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Posts posted by Curtis

  1. So here is my take on it all. This is going to be a - Support from me.  

    I understand everyone’s concerns with non-combatants that can be adjusted to different Fear RP rules for non-combatants and combatants, like we have now. Which I think non combatants should stay at 2 

    however, I personally feel like fear RP is perfectly fine the way it is, because a good bit of people can 2V1 on the server, so it’s possible to win that fight, and actually consider it, a lot of people say look at it as if it’s real life, it ain’t real life, we have strong guns, and we have people very good at combat, The thing with 3-1 is that you have to be in talking range to establish it and all 3 must be within line of site according to the current rules. And to be honest it is very easy to be fearRP right now heck I’ve been taken because I wasn’t paying attention without need of fear RP, just gotta get someone at the right time. And I know I’m dumb for just not paying attention but people do it. 

    If this suggestion does get accepted I would say it would be fair to say that it would be super easy to Fear RP so if you have a battle buddy you can’t be fear RPed unless you have like is 3 or more for each person, so 6 total. I also like what dagger said about the SFs 

    Everyone is very capable of FearRP it’s just rolling up at the right time. 


    sorry if there is bad formatting I’m on my phone. 

  2. What are you suggesting? - We had a rule for no combat healing which was you couldn't heal someone for 7 seconds if they have engaged in combat, now that rule was removed because it was hard coded into the Medkits. I think we should either add it back or add a hard code to the defbis to be like 3-5 seconds. Currently if we are fighting anyone, someone can just come up and revive them. This is a bigger problem in large groups of people fighting compared to a few people fighting. Adding a cooldown to this would make it slightly more realistic because you have to (A) charge up the defibs, and (B) make sure everyone is clear and then hit it. This would primarily help those that do not have defibs in a combat situation. One could also argue that well just kill the medic, but for instance if your in a tight corridor such as D-Block hallway right outside D-Block then it is very hard to get to those medics, but if your in a larger open area its easier to target them. 

    Maybe there is a way to add if there is X number of people around you in this team then there is a cooldown and if there isn't then you can revive easier, just shooting out ideas. 

    How would this change better the server? - It would make things more tactical again regarding combat instead of someone being able to be killed and then just being revived and run to safety to heal and get armor. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - If there isn't a lot of people around and someone is being revived it is not much of an issue, however when there are a mass amount of people this is what causes the problem. Once you have a large group of people it can cause more problems because as soon as one person dies then they get revived and full health and its a hard cycle for whoever you are fighting against, but when its only one or two people its not much of an issue. This can also be bad to the server because If there aren't a large group of people in a tight area then it makes total sense not to have a cooldown. 

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone on the server for the most part. 

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

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