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Posts posted by π™Ήπš˜πšœπš‘

  1. +Support

    Ngl the reason i even found Gaminglight was because I was gonna go around and troll, and I ended up liking to RP so here I am. People make mistakes and the age thing is completely true because I was near 4 years younger and dumb when I first joined. You deserve a second chance, hopefully you become well appreciated in the community!

  2. Recently, Ive realized that I cant set my pfp to a .gif anymore. I was able to and now im not despite the fact its under the max mb's and is under the format of .gif

    I then went into TS and talked with some JMT members and forum diplomats, and we kinda came to the conclusion of when I had my pfp as a gif, I was staff at the time. Seemingly only staff can have animated pfps and this is just kinda weird, as it does say "accpeted file types: gif, jpeg, jpe, jpg, png, webp,"
    If this could be fixed or added where members can have animated pfp's, that would be great!

  3. Hello people! I'm Josh!

    I don't know if anyone actually looks at these, but sure here.Β 

    I'm just your semi average community member, I have been here since late 2018, and still continue to play. I've played and main'd on 3 of the servers, Military (no longer a thing), Imperail RP, and Police RP!

    Over the years of being here I would say I'm not the smartest so yes I've done dumb things, but also good things.Β 

    I really got into GL when I played Military RP, but the first server I ever played was Police RP.Β 

    How I found GL was funny enough was just wanting to troll and didn't take it serious, though I was like 12-.Β 

    Most of my honorable ranks are in my signature.

    But, just cuz, I'll go ahead and list them:

    PD Captian, FBI SSA, SCU SSGT, EMS, Dispatch Deputy Head (current), Deputy Josh (CC, current), SCO19 PC, SWAT PVT, MSTR Trooper, FBI FTO, SCU FTO, OG PVT, DD PFC, NCC Owner, POL Secretary [LVL 10], Reserve NCM Lt. General for B.S.D (current), Moderator twice for PoliceRP

    Storm Trooper VCMDR, SF, Shock PVT, Navy Enlisted, Iqusitior V, ST HVY Lead, ST JT Assistant Lead, Senior Moderator for Imperial RP, and Gamemaster for Imperial RP.

    US Army Lt. Colonel, US Ranger Lead (special forces), US Marines Colonel, US MARSOC and FORECON Head (special forces), US Airforce Captian, US MAJCOM and AFSOC specialist (special force's), US Airforce ATC operator, US Drill Intructor Captian, US Military Police Officer (MPO, it's a Commissioned officer), US Military Police INSCOM Personal (special forces), RU Army SSGT, RUAF Airmen, RU Reserve Speztnaz CSM with all Specail Forces, Moderator on Military RP, and Wardog (event team for it lol) on Military RP.

    150$ Donator, tried out for Support, played all Clone Wars RP (yes the old one, I forgot what I was, but it was some red guys with motorcycles), TTT, Clone Wars Life RP (the police rp type one), Military RP, Police RP, Imperail RP, and SCPRP (I was a janitor or something), and even played on the minecraft server.

    500+ forums post, 50+ reputation, has held around 47 RP positions.

    Oh and hey, amz furry uwu

    Shall we talk sometime maybe? I'm open most of the time! Just hit me up with a PM!

    Thank you gaminglight <3.

    Anyways this is me, bye!

  4. On 11/27/2021 at 2:47 AM, ColeSoft Grey said:

    Stop whatever it is your are doing and ask yourself this one simple question..







    Thank you for your time, you may now resume what you were doing πŸ™‚


















    yo its the guy, THE ONE GUY

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