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Posts posted by Killer.

  1. 9 minutes ago, TheDerick said:

    - Support

    From what happened was we kidnapped you I placed a prop just like every single other time we hang people over hospital or next to the bridge. But the thing was you we're not getting negotiated for which makes there no instance of RP at that time and if you want to say that just being kidnapped is RP then you can. Not only that but from the logic that you are stating your basically saying if someone has a hostage they cannot build which doesn't make sense at all. Also from talking to magic he never actually stated that having a hostage is an RP situation all the time he said it is when actually kidnapping them or negotiating for them. So overall I don't see what I have done wrong.

    Clip only shows the fence being there, NEVER showed Derick Actually building the fence. (to explain that further going) I can have a base up and bring a hostage in, it wouldn't be building as the fence was already there.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Adams said:

    Thinking about it now...  @Alton will most def be in bed by the time our wedding starts. Lmao it will be 1am his time and I know he ha work Mon. 😂

    I will hire someone to stand in his place and make it official

    I say, you should hire Max. He makes a great candidate. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Will said:


    There's like 4 minutes in between the warns, I would only say this a valid claim if he had warned you individually for 2+ reasons within a short span of time (a couple of seconds at most). If you do something after the sit or the original warning is issued, staff members are allowed to issue subsequent warnings for anything else that is deemed to be in violation of the MOTD, which seems to be the case in this situation.



  4. On 1/31/2021 at 12:40 AM, Parry said:

    + Support

    - Active In-Game and on Forums

    - Can be mature when needed

    - Knows the MOTD

    - Good app

    - Is very nice and understanding person

    - Responsible

    tEDDY has shown time and time again to be a reliable staff member and that he deserves to be more!

    Good Luck tEDDY! 


  5. 1 hour ago, OG ICE said:

    - support
    I showed a clip to noah jimes of the situations and had 6 staff members come to the sit and confirmed that he was placed under fear rp because some randon person unrestrained his hostage ill look back at the clip and see if i caught it but after that he was still under fear rp with 3 guns on him and he still didnt put his gun away so the warn is not false

    -Support Numerous Staff, Around 6-7 Staff already said it was a Valid Warning, and according to Smith the hostage was unrestrained so it didn't count as an actual hostage.

  6. Noted, Make sure to post your LOAs in discord next time, so you don't get in trouble for being Inactive / Missing Meetings. If you want to extend / come off LOA early just DM me on discord.

  7. 3 hours ago, Carrots said:



    -Very Mature

    -Very Professional



    I have no doubts Vice is capable of being an Admin. Like I mentioned, he's active, mature, professional and certainly a dedicated member. To add to that he also has previous experience as an Admin on MilitaryRP.

    Good Luck Vice!


  8. 5 hours ago, Zerg said:


    Although it might of been just seconds 1 Minutes 7 seconds (see picture), that is still NLR. The Only reason I did warn you was because you are staff and should know the rules.



  9. 11 hours ago, Noah Jimes said:

    - Support

    • - No proof of warns
    • Never seen you before
    • Last question you would also issue a warn
    • Low forums post
    • Responded to his own application
    • Reasons Also Stated Above!

    Note: Become more active on the forums, in-game, discord, and TS3. Prove you understand the rules while roleplaying in game. If you do these your chances of becoming staff will go up!


  10. 11 hours ago, Noah Jimes said:

    + Support

    • + Good Application
    • Good Server Activity
    • + Friendly / Mature
    • + Seems to know the rules
    • +/- Alright forum activity
    • Just now becoming active
    • No poll


    Note: I do realize that you are just now becoming active but I also do believe you would make a great staff member if you continue to stay active and active on forums!


  11. 10 hours ago, JamieeR said:

    Huge + Support

    Super active

    More than friendly

    Best staff member i've met in the 2+ years of playing

    Seems to take alot of sits

    Helped me tonnes with server rules

    1/4 people that have made my time on the server unforgettable

    Really mature, handles people well. Never seen him get mad at a single person (meaning deals well in stressful situations)

    One of the best staff on the server by far.


  12. 3 hours ago, Cammy said:

    - Support 
    Pretty Sure Your just back 
    Activity Needs Worked on 
    More time to get back Fully 
    Needs Relook over the guide 

    Sorry Ponik I Like you but im pretty sure your just back and I have only saw you on once during this so think you could do with some time to get back into things and get to know what to do because when I did see you on you did have a few things wrong so I think you should wait a bit before becoming a LT and Know a bit more First so you could fulfil the duties of a LT to be able to help people 

    Good Luck 



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