "There was a crooked man" its not well known despite the story and tests on it being amazing, its horrifying yet intriguing at the same time
  6. +support Site 05 has good memories and it an amazing map + if I'm not mistaken there are rooms there that can be used for events
  7. Heres the thing... I would have more but every single time I try it ends with 035 in the roof and 049 in a drunken state
  8. Oil? I mean yea.... but then our good friend vampy would die
  9. Your Full Name & Rank? Rachel Corbin, Senior Researcher Why have you chosen to pursue specializing in studying biologically hazardous materials? It ill make it easier to test on certain SCPs, make it less likely to die to SCP's that I enjoy to test on. It can also allow me to attempt to find a cure for 008 without being infected and also bring drinks to certain SCP's to see how they act for mass tests or just solo tests. Have you produced any documents pertaining to biologically hazardous SCPs? I have tested on many just none have produced any usable results... before now. Go to Knights 008 test in the Foundation Test Logs to find it. In this test I attempted to find a cure for 008 but found something else a bit more interesting instead (Thank you squash for fixing the linking issue
  10. SCP-008 Object class: Euclid Warning, Level three clearance required Password Required .......................... Access granted! .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Lore Name: Knight Rank: Senior Researcher SCP: 008 Question / Idea: does the DNA, blood type, finger prints, so on change at all and could this be used to find a cure Hypothesis: If the DNA or blood type changed at all there may be a way to cure those infected with 008 Observations (What Happened During Test): At the start of the test myself, MTF Nu-7 REDACTED, MTF Nu-7 REDACTED, Gensec SGT REDACTED, and D-class D-008-613 all headed to SCP-008's chambers, outside the chambers all parties involved besides the D-class put on hazmat suits. The D-class was given simple instructions to enter the CC, open and then quickly close the container containing 008 effectively contaminating him. The D-class was then terminated and samples of his skin, tissue, and blood where taken and taken to the research lab. At this time the Gensec when back to him normal duties and only the NU-7 protected me incase I got infected. The skin showed no results and just seemed liked normal skin after three weeks of decay. The blood however turned black once boiled almost like 035's acid. Testing with left over 035 acid was conducted and it was found out that they where close to the same. along with this the blood type of the D-class seemed to have changed, he use to be a A- but now was a B+. these properties where not recently documented. Although this was undocumented sadly none of my new findings will help to find a cure Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP-035 may know more about 008 than we originally thought Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Sadly, no Item#: 008 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: a small container in which the virus is stored Description. 008 is a virus that when introduced to animals will bring down their brain waves, kill them, bring them back, and then turn them hostile to all life, effectively making them zombies much like SCP-049 would with his patients
  11. -/+ Don't remove the old one but replace the logo on the defcon with the number so its easier for peeps to know.
  12. What are you suggesting? - To not allow 2192 to suck on robots as they do not have blood, instead give him some form of weapon he may use on robotic enemies How would this change better the server? - It would just make a bit more sense as robots do not have blood and oil would most likely hurt a vampire (not to mention the metal) Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - It may make it a bit more difficult for the vampire if they do not get a weapon to counter this Who would this change mostly benefit? - Foundation members, mostly researchers and MTF
  13. Lore Name: Knight Rank: Experienced Researcher SCP: 457 Question / Idea: would injecting a D-class with some of 457's blood cause them to change either physically or mentally much like it had with 999's slime Hypothesis: The blood most likely won't do too much but it may have some affects on the mental state Observations (What Happened During Test): We had a single D-class along with two Gensec, one was a CPL the other was an OFC, all staff where equipped with a fire extinguisher. All members besides D-class entered 457's CC and extracted a "Blood" sample. The blood itself represented lava of some sorts and was even warmer then 457 itself. The D-class was injected with half the blood taken, the other half was stored with the other samples. The D-classes eyes seemed to grow ablaze as soon as the blood was injected and seemed to have a melting feature to them although no damage was reported on the D-class. The D-class quickly grew hostile and attacked one of the guards. The other ordered him to not shoot but the researcher ordered him to shoot in order to save the gensecs life. The D-class was terminated and the gensec was wounded. An analysis of the body was conducted and found that over have of the blood in his body now represented 457's own blood and many of his organs and bones started to melt and char Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP -457's blood could be extremely dangerous and handing it should be taken extremely seriously Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes but not in the way I thought Item#: 457 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Small 5/5 containment cube with fire proof glass and a few fire extinguishers Description. SCP-457 is a hostile man who's only desire is to burn and grow, the man is made out of flames and can be put out using fire extinguishers. 457 is known to hate water due to being mostly made out of fire. Despite the flames 457 does not seem to be in any sorts of pain.
  14. 1. What is your in-game name?: Knight 2. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:108321105 3. Current Rank in Security: MSGT 4. Time on the server: 1 week of in game 5. Current level: 57 6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?: 8-9 7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?: 0 8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?: ZJ and Dei 9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?: Yes 10. Why do you think you deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job? (60+ WORDS): I have been active and loyal to Gensec, been training when possible, have earned the rank of MSGT in a week due to my dedication, a good portion of the time I'm one of the very few online yet I'm still able to hold my own well enough, I have proven to be a decent leader and able to lead a small group of people to victory despite the low chance of success. 11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?: the CZ-75 and making sure that the shot is clear and have it on three round burst if possible
  15. Researcher Name: Knight Researcher Rank: Researcher Item Number- N/A Name- Maze Age- ??? Height-2.8 inches Class- Euclid [Pending] Sex-Male Blood type- 0- Ability- He seems to be able to make working loaded guns out of simple wood Hobbies- He seems to enjoy playing on his TV just like one would with an Xbox. He also somehow has a VR set and TV without any power source being seen and without it ever being given in the first place. Warnings- NEVER TAKE HIS CHIPS! Building- walls and roof seem to be pine or spruce painted green with a Maple Floor, it consists of a medicine cabinet, a tool rack, a washing machine used as a fridge, a couch, and a TV. More info- This SCP is usually friendly although if you anger it then it may turn hostile and kill you, given wood it could make anything from a sniper rifle, Molotov, bombs, and so on, none of these guns seem to need any form of ammo, despite the creature being small it is able to carry around an axe, guns, bombs, a shovel, and a chain saw all without anyone knowing, according to this SCP there seems to be others of its species somewhere out there https://docs.google.com/document/d/16F1ct61Rp6dOUlV2A8_Y3oYOpwMaLSTP8VcPSuEecrg/edit?usp=sharing <---IMAGE
  16. Lore Name: Knight Rank: Researcher SCP: 999 Question / Idea: would injecting a D-class with some of 999's slime cause them to change either physically or mentally Hypothesis: The slime most likely won't do too much but it may have some affects on the mental state Observations (What Happened During Test): we had three different D-class each injected with different amounts of slime, with 5 ml's of slime the D-class turned hostile, demanding candy and attacking the guard who refused said candy, the D-class was terminated. The second D-class was injected with the same amount in the spine, he went semi-insane trying to tickle everyone and not being able to stop himself, The third D-class that was injected into the neck with the same amount as the past two just kept saying "Candy" in a monotone voice. We then injected the second D-class with another 10ml's of slime only in the ear, he became insane jumping around and asking for candy although he never acted hostile and seemed to calm down when given candy Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 999's DNA and slime may be more than we originally thought Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes... kind of Item#: 999 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Free roam Description. SCP-999 is a large gelatinous ball of slime with the same consistency of peanut butter, it attempts to make those around it as happy as possible and most of the time is very successful 999 does not appear to require any form of nutrition but does seem to enjoy sweet things such as candy. 999 seems to be attracted to those that are upset but unlike many other SCP's he only attracted to them in order to make them feel better.
  17. Name: Knight Current Rank: AR Who else was with you?: 2 RIG units SCP: 096 and 087 Point of the test: To terminate 096 by sending it down the stairs and 087-1 killing it Observations: 096 descended the stairs for 75 flights before 087-1 appeared, 096 did not attack despite it seeing 096's face, 087 attempted to kill 096 but failed to do so and retreated down the stairs. The RIG units where then sent down to recontain 096 without further issue.
  18. Name: Knight Rank: AR Clearance Level: 3 Date of Incident: 1/6/21 Describe the incident: my RIG escourt had to go eat dinner during my granted termination test with 096 and 087, once we arrived and I awaited a new escourt D-class with guns showed up, gunned me down, and stole 096 List classes of SCP(s) involved: 096, Euclid Immediate complications due to the incident: Death, escapted D-class, Stolen foundation property Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): Ci got ahold of said 096 Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): N/A, was not able to be reported due to death Resolution towards incident: hopefully MTF will find 096 soon and recapture it How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: extremely Extra Information: please don't go afk while escorting me again
  19. Name: Knight Current Rank: AR Who else was with you?: 1 escourt, 1 D-class SCP: 194 and 999 Point of the test: To see if 194 can be calmed down and become less dangerous Observations: Once the D-class and 999 were introduced to 194 it instantly killed said D-class but left 999 completely alone and seemed to quickly calm down in its presence not attempting to attack once the CC was opened to remove 999. Do to this it can be assumed that 194 can be affected by 999 the same way of anyone/anthing else although it seems to take a bit longer, this may be due to either a smaller brain/brain waves or just a stronger mental state which caused a delay in 999's effect.
  20. Name: Knight Current Rank: AR Who else was with you?: SR Luci, 1 D-class, 1 escourt SCP: 5208 Point of the test: To see if the toy soldiers could become peaceful to some people Observations: Once we grabbed the D-class we headed to its chambers and began communicate with the toy soldier trying to bond with it.... before he could finish his task an escaped SCP terminated said D-class and the Escourt, so I went ahead and asked the toy soldier yes or no questions, one shot being yes and two being no, the questions went as followed "Are you American" "Yes" "Do you like the American army" "Yes" "Would you hurt an American" "No" After said questions we then gave the SCP a pencil and a piece of paper and wrote the following "If you are American I will only attack in self defence -Toy soldier Clover" As we removed the paper we informed the SCP that all researchers where americans using our uniforms as examples. Before we could finish the escaped SCP came back and knocked us out but the soldier thought we were dead and seemed vengful towards the SCP saying the following. "Nooo my American friend I must avenge you"
  21. Lore Name: Knight Rank: AR SCP: 1025 +012 Question / Idea: If one is blind would 012 still effect them and kill them Hypothesis: No becuase you would never see the piece and would never want to finish it Observations (What Happened During Test): the D-class interacted with 1025 first and became blind, he then went into 012 with a bit of difficulty, the D-class died after attempting to finish the piece Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): It may be something that is heard or sensed more than it activating when seen Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No
  22. Name: Red (Will be Knight on promo) Rank: SFC SteamID(Ex: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:1:108321105 Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control and Sniper Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: None
  23. Name: Knight Duration: one week Rank: A1: PVT Nu7:MSGT Reason: Private but things keep getting worse and worse
  24. Name: Knight Duration: somewhere between Friday and Tuesday Rank: Nu-7 MSGT Reason: missed the bus and now I’m not allowed on for about a week (forums were down when I first did this and didn't know until now that they were back up).
  25. Your in game name: MTF Nu7 CPL Knight K34T Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:108321105 The player's in game name: Rookieblue The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:42428330 What did the player do: accidently warned me for cuff abuse when someone cuffed me for no reason and he was trying to warn them Evidence (required): What do you believe should happen to the player: nothing, It was an accident Any extra information: no
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