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Posts posted by ScruffyPlays

  1. -Support

    Bad Attitude
    Has a bad temper, I have seen this player get very upset
    Have had more than a few bad experiences where you've broken rules and been very mingey
    Doesn't have proof for warns

    Overall I do not think this player would make a good addition to the staff team.

  2. What is your in-game name?: Scruffy

    What is your steam name?: ScruffyPlays

    What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:441284163

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) no

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) sometime January last year. 

    What date did you make your forums account?  August 5, 2019

    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 4

    Have you donated? yes

    What rank are you applying for? trail mod

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? no

    Have you read the staff guidelines at

    ? You will be tested on it: yes

    Timezone: AEST

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I believe I should be accepted into stafff because i know the rules very well.  I wanna join all the amazing people in the staff team. Also I wanna help with the minges that plague the city of Rockford. Not only that I wanna help the long nights where theres no staff on to help all those which are still on and i can help with those minges. Also I am a very nice person i respect everyone on the server and will help anyone if i can. I just wanna be able to help the server and everyone on at the time no staff are on I just want to make it a better place for all people that are just trying to have fun while playing gaminglight police rp and not to ruin there RP experience on the server. I hope I can see all you lovely staff members soon.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    If I were to receive the Sit of a guy RDMing i would bring both of them  at this point i would attempt to talk to them both  but if one is cussing at me i would jail them and mute them then at that point I would ask the guy for proof of the RDM once i got the proof of the RDM i would warn the person for RDM and Staff diss . Then tell him to not do it again then i will return them and unmute the guy who was cussing and if he was still cussing i would keep them muted until he stops cussing.

    warn pic.jpg

  3. What is your fav car on the sever and why?

    It can be a gov car a cc car 

    Mine presonly is the police ford rapter because it has a lot of space and it is a good piting vic


    Sorry i dont no a lot of cars on the sever that is way there is no exampls

  4. What is your in-game name?:


    What is your steam name?:


    What is your steam ID?:


    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)


    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)


    What date did you make your forums account?


    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?


    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?


    Have you donated?


    What rank are you applying for?

    trial mod

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?

    no i am this will be my first time if accepted 

    Have you read the staff guidelines at


    ? You will be tested on it:

    Timezone:  Australia Victoria (Vic)

    Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this):

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I think I deserve the trial mod rank because I am well none on the sever, I am loyal, helpful, friendly and plus I think if I get the rank I will be the only one which is a admin on the sever from Australia so I well be able to help the people which stays on later at night most of the time when I am on later at night like when there is only 17 or lower plays on most of the time there is no admins to help the players or there is admins on but there afk. so I think I will be a great trail mod and be a very good one at that even tho I am basically new to being a admin but I am a quick learner and listener so I will eventually get good at being a admin and do the sever some good in the fuchter.   I think I deserve the trial mod rank because I am well none on the sever, I am loyal, helpful, friendly and plus I think if I get the rank I will be the only one which is a admin on the sever from Australia so I well be able to help the people which stays on later at night most of the time when I am on later at night like when there is only 17 or lower plays on most of the time there is no admins to help the players or there is admins on but there afk. so I think I will be a great trail mod and be a very good one at that even tho I am basically new to being a admin but I am a quick learner and listener so I will eventually get good at being a admin and do the sever some good in the fuchter.   

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    How i would handle it is i will first mute them or gag them so they cant talk then i will warn them for mass rdm and disrespect to staff then i will return them and if they do it agin i will ban them for a week.



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