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Posts posted by Curtis

  1. Ohhhhhhhh Stolas!!! I do not know how you do it! You are super active on E-11 and all your other lives and servers! You are a very friendly individual, and you tend to get along with everyone! If I don't see you in Teamspeak I think my internet isn't working because you are always on! I feel like you are a well rounded individual that would be perfect for the team! 

    + Support!!!!!!

  2. Pablo, Pablo, Pablo.... What are we gonna do with you. Just messing around.  

    + Support! 

    You are very very active, and I have played with you multiple times! And you tend to take my late-night sits! HAH! I think you would be a great addition to the Support Team! 

    • Like 1

     In-Game Name:

    Steam Name:
    [GL] Curtis


    What is your discord username:

    What is your staff rank in Gaminglight?
    Senior Moderator on SCP-RP.

    How often are you on Teamspeak?
    Monday - Thursday usually from around 9AM - 11 AM to 11 pm -3 AM.
    Friday - Sunday usually a lot less due to the fact I work 12-hour shifts on weekends. I would say one hour maybe on TS during my workdays. 

    How often do you use Discord?
    Very often, basically from when I wake up to when I go to sleep, however I do not talk much on the GL Discords. 

    Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)? 

    I care for the user, currently I am a supervisor in my real-world job that manages a group of 83 amazing individuals, I work in customer service as it is at an Airport, I am quick thinking on my feet, and I get the job done correctly, but efficiently, I do my best to not hold anyone up for any reason, and I am very reasonable when it comes to people yelling at me. I love helping individuals have a better day, I enjoy talking with people, and I don't think of my job as a job, for me it is a hobby, helping people out is something I love to do, and I feel like adding me to the team would help benefit the User experience. I am also a very responsive individual, if I get a message, I will almost always immediately respond to it. Another thing is, I am currently a Senior Moderator on SCP-RP for the second time. I was a Senior Moderator back I think it was 2020 before I resigned. 

    Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team? 
    You should trust me as a member of the Support Team because, ever since I started in the Community, I have never received a warning, a ban, or even close to a mute or gag, nor have I had a player/staff report against me (To my knowledge). Have I done things I regret doing in the past yes, but that happens to just about everyone. Another thing is as stated in my why I want to be a part of the Support Team, this is my second time around becoming a Senior Moderator on SCP-RP. I am currently a LTCOL in the branch of Epsilon-11 and I do my best to go above and beyond for the command members in Epsilon-11, and the branch in itself. Another thing is I am very open, if I made a mistake I will admit to my mistake. 

    Now I can go on and on about how good I am, however, there are always some cons that follow. One is I do have history here; it may not be the best history, I still do have good history on the server, but a lot of people just remember the bad. Another one that is not necessarily a con, but it is in the support world is that I have dyslexia, so sometime reading, and writing can be a bit more difficult for me, but I do my best to do it efficiently, and effectively. Lastly, I feel like the biggest con of it all is that I just came back to the community, I got off my E-11 Reserves from VCMDR on 1/22/23 I am currently a LTCOL in E-11. 

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? 

    This is dependent on if they have addressed the problem or not.

    If they have not addressed the problem yet I would say, "Hello, my name is Curtis, I am with the Gaminglight Support Team, I will be assisting you today, what may the problem be? Once they tell me the problem, I would either guide them how to do it or type out the steps to get the resolution they have out." If I am unable to help them, I would say, "Give me one second while I get the answer for you.

    If they have told me the problem already, I would begin with "Hello, my name is Curtis, I am with the Gaminglight Support Team, I will be assisting you today, and I have the solution to your problem. Then type out the response for the issue. " Same thing if I do not know the answer, I would still introduce myself and I would let them know give me one second while I get the answer for you. 


    I have applied for support in the past, I was accepted once, but I could never find someone to train me, then the second time I was denied, if you do look at past support applications and have any questions, I would be more than happy to address them. Feel free to DM me with any questions or concerns! Both of my previous applications are linked below.

    My second app Was Pending then I decided to resign from the community on August 21st, 2020. Then on August 31st it was Denied. 


  4. +/- Support

    I see where you are getting at and I can see the potential RP in it, however like others said surface right now is not made for it really, especially for CI, E-11 probably made more with how they made surface, however depending on what is going on people will definitely minge with it, and with cars at least in my past experiences can cause lag. Someone, somewhere, somehow will due something that is dumb and cause lag to the server. We have messed back in 2019-2020 with some cars when ET spawns them in and it resulted in A LOT of CI and MTF deaths because A people didn't know how to get out of the way and or B server would do a small lag jump and people would die. 

  5. On 2/3/2023 at 9:57 AM, Hex-G said:


    Making Elixir storage more client side would help with testing. 

    I would say that there should be a way to steal/rob a fridge of the Elixirs so that other people can have that level of RP as well. (Maynard, R&D, D-Class, exc)

    I very much enjoy the suggestion and the reply with the suggestion of being able to steal/rob items from people, I have never done anything with elixirs however I do think if someone is doing stuff with it and it just disappears as it is right now because someone took it then that is not too fun. 

    Well done + Support 

  6. 7 hours ago, Vuitheirt said:

    This thing is creepy as fuck


    SCP Is supposed to be a horror game didn't ya know? hahaha. 

    You all are trying to make me even more scared of going into HCZ..... 

    I give this a +Support it would give the community some thing new to play and something that hasn't been introduced into the server yet. 

    • Laughing 1
  7. +Support

    I think this would be an awesome addition to the server! So long as we can still use our current system too and it works with our current whitelist system, because some jobs at least on are only meant to be specific person  with training or invination into the sub branch, with requirements of certain rank. 

    As Zeeptin said with SCP it would be a massive amount of config and such and it would have to slowly be worked on because SMT are very busy doing other things for the server too. 

  8. Hello Lunar, after reviewing your staff app, it seems you would be a well rounded individual for the server, I play with you on D5 and you are an overall good person to play with. You know people well and you enjoy playing the server. 

    However with the past track record of your warns does not show to me that you have decided to re work yourself. Your most recent warn was on January 7th this year for MRDM and Staff Disrespect, that was about a month and half ago, and from what I see you have been doing better since your last warn, and you have been following the rules since then. 

    Due to me knowing you and playing with you in D5 a good but I will be giving you a +/- Support

    However I feel like you will be able to turn your warn issues around, and become a great member of the community and staff team. If application gets denied I feel like in 3-4 months if you re apply then it would be a better chance to show that you won't break the rules again. The main reason for the +/- is because of the most recent warn, if that did not happen then it would be a +support for me. 

  9. 16 hours ago, Ayaya said:

    Going to be honest. I really didnt realize how high the bronze package price had climbed. In my opinion perhaps another package or just the e11 job should be availible. And said purchase is discounted from the next package up like the donator ranks are now. Personally I’d say 10 for just the e11 job and 10 if it was e11 and a few other things. Perhaps props. Just my opinion but 


    +supported for more e11 activity

    I do agree with this as well! I enjoy how ya referenced the other servers as well, It may definitely help the E-11 Branch too! 

    What I would also like to add is it could be you can get E11 for this price like you are suggesting OR have bronze and still get the perks that come with bronze. 

  10. +/- Support

    The main reason I am +/- on this is because it would re structure how they have it now. Right now its 35 > 70 > 100 > 125

    The structure they have is in between each level rank is 35 levels > 30 levels > 25 levels. So unless they just wanted to ditch that way they would probably have 25 > 50 > 70 > 85 > etc, etc. Which would in turn change how people get XP and Money. If they want to keep their structure more work than just adding the class. If they don't want to keep up with the structure then I see no problem with adding it. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Ritz said:



    If CI (The people who get one life per raid) don't get this then i don't think those who can simply come back after 3 mins and a long run should get it either

    otherwise looks fine +Support

    although special forces are kinda becoming copy and pastes of each other at this point

    I can have Danny respond regarding how it will be used. But from what I know of for restrictions is it would be only used after combat and the Quarter Masters (is what we are going to call them) may only use them after everyone is dead, or all combatants are clear of the area. Much more restrictions on it, I can also put some rules in place just like how the other jobs have the Armor kit. To make it more fair, It would be more used for after combat, not during a fire fight. I do see your point and wouldn't be surpised if it did get denied for armor kit, we wanted to add it to see what people thought, I double checked with Danny because it was his Idea, I didn't have it originally. 

  12. 11 minutes ago, [LN] jaideb said:



    11 minutes ago, Bionicle said:



    11 minutes ago, Neo said:


    Updated it to say more ammo to the M79 because right now we only get 1 bullet. 

    Edit: Nitro can cause people to crash so I removed it, also it is very very strong from what I was told now. 

  13. Just now, Bionicle said:

    I can support all but this

    I can understand that we wanted to add it mainly because the grenade launcher currently doesn't do any damage unless its a direct hit, and then we have C4 but we must get close and hope yall don't run away and the sticky grenade is decent as well. But is understandable. If lots of people disagree with it I can remove it from the update. 

  14. Huge Huge Huge Thank you to @Calamity for working on digital design of the models
    and @Bread for working on the Hit boxes
    Weapon updates were provided By @[GL] Zeus, and HP/Armor Updates was provided by Curtis and Zeus.
    Branch Update was revised by Curtis before Posting. 
    Any questions regarding guns please go to @[GL] Zeus anything regarding anything else please come to Curtis 

    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Commander

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/tlsaudrl2548/player/mask1_5.mdl
    Add: models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: tfa_m416, tfa_mossberg590
    Add: tfa_csgo_ak47, tfa_m3

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:
    Same (225)

    Job Armor:
    Same (225)

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):


    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Officer

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/tlsaudrl2548/player/deltar5.mdl
    Add: models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: tfa_an94, tfa_csgo_sawedoff
    Add: tfa_csgo_aug, tfa_csgo_nova

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:
    Same (200)

    Job Armor:
    Same (175)

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):


    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 NCO

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/tlsaudrl2548/player/deltar.mdl
    Add: models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: tfa_csgo_m4a1, tfa_csgo_mac10
    Add: tfa_csgo_m4a4,  tfa_csgo_elite

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:
    175 was 150

    Job Armor:

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):


    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Enlisted

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/tlsaudrl2548/player/deltar3.mdl
    Add: models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.md

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: tfa_tar21, tfa_tec9
    Add: tfa_csgo_galil, tfa_csgo_tec9

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:

    Job Armor:

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):


    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Combat Engineer

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/tlsaudrl2548/player/deltar4.mdl
    Add: models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: N/A
    Add: weapon_armorkit

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:
    175 (was 150) Matching NCO HP like was before.

    Job Armor:

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):
    Armor kit is for a new rank called Quarter Master, only QMs will be able to use them, if anyone is caught using it that is not a QM will be removed from Combat Engineer and 2 X Strike, QMs will be very selective if you want any more information please talk to @Clistro on discord. Discord tag is Clistro#0001

    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Ranger

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/elan/scpunity/guard/guard_new_texture.mdl
    Add: models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: tfa_m4a1
    Add: tfa_csgo_famas 

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:
    175 (was 150) Matching NCO HP like was before.

    Job Armor:

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):


    Name of Job:
    Ordnance Specialist 

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/piket_playermodel/piket_playermodel.mdl
    Add: models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: N/A
    Add: weapon_slam

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:
    Same (175)

    Job Armor:
    Same (175)

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):
    Removed the extra bullets and added slams instead Zeus wanted the changed



    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Coldsilver

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/nigt_sentinel_1.mdl
    Add: models/nigt_sentinel_2.mdl, models/player/tf2_holopilot.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:
    Remove: tfa_csgo_scar20, tfa_fg42
    Add: tfa_csgo_awp, tfa_csgo_sg556, tfa_m3 

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:
    Same (250)

    Job Armor:
    Same (200)

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):



    Remove Job

    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Trainer


    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Recruit

    Job Model (Model Paths):
    Remove: models/tlsaudrl2548/player/deltar3.mdl
    Add:  models/player/calamity/epsilon-11/gaminglight_epsilon-11.mdl

    Job Description:

    Job Weapons:

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:

    Job Armor:

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):

    Below was approved by Rang
    Add Job

    Name of Job:
    MTF E-11 Corpsman

    Job Model (Model Paths):

    Job Description:

     Mobile Task Force Unit Epsilon-11 Corpsman is a medical personnel of Clearance Level 3 that is trained to heal during the heat of combat while protecting their patient.

    They may not heal while under fire so they are Equipped with a Smoke to get to safety while also equipped with a shotgun.

    Job Weapons:

    Job Salary:

    Job HP:

    Job Armor:

    Extra Info (Ex. Workshop link for models):
    Models already on the server. Ability to buy medical supplies from the F4 menu.

    • Like 1
  15. On 7/11/2020 at 10:22 AM, Matricies said:

    Hello Jackal,

    While this sounds like a good idea, the problem lies in the fact that this is not at all useful for 939 in the servers current state. He would kill someone, change his name and then nothing would occur because 939 only cares about people moving on our server. In the actual game this would be useful because it can actually change its voice, but in our server, that can't occur and theres no real way to force a roll or rp on someone reasonably with this.

    -Support, this has no real use on our server in the current state that 939 exists in. Unless there was a way to voice mod with a swep or a fundemental change to 939 rules with rolling and sounds, this will not be used and if it is, it will not be useful.

    I love the idea but I also agree with Matricies, I wish we could do this on the server but I don't think will be able to have it. 

    • Like 1
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