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Posts posted by Gh0pit

  1. +/- support

    I think it is a good idea on paper but I can't imagine the amount of minges that would get on CI Infil. However, I feel like a team of infils could definitely do some real damage and they should be able to raid whenever. I think more discussion should be had on the specifics instead of just being allowed to raid 24/7.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Igneous said:

    It's literally just bickering. I've got half a mind to do a flat nerf to every single person's health and armor. 

    You all really don't get it. You complain that the weapons are not powerful enough and that people are too tanky, but lemme remind you guys something. Everybody is always asking for more health and armor, every single branch update. So if you guys want to make yourselves tankier, why the fuck are you complaining about weapons not being strong enough?

    I don't speak for everyone, I don't even share that opinion half the time. I might not know how to run a server but I know you have to listen to a lot of people. And people are idiots. Me included. Everyone has a vision for this server and some of the older people have one thats different than what today looks like. It's bickering, yes. Pointless? I don't think so. I don't blame branches for wanting to be more tanky. Every branch would get melted instantly at 100/100 by negevs and G3's. D block would be a mess. I'm not gonna pretend that I know everything. And everyone in this thread here shouldn't either. I only care about what's fun and as long as the server is fun, I'm good and just want to keep hearing stories from others. 

  3. Well this post is awkward now 🙂

    1 minute ago, Igneous said:

    Let me make some things thoroughly clear to you:

    What you just said is that every weapon should be buffed, not only that, but you want me to essentially make every weapon have similar stats so that everything is viable. Let me explain to you the flawed logic in your reasoning.

    1. The weapon balancing on the server is extremely delicate. You need to realize that the world does not revolve around you and that if I change something solely to your liking, somebody else is being fucked over. 

    For example, I up the overall weapon damage on the server, D-Class and Gensec become almost obsolete. D-Class will get instantly mowed down more than they already do, and Gensec becomes easier to dominate by CI who makes it into LCZ. I can go on and on about this but I'll leave this 

    2. The fact that you think that you can just "not have weapon metas" shows how much you lack common sense. I'm going to thoroughly explain this to you so you can understand. META stands for Most Effective Tactic Available. Pretty self-explanatory. For me to do what you suggest, to "REMOVE THE METAS" every single gun would need to have exactly the same stats. If one is slightly better than the other, that weapon will inevitably become "the meta" because people obviously want to use the best gun available to them. So with your divine wisdom of how to run a server, you want to make every weapon on the server have the same stats, making every gunfight extremely fucking boring. Honestly, I don't normally get like this, but that is quite literally one of the dumbest things that someone has ever suggested to me.

    3. Does this look like a triple a game studio to you? I do not think you understand the fact that we do not have a team of dedicated people to evaluate and asses every weapon on the server, and bring about balance changes. I do the best I can. Apparently, it isn't enough. I spend a lot of my time thinking about the server and doing things for the server. Honestly, a lot more time than I should be right now considering everything I have going on in my life, so yes man, I do the best that I can. Sometimes things slip through the cracks, sometimes something might not happen the quickest, but I do the best I can.

    We understand that you do a lot for this server, and I don't want you to think we're ungrateful. It's just that there has been a lot of frustration recently and it's been boiling over. I'd love to have a talk about weapons with you.

  4. 8 hours ago, starr said:

    Just make it the same damage as the scythe, boom, same as the other collectable. This stupid arguement has been going nowhere for months.

    One side needs to understand that they paid money for a limited time weapon

    And the other side needs to realise that shit was OP at it's old state and needs a nerf.

    I say this as from both sides, so for the love of god someone find a middle ground or just talk about what I just mentioned ^

    Sounds like a decent solution, when did this become about CC's? I wonder if people are mad about their implementation and their treatment on the server.🤔 
    Hopefully, again, this highlights a concurrent problem in the community that people need to start paying more attention to.

  5. I remember being Security and always wanting to become A1 because of how cool they looked. Then I donated because I wanted to be a better D class because it was so much fun to escape. I'm fairly young in the server all things considered but I had a grand old time in this server. E11 has been my home ever since I hopped on NTF recruit and Bog helped me to install TS. The rest is history. E11 Gang. 


    I have so many good memories and I always seek out fun where I can find it. I've made plenty good friends in this server and I'm still having fun. I never thought I would be so invested in SCP but here I am. There's problems of course but none that we can easily solve. We just gotta keep striving for greatness and be pure to one another. I'm sure things will get better.










    Gunplay kinda wack though.

  6. 1 hour ago, enuz | trade.tf said:

    Just trying to preserve relations. Sorry if you felt that I was ordering you, just suggesting.

    Thank you for trying to improve relations Enuz. I appreciate this. Not gonna offer my opinion either but this post in general hopefully exposes a real problem with community atm. 

  7. +/- Support (Leaning +)

    There has been a decent amount of time since the blacklist so I'm very sure that you've changed for the better. However, minging on a recruit job is very serious, especially since you said you had no intent to even join E11. You're a good guy and I know you've matured since you've gotten higher in A1. I would be fine if the blacklist was removed but I want to hear other's opinions on the matter. (As I wasn't the one to blacklist you).


    • Thanks 1
  8. +/- Support

    I fully support this rule however if CI are specifically called out in a location, MTF should be able to ambush them using FAIR barricades. Outright banning checkpoints would be extreme but I support limiting props/fair barricades. 

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