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Everything posted by Twitch.tv/GFG_Duff

  1. Th3 is right, your attitude towards this is completely inappropriate. Yes, I know I'm not staff, and if you couldn't get what I was trying to say, I'll explain it a bit more. You don't literally "sign up" for that stuff. What I meant by that is you agree/expect to deal with it when you take the job. Same thing goes for what I said about what I signed up for. It seems as you aren't handling this correctly, I have been respectful the entire time and for a staff member to come in, without reading the post, telling me to just leave if I don't like it seems a little rude. That doesn't seem like something a good staff member would say. I will be talking to the higher-ups if this kind of behavior continues. I'm surprised you haven't got in trouble for telling me that I "can always leave" yet. A retired head of staff replied, and if he would have been staff you would have been yelled at, guaranteed. You're a member of staff, you're held to a higher standard than normal players on the server. However, it seems that you don't understand that yet.
  2. Here's what I have to say to this: If you're too lazy to take the time to read valid criticism, then you should not be commenting on the post. As a player, I signed up to have fun, enjoy my time, RP, and be treated fairly. Yes, I may not do everything correctly and get in trouble from time to time, but that's what I signed up for. You, however, are a moderator. You signed up for a lot more than just that. You signed up to possibly deal with people you may not like/may not like you, deal with criticism, deal with people who are complete minges and have 0 respect, and much more. I am not one of those minges, but by telling me "you can always leave" I seem to be treated as though I am one. If you don't like dealing with what you signed up for, you can always just leave.
  3. Thank you for reading, and thank you for being thoughtful in your reply. Yes, there are 2 sides to the story. I believe that Rocco Rex/Blep was mad, and rightfully so (partially.) At this point, I could care less if a punishment is given to anybody. The point of this post was to show my frustration and get other people's opinions on the situation (if they wanted to sit and read for an hour.) Also, by the responses I have received thus far, I do believe that the staff team has become more professional as a whole, and I applaud you all for that. Also, I know some staff members that do great at their jobs, and some that don't. I know there are always going to be people out there who may not like me for whatever reason or people who may just be having a bad day, but I felt that I had dealt with that a little too much on the server. Not only from staff, but from police. Also, I didn't want to explain the other story due to how much longer my essay would have gotten lol. Also, I want to show something else from my point of view. As I mentioned, not everything I did was right, and I had been disrespectful to players and staff at times. If I would have recorded any of it, I believe it would have got me nowhere as many people would point out that I said this or did that, and may overlook what the staff member did due solely to my actions. I would really like to try and avoid situations like this in the future, as it isn't fun for any party. I will try my best to do what I do right, so I won't have people mad at me. Thank you for your reply. Have a nice day! Thanks for the reply, and I fully understand. I do realize that not everyone is like this, but most of the situations I have gotten mixed up in have involved someone like that, staff or not. I do still believe that Rocco Rex/Blep shouldn't have been in the sit, but it doesn't matter at this point. I'm unbanned and don't care too much about it any more, but if it happens again, I will 100% have evidence. So I really hope it doesn't happen again. Thanks again.
  4. I put father down in the post that I have no evidence and at this point don't care to show any. I was only trying to make a point with this post, and show my frustration. As you can see by how much I've typed, I've become pretty frustrated over this. I get what you're saying, and this post was originally going to be a staff report. However, due to my lack of evidence and formatting, it was deleted almost immediately after being posted. (If I even posted it in the right place lmao) I added some more to make a discussion post as I have had bad experiences in the past. I wanted to call attention to the issue as a whole, which I had to due to the lack of evidence for the most recent incident. I NEED to start recording gameplay more often lol. Thank you for your reply.
  5. Thank you for taking the time to read it and for making a valid reply. I understand that it wasn't much of a report, and I have no evidence besides the chat logs, which only the staff have access to. I was not recording at the time, and am not trying to defend my side on that situation. I simply wanted to bring this kind of behavior to the attention of others and get their opinions.
  6. Hello, If you are the owner or one of the owners of Gaminglight, this is for you. Otherwise, you are most likely part of the problem, and your replies to this may not be read. I have had multiple instances in the past where the staff has treated my friends and I unfairly. There are also instances of double standards, which are used all the time by staff and higher ranks. This is in the staff reports section because the issue I recently had addresses TheJayden and Jay. However, I have experienced this type of treatment from a lot of staff, not saying all staff. There are admins that are fair and just, and they are VERY hard to come by. This post addresses not only TheJayden and Jay, but most of the staff members of the entire Gaminglight Network. Preface: Yes, I know I have been in the wrong in the past, and am not the greatest RPer. I am NOT saying I have done nothing wrong, which I know I would be harassed for if I left this part out. I admit to wrongdoing, but I believe that admins have done wrong, and are not held accountable for it. This post was made to possibly help Gaminglight as a whole become more fair, and probably more enjoyable, for the masses. So the incident went a little like this: My friend and I were roleplaying as a mom and a dad. We were trying to be funny by telling people they were grounded in OOC for the dumbest things. Some people went along with this. Also, there were only 16 people online at the time of the event, which wouldn't cause major issues. My friend and I were both previously warned for RDM and ARDM after a mixup with the rules. (We both knew a guy who was being shot at and we shot back, but the guy didn't have the same last name as us.) The guy who called an admin on us was Blep/Rocco Rex (two aliases of the same person.) This name will be important later, which is why I'm mentioning it now. I'll admit, I was a little mad that I was dragged into an admin sit for a mistake. I also noticed that Blep/Rocco Rex had a furry in their profile picture. I made the unwise decision to say in OOC "Man I hate furries," to try and annoy him. I don't feel this way about furries, I'm neutral to them. I was then politely asked by TheJayden to stop with the furry disses, which I complied with. It was then that I told TheJayden to "watch your mouth," "you will be grounded," and "I know you've been using the JUUL," to try and lighten the mood a bit. My name at the time was Gay Dad, so I was roleplaying as a dad. Blep/Rocco Rex then told me in OOC that I would be banned if I kept it up, which seems a bit like impersonation of staff. I also know that this individual used to be a staff member of the server, but has since stepped down to become an admin on another server. I then told him that he wasn't an admin and that he couldn't dictate whether or not I was banned. I then told him to stop acting like an admin because he was not one anymore. At this point, I started ignoring him and moved onto other conversations. After a bit of joking around with the whole "you're grounded thing" to people (who weren't bothered by my RPing), I was told that it was not RP and that I was to stop. I then explained that OOC was a little like a text message from a dad to a kid. TheJayden didn't seem to have any more problems with this. It was then that my friend (who had not been talking in OOC, and was named Gay Dad) and I were brought into an admin sit. (My friend is actually gay, so he didn't see a problem with our names.) TheJayden put us both in jail and told us to change our names, with which we complied. Then, Blep/Rocco Rex, who wasn't even involved with the situation, was brought into the sit, for apparently no reason. After we tried explaining that my friend was actually gay and that this shouldn't have been turned into a sit, we were both gagged and were only able to type. We asked to be ungagged, and my friend was the one who received the ungag. Rocco/Blep then tried to say that we were minging, and that we had been in multiple sits throughout the night. We had only been on for about 20 minutes, so we must have been doing something super bad to have been involved with multiple sits. That was a complete lie. Because Rocco was playing the minge card, even though we were actually roleplaying and enjoying our time, I said "So is having fun considered minging now?" He then replied with a bunch of gobbledygook and tried to get the admin (who was his friend) on his side. Jay had been in the situation for some time and was also dealing with another sit, which Rocco was trying to take for Jay. Rocco seemed to be making all of the decisions, but he wasn't an admin! I then made a comment about favoritism and double standards. Rocco ignored some of what I said but then made the comment "I'm not necessarily friends with [TheJayden], remember that one time I arrested [TheJayden] like twenty times in one night?" Some more conversation happened, I was being a little disrespectful in OOC, but rightfully so. My friend was not being disrespectful at all and was trying to reason with the admins normally. We both then asked the admins to please remove Rocco from the sit, as he wasn't even involved with the situation in the slightest. Rocco then said, "He's the admin, he can do what he wants." The admin followed it up with, "Yeah, he won't be leaving the sit." I then said in OOC, "Are you kidding me? If I was in a sit area that I wasn't involved in, I would be banned/warned on the spot! There is clear favoritism and double standards for friends of the admins." I then followed it up with, "Aren't the admins supposed to treat EVERYONE fairly, no matter if they are friends or randoms?" Rocco then told the admin to mute us to keep us from speaking the truth any farther. The admin followed his command, almost as if Rocco was calling all of the shots (which he basically was.) Rocco then told the admins what to ban us for a bunch of stuff (some of which wasn't true), which by the way, he mixed up the bans between us. I was given a ban for RDM, which I never committed. The ban was only for an hour, which I could care less to dispute. What I am trying to say here is that there is clear favoritism between the admins, and there are many double standards (at least on PoliceRP.) The cops abuse double standards more than the admins do. I was in a sit with an admin and a cop for being wrongly arrested for complicated reasons. I was then told by the admin that I had to make a specific advert when I had to fix my car to show that I was not breaking the law. (Leaving a lot out due to it being complicated.) I was then arrested about 20 minutes later as well as being jailed for the very reason I was before, except this time I had made the advert which I was told would stop me from being arrested and jailed. I explained this to the officer, and he told me that he didn't care what the admins said and that I was being jailed regardless. I called an admin, which didn't claim the sit until about 20 minutes after I was out of jail. I explained it to him, but could not remember the name of the admin who had told me it. He then said, "You'll have to move this to the forums if you want anything done. I can't help you if the admin isn't on/you can't remember his name." The cop was able to get out of it due to the admin logging off. So we have to follow the admins but the cops don't? Also, I have seen MANY cops driving worse than I do, and have been rammed by several. I call an admin about it, but the cop miraculously gets out of trouble every time. I have enjoyed my time on this server, but am starting to feel anxious about even playing on it. I have seen this same type of favoritism/double standard on various Gaminglight servers. Something needs to change, and I'm not really sure what. I'm not saying to fire anybody, but something needs to change with the system to prevent these kinds of situations. I know this was a lot, but this is very important to me and many others I have talked to. Thank you for reading, if you would like to PEACFULLY discuss this in the comments, that would be great. I have made a staff report/unban appeal in the past, to which I was harassed by 10+ staff members. It got to the point where the head of staff locked the chat to stop all of it. I really don't want that to happen again. Thank you, Duff P.S. No, I don't have any evidence of this recent situation, I really don't even care if Jay and TheJayden get in trouble or not for this. I want to make a point, and also bring this to the attention of the higher-ups. To the higher-ups, I would keep a close eye on your servers and staff, as many of these situations could clearly be stopped/discovered if monitoring was in place. EDIT: This was removed from staff reports so I'm moving it here
  7. Dude this is fucked..You can't ban somebody for a "threat" when it isn't even a threat. He didn't say he was going to hack the server... He claimed he did with no proof to back it up. I can see how a threat can be a reason for a permanent ban, as you don't know when the person could potentially hack the server. But he claimed that he did that very moment, which was proved to be false. I don't know why this whole thing is getting blown out of proportions when the whole thing is already dealt with and over... I think he should get AT MOST a few week ban. You know he didn't hack the server and there's evidence to back it up, and he didn't threaten to do it in the future.
  8. Read my previous replies and you will have your answer to that.
  9. Did you even read my reply to Calamity? Honest to God show some respect and I'll show you some back. Calamity showed me respect and he clarified things without making fun of me, yelling at me, or teasing me. I also said I didn't expect the video to be accepted and I'm done wasting my time on this stupid unban. How do you know? You didn't edit the video bud...
  10. At certain points I had to because we were both talking at the same time. Everything I said in-game is left unedited and uncut.
  11. Everything that was listed as a part of the story in my post and Willy's is included in this video. My friend had nothing to do with the incident and would like to stay out of it. I did all of the editing because of his request.
  12. Your voice and name are both in it... It is a friend who's voice and name he did not want me to show
  13. My friend was in a Discord call with me during the recording of the video. He did not consent to being in the video and requested that I blur his name and mute his voice throughout the video. I did my best to keep anything important still in the video while still respecting his privacy. Video link: (If you're watching it right after I posted it will bad bad quality since it's still processing)
  14. Calamity since you are showing me some respect, I will show you some in return. I understand why I was banned now. You clarified things without screaming at me or making fun of me like the rest did. I will still upload the video, but as of now I do not expect it to be accepted. I apologize for all the trouble I caused and will try my best in the future to never do it again.
  15. Shmoopy you are ignoring the fact that I in fact did take responsibility for my actions. I also clarified some things as most of you don’t properly understand what I said before. Read up on the second post I made and then I’ll consider what you said.
  16. I’ll say this again. To make it SUPER OBVIOUSLY CLEAR. I’m NOT HOME. I will have the video in a few hours... If I’m being told that I’m not going to be unbanned after my first post, I will post again. I’m sorry to inconvenience you with your job.
  17. Wezzy I’m not home right now... How do you expect me to upload a video I don’t have access to?
  18. Let me get one thing straight: If you were being yelled at multiple times for something super insignificant and then yelled at again for more things that aren’t even against the rules, you would be mad too. Yes, when we talked verbally, I wasn’t very respectful. If I thought you should have been treated with respect in that moment, I would have treated you as such. But since you have shown me and my friend 0 respect and 0 tolerance, I’m sorry, but I cannot offer it to you. Also, I did NOT try to pass off everything as criticism. Yes, if I went out and said that the server sucked and that all the rules sucked or something along those lines, that wouldn’t be criticism. I didn’t say anything along those lines. I simply said “If you have a rule that can get people in trouble for criticism, you can see how people can get mad.” You then proceeded to yell at me further, even though it broke ZERO rules. I was not defending the guy. I believe that a diss shouldn’t be a bannable offense in the first place. Even though I believe that, people still shouldn’t diss the server and such in the first place. As I tried to say verbally to you, if you are a mod/admin and you can’t take a bit of verbal abuse and/or criticism, you shouldn’t be in the position you are in. There are mods/admins that I respect because they respect me. They don’t get enraged by a little criticism and/or hurtful comment. To make sure I have this PERFECTLY clear, I am NOT saying criticism and verbal abuse are the same thing. But a lot of staff members in various servers try to fit criticism into the diss category. I do not believe what you said: “The only reason I talked to you about the oh no someone said a mean thing was because you’ve been mocking the rules and staff ever since you got here in his community.” My friend and I have both witnessed you disrespect fellow players and show 0 tolerance regardless of whether or not it was their first offense or their hundredth. Yes, I will admit to making fun of you. I had never dealt with you personally but I had heard stories from many people about you treating them poorly. Here’s what I said: “My willy is very bad.” If you can’t handle something that is obviously just a joke, leave your position. Also, do you call having fun “minging?” I said “I’m totally an admin guys.” I was yelled at multiple times and taunted by calamity. It is CLEARLY a joke. I believe that you and calamity take things to the extreme. If you don’t let people have fun on YOUR server, YOUR server will die out. Also, I was never asking to be unbanned because I was going to donate. I was just pointing out that my bad experience with you probably just cost the server money. I never said “I didn’t even have a second after the warning.” I said “I only had a few minutes after the warning.” The 2 or so minutes after the warning then gave me time to ask you what NCWS meant. I have it all on video so you can’t stretch anything out to fit your story better. The video will be uploaded to YouTube later today and I will post the link in a reply.
  19. I am not home at the current moment. I do have video evidence and I will post the YouTube link once I am back home later today.
  20. Steam Name: Twitch.tv/GFG_Duff Ingame Name: Slightly Dissapointed Duff SteamID: STEAM_0:1:116585733 Ban Length: 2 Days Admin that Banned you: Willy King Reason for Ban: NCWS x3 | JMT Diss | Staff Duss | Chanting 'Willy needs to be fired' | Appeal on gaminglight.com Dispute: I believe that I was wrongly banned. The reasons for my ban aren't wholly true. I had witnessed 2 people get banned within a few minutes of each other with the main reason being "Staff Diss." I then typed "Oh no someone said a mean thing" into the chat and was swiftly yelled at by Willy King. I then asked why what I said even mattered and was yelled at once again. As I have experienced situations on multiple servers that ban mainly for "Staff Diss," I understood that criticism could fit into that category, which it shouldn't. I then posted another message in chat which read: "yeah but if there's literally a rule that makes it so you can't even criticize without getting in trouble you could understand how some people could get mad." I was yelled at previously for mocking the rules, and simply saying that some people could get mad over a rule is by no means mocking. After I posted the previous message, Willy said, "What did I just say duff." I then tried to explain to him that my previous statement was clearly not a mockery of the server rules, but an explanation that some people may get mad over those rules. I was trying to have a normal conversation, but Willy, who had already banned 2 people in the last 10 or so minutes, was just looking for another ban it seems. After my explanation, I was yelled at once again. This time, by both Willy King and Calamity. I realized that maybe they didn't want me to start drama with the whole server, as everything I had said up until this point had been in OOC chat. So, I decided to PM Willy King about my problem. The message wrote: "how the hell is criticism disrespect? If the world worked like that nobody could have opinions... ???." After waiting a few minutes with no reply, I decided to post the message in OOC so it would actually be read. After repeating myself in OOC chat, I still was not replied to. At the time, I had a friend on the server who has had bad experiences with said admin and does not personally like him. To make him laugh, I said "Willy needs to be fired!" twice. I do believe Willy took this personally, but he did not discuss it with me. That was never my intention. I was simply doing it to make my friend laugh. That is the only part of the ban reason that is actually true. Shortly after, both Willy and Calamity teleported to me, with Willy verbally punishing me first. He said that I was asked to stop, which I did, but he claims that I didn't stop mocking the rules. I then said to him, "Are you that light-skinned?" This was not meant as a racist remark. I tripped over my words in the video and didn't mean for it to come out that way. I meant to say, "Are you that thin-skinned," which meant that I was asking him if he could take criticism. I then told him verbally that if you ignore your community and the people who regularly play on your server, tell them to shut up and threaten to ban them for criticism, and give them no respect whatsoever, that the server would die out and it wouldn't be the server's fault. I added that I have seen this happen from past experiences, which is true. Calamity then told me that I dissed Willy which was completely wrong and could have been a misunderstanding. Willy then warned me and made it seem like that's all that would happen, until I was banned just moments later for the same reason I was warned. I was only warned once before I was banned. I don't believe that your server policies line up with that. I wasn't even given a second chance after the warning. I was banned just a few minutes after I had received it. I hope you will consider this unban, as I love playing on the server and want to continue to do so. I am a recent donator to the server and have been enjoying my donator perks. I was considering donating more so I could upgrade to VIP+, which would allow me to be able to enjoy my time better, but this has made me reconsider that thought. I have a recording of the whole incident and everything leading up to it if you do happen to need it for proof. Thank you for reading, Duff
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