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Posts posted by Doggo0

  1. 10 hours ago, Forehead man [GL] said:

    +/- support

    - while I see  the reason to add this so people dont just do " he looked at me funny", if you see ci coming up to you about to cuff your ass, you bet your ass you would try to shoot them regardless if they shot you

    This happened to me before, they tried to cuff me so I just pulled out a shotgun. I think there should be exceptions.

  2. 17 hours ago, Skela said:

    "Wilford: Four pixels. Four fucking pixels. I doubt the guy even knew what he saw. He was probably just lookin’ at the picture one day, noticed an off-color patch of snow, and went on with his day.

    Interviewer: How did you find it?

    Wilford: Our SCRAMBLE gear picked it up right away. The lieutenant got the picture and took it down to the chopper before I ever got to see it. By then the damn monster had taken down Big Brother and it had peeled open the [former] Major’s Stryker. All hell was breaking loose.

    Interviewer: So the SCRAMBLE gear was ineffective?

    Wilford: Ineffective? The goddamn SCRAMBLE were pieces of shit that killed the whole damn task force. You know only three people are alive besides me? All because some retard egghead thought of a “state-of-the-art countermeasure to SCP-096’s hostile reaction.” Those bloody idiots could have just put a bag over the target’s head and be done with it but no, we had to use state-of-the-fucking-art SCRAMBLE."
    "4 Fucking pixels"

    -Support.  this man want's all of us to die 


  3. Junior maintenance should be a whitelist job.

    Apprentice should be a non whitelist job.

    Only admins can whitelist for the maintenance jobs.

    Maintenance Supervisor doesn't have the trash collector. (ztm_trashcollector)

    Maintenance Manager doesn't have a sledgehammer and a welder. (tfa_nmrih_sledge , tfa_nmrih_welder)

    Maintenance Supervisor and manager doesn't have cuffs and can't change defcons.

    Department Head should have a level 4 keycard.

  4. Name : Doggo

    Branch(es) : Technical

    Rank(s) : AHOT

    How would you rate your activity? (1-10) 9

    Why you should keep your position (Command Only): The reason for me to keep my rank is because I believe I've been an alright high command member in the 3 months I've been AHOT.  Now that summer has started for me I can work more on new interesting stuff for the branch and updating the roster/SOP. I try to make tech more fun for everyone while increasing activity with some of the rules I've suggested/added. I may not be the best HCMD, but everyone has to learn, and I'll become better with time and experience I hope. Filling out roll call took some time because I had some things to do IRL.

    Any changes you would like to see: Nope

    Any notes or questions: None

  5. On 6/13/2020 at 12:20 AM, October said:


    I don’t understand how changing the name would inspire more people to fight in there. There’s no real advantage or need to change the name/remodel it. 


  6. On 6/12/2020 at 6:56 PM, Falxen said:

    -Support, as useless as these SCP's are in actual play, Research needs them to do tests on, so unless there's a replacement i won't support getting rid of them.

    Maybe for 066 a rule change is in order, however.


  7. 19 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    The last question doesn’t go into detail on what to do. It just says you would give them the punishment not specifying what you would do in the sit or the specific punishment you are to give alongside the warn.

    You have been disrespectful and you still are and have been blacklisted from E11 for the second time and have been removed from countless branches for the same.

    You have a big attitude problem and command people who you shouldn’t be and have an argument problem.

    14 warns is a bit too much 

    The one improvement is your suggestions but the negatives eclipse this one positive 




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