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Posts posted by Iancompallo

  1. Hello all, this is my goodbye. The times spent with all of you will be relished for the rest of my life but, life takes over and I cannot make time anymore. Until we meet again everyone. Before I go some special mentions:


    @Locus:You are a great friend Locus, good luck with your career in PD and lets stay in touch.

    @Abrams:Good luck, I knew from the day I met you you would go far. 

    @Killing.SKR:You and me made some great times, good luck with everything, I will miss you dearly. 

    @Tactical:You were always there for everyone's best interest, thank you.

    @Philosophy:You were there for me when I joined back, you helped me integrate into the community and if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here

    @deathstriker124:Second time you've seen me do this I guess, though last time I didn't bother posting it

    @Chad B: Another great man, you will be missed.

    @GL Travis Sandman:You are an amazing and welcoming person, I hope we can stay connected, even after this. 

    @Xx_Tox1c Meme_xX:I never got to do the whole department, good luck Kevin. 


    This is it than everyone, good luck with all that may come your way, see you all around.



  2. This is a sad day to say the least. As many of you have noticed my activity has dwindled, I no longer have any spare time for GL as a whole so It would be irresponsible to hold the position. Thank you all for creating great memories and times, I will miss you all.

    Special mentions:

    @Phil You welcomed me when I had nowhere else to go, good luck on the staff team

    @Killing.SKRAlways willing to do ride alongs and under cover ops, a good friend. 

    @LocusAlways there to back me up in a time of need, another good friend along the way


    This is goodbye for now all, I will stay in touch with those of you who know me, and for everyone else, good luck, never give up on what you want because with enough perseverance it can be yours.

  3. Rank You are Applying For: Captain


    In-Game Name: Orin 

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:176837362

    Current Rank: LT

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 3 weeks

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 17 (permission from Will to apply) 

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): 

    Today I come before the community once more for judgment, this is my captain application. During my nearly four months of time in the police department, I have gone through thick and thin to make it the best experience for me and the people around me. Three weeks ago today I obtained the rank of lieutenant. That day became my initiation into the Gaminglight world of command and I have grown and matured very much since then, and I believe I have outgrown my current position and the only logical next step to continue my journey in this community is to reach higher than I currently am. I have attained a plethora of command experience from my colleagues in PD and FBI and I wouldn’t be here today without them. I am as active as I possibly can be and when I am online I am dedicated to the roleplay and the command job I already hold. I love spending all this time on the server with my colleagues and look forward to many more hours of it! Thank you all for reading this and I will see you all on the server!

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

  4. Major +Support

    Locus you have been a friend of mine for months now ever since we first. I know that you can most definitely be trusted. Locus is a great individual who has deserved this position ever since his three week cooldown ended. 

    Good luck Locus!

  5. What you want to see? - All fading doors for base defense need to be owned by the same person

    Why should we add it? - I have experienced  people making bases very difficult to raid by making the fading doors defending the base all owned by a separate family members.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Will allow raids to be completed in a more realistic way as criminals wouldn't be able to abuse the game mechanics. 

    Who is it mainly for? - Government

    Links to any content - N/A

  6. Rank You are Applying For: Lieutenant


    In-Game Name: Orin 

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:176837362

    Current Rank: SM

    How long have you been in your current rank?: 5 weeks 2 days

    What timezone are you in?: EST

    How many Warns do you have?: 17 (Permission from Will to apply) 

    Why should you be promoted (150 words Minimum): 

    Hello again friends, It was brought to my attention that my activity was poor and guess what I did, improved on just that. Today I come before you once again to apply for the position of lieutenant in our great police department after taking some time to improve on my past issues. I believe that I should become a part of our great command team because I have many leadership qualities that would be desirable to our low command. I like to think that I am a good role model, and I propagate only positive ideas to everyone around or involved with the departments I am in. In life in general, positivity and welcomeness really is the key into people's hearts and minds and I aspire to use that in low command to inspire and invigorate all of our department members to do better. I do hope that this application lets some people really know what I'm all about, thank you for all reading!

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No): Yes

  7. Due to real life conflicts and wanting to put my focus elsewhere I will be sadly resigning from SRT, the time here was a great one and I will remember all the moments. 

    Special thanks to Travis for training and Deathstriker for always looking out for everyone.

    I will truly miss all of you, 

    -Orin, 1S26


  8. -Support 

    Frish I love you man you know that you're a great guy and would be a perfect PD command fit, it's just I rarely see you on PD, and whether this be because of time zones or what I just never see you on PD. I want you to get this promotion trust me on that but you need to prove you're in the game first.


    • Like 1
  9. On 10/16/2021 at 11:30 PM, OFC Mar said:


    has command experience 

    Knows his work

    i don’t see you much that’s probably because of time zones but you do very much do great work


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