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Posts posted by ScruffyPlays

  1. 1 hour ago, Will said:


    Myself and other staff members have received a lot of reports on you and other ABG family members over the past few days/ week for a number of different topics, just today I watched you and other ABG members breaking priority rules on a number of occasions and cop baiting police into chasing you. After dealing the the line of sits that came in about y'all, I decided to spectate you and make sure you guys weren't doing anything foolish that would maybe warrant a sit from a player. 

    The video you provided was what I went off of for the player dis warn which as I attempted to say to you on the few times you called me over, was for the tone of your voice and language you used, which can be considered disrespectful even if taken out of character. You guys should know the rules by now considering the fact that I have let you and your family members off with verbal warnings in the past, with hopes of you taking some time to read the MOTD and become proactive in following the rules. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Parry said:

    - Support
    - He was already banned for a week for Exploiting

    - He only has like 20-30 warns on PoliceRP and you need 40 for a perm ban 

    - If he keeps on doing this sort of stuff he will meet requirements and be perm banned then

    No need to remove him now  


  3. 1 hour ago, Calamity said:



    There is much wrong in this post but since this is a player report specifically reporting Magic I will only talk about what he did specially and the evidence shown. 


    I feel like Staff members should not be prop climbing ever, they should know the rules the most, do not care if it's "hurting anyone" there is more to it than just that. I could can go into super detail about that but I choose not to. Staff members are expected to know and understand the rules and to not break them in any shape or form especially from a senior moderator to do this. If a normal player did this it would probably just be a verbal, however being a staff member, no, you are at higher expectations. 

    I kind of have to agree sorry Magic best of luck tho

  4. 4 hours ago, Will said:


    It says in the staff handbook that it is staff's discretion when issuing punishments; just because you have no priors and/ or staff on another server does not mean you are exempt from the rules, but rather that you should be held to a higher standard to show us that you are responsible and able to follow the rules.


  5. On 10/29/2020 at 10:32 AM, October said:


    Brendan you have a good app and have some good responses, but I would love to see a little bit more detail (not on the last one that ones great)! I also would like to see you increase forums activity (it’s great, but when compared to others applying it could be improved)! Good luck man. 


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  6. 4 hours ago, Squash said:


    Would like to see logs for the MassRDM & LTAP portion. Really could be no telling by just looking at the images if someone else could have done it.

    The N Word part is pretty clear though.

    If going off the handbook, the ban should be 40 days, or 5 weeks. Depends on what SMT decide however.


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