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SCP-RP Event Team
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Posts posted by Krafty

  1. On 8/3/2019 at 9:56 PM, Arussso said:

    Hello everyone I am finally leaving securityits been fun with all of you, You all make this community great. I wanna give my thanks to some special people

     Boris - Cool
     Rang - Likes big decks 
     Lefty - Since he left I never felt motivated to play again
     Gunther - Cool
     Daedran - One of the OG's
     Infected - looks like a fat dobby from harry pooter
     Kade - The true chicken man
     Corner - Cpt
      I want to say goodbye, I never feel noticed as an SO and I've been in this branch for a long time  so I am resigning goodbye I had fun with you all

    No love for Krafty iight

  2. In-Game Name: Krafty

    SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) STEAM_0:1:75839466

    What is your ULX Rank?: Senior Moderator

    What is your RP Rank?: HFTO Captain of GENSEC. (I'm also platinum donator)

    What is your timezone?: EST

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 9

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Been playing GMOD since it came out in 2004. I've owned a few servers and have been staff on too many to count. I'm 25 and a software developer/systems analyst, so I have experience planning out stuff like deadlines and project details.

    How Active are you? (1/10): 9

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): None 

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I just want to create a fun environment for our players. The server has been growing recently due to the exceptional activity of the staff/event/RP teams and I'm always looking for ways to play a bigger part in the success of the server. I've come to make many friends over the time I've been here and with the event role, I can plan fun activities with the people I've met. I've had plenty of experience on GMOD servers serving in every role you can imagine (from owner down to regular player). Over the 15 years of playing GMOD, I've never had a bad experience on a server aka received no bans of any kind. My intentions are to improve the player experience through fun and creative events daily. Lastly, I'm active almost every day and have plenty of time to come up with new events. I come on around the same time each day, which happens to be to peak time (after 4pm EST).

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): A full on D-Class RP experience of Site-05. A transport of new D-Class prisoners arrives on the surface via Helicopter. They are flown in by E-11 and escorted to the Entrance of the facility to await processing. At the entrance gate, Nu7 will take over the escort of the new arrivals. Nu7 will take the D-Class down to the computer room (the one connecting to the cafeteria) where they will be scanned and cleaned. The scanning/cleaning will be done/monitored by medical and janitorial staff. The D-Class will then be taken through a secondary treatment process where researchers will inject them with amnestics (This will be done in one of the rooms with a black border in it, D-Class will line up outside and go in 1-by-1). Once all processing is complete, they will be transported through EZ/HCZ/LCZ to D-Block. Nu7 transports the D-Class to LCZ checkpoint where they will meet GENSEC personnel, who'll be transporting them the rest of the way to D-Block. 


    -During the surface escort, CI will attempt to intervene. D-Class will be rushed into the facility with the doors closed behind them.

    -After screening, a Research command member will give a short speech welcoming the new arrivals to the facility.


    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?: Yes

    What is your favorite SCP? Why? 999, he's a cute little blob of peanut butter. He's also helpful to GENSEC as he heals our members.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Bor said:

    I can’t copy and paste on phone but I’m here and I’m SFTO you now me lol sorry.

    In-game Name: Boris


    In-game FTO rank (JFTO/FTO/SFTO): SFTO


    What makes you a good trainer?: I'm a grill


    How many training sessions have you had approximately (JFTO only): N/A


    Suggestions: Krafty is awesome


    GENSEC FTO Roll call 7/26 - 8/2


    Failure to reply to the roll call is grounds for a strike and removal from training. 




    In-game Name:


    In-game FTO rank (JFTO/FTO/SFTO):


    What makes you a good trainer?:


    How many training sessions have you had approximately (JFTO only):




  5. Official GENSEC Training Video Project



    Over the next couple weeks I will be working on a GENSEC training video to expedite the training process for all our Trainers. The goal of this video is to decrease training times for Trainers, improve information retention rate, and provide the Foundation with well-trained Security Officers. 


    To Be Involved

    Members of Command from all Divisions are invited to participate in the creation of this video with many sections available to choose from. I will be explaining the sections further down in this thread. To reserve a roll, all you need to do is reply to this post in the following format (only apply for sections available for your branch):

    In-Game name:

    Section of Interest (see below):

    Time Available During Weekends:

    Are you skilled in any video editing software? (not required):


    How it will work

    Sometime after you've written your reply, I will send you the script for your section of the training. The script must be accepted by High Command members before implementation. Once the script is accepted, you will receive your section. If you have any suggestions for adding/modifying the script specific to your section, it must be approved by High Command. 

    The video will take place in-game in multiple locations and likely over several days (due to scheduling command members and time constraints). 

    While doing your part, it is important that you RP as though it is your legitimate profession. Although this server is to be enjoyed for fun, we'd like it to be as immersive and informative as possible for the Trainees. 



    High Command Section (05, Site Director etc...)

    Into and Outro (1 for each or someone can do both) I know High Command is usually very busy, but his section won't take long and to hear from the Highest ranking members will greatly increase the appeal of the video


    • Security Command Sections:
      • Section 1: Introduction
      • Section 2: Conduct and Basic Rules (NLR, PTS, Golden Rules etc...)
      • Section 3: Branches // GENSEC // D-Class (What they are and the Ranks/Specializations of GENSEC)
      • Section 4: Zones (More detail for zones pertaining to your Branch)
      • Section 5: DEFCONs
      • Section 6: Faces and Formations


    • Research Command Section:
      • Section 1: General job description and duties (Tied in somewhat with what your interaction will be with GENSEC)
      • Section 2: SCPs (Multiple people can do this section)


    • MTF Command Section:
      • Section 1: General job description and duties (1 Command member from Nu7, A1, and E11 is preferred)
      • Section 2: Chaos Insurgency


    I look forward to working with all of you! Thank you for your interest in the continual improvement of our server!

    ---This thread was approved by Igneous, th3, and Rangiatea.---

  6. Official GENSEC Training Video Project



    Over the next couple weeks I will be working on a GENSEC training video to expedite the training process for all our Trainers. The goal of this video is to decrease training times for Trainers, improve information retention rate, and provide the Foundation with well-trained Security Officers. 


    To Be Involved

    Members of Command from all Divisions are invited to participate in the creation of this video with many sections available to choose from. I will be explaining the sections further down in this thread. To reserve a roll, all you need to do is reply to this post in the following format (only apply for sections available for your branch):

    In-Game name:

    Section of Interest (see below):

    Time Available During Weekends:

    Are you skilled in any video editing software? (not required):


    How it will work

    Sometime after you've written your reply, I will send you the script for your section of the training. The script must be accepted by High Command members before implementation. Once the script is accepted, you will receive your section. If you have any suggestions for adding/modifying the script specific to your section, it must be approved by High Command. 

    The video will take place in-game in multiple locations and likely over several days (due to scheduling command members and time constraints). 

    While doing your part, it is important that you RP as though it is your legitimate profession. Although this server is to be enjoyed for fun, we'd like it to be as immersive and informative as possible for the Trainees. 



    • High Command Section (05, Site Director etc...)
      • Into and Outro (1 for each or someone can do both) I know High Command is usually very busy, but his section won't take long and to hear from the Highest ranking members will greatly increase the appeal of the video


    • Security Command Sections:
      • Section 1: Introduction
      • Section 2: Conduct and Basic Rules (NLR, PTS, Golden Rules etc...)
      • Section 3: Branches // GENSEC // D-Class (What they are and the Ranks/Specializations of GENSEC)
      • Section 4: Zones (More detail for zones pertaining to your Branch)
      • Section 5: DEFCONs
      • Section 6: Faces and Formations


    • Research Command Section:
      • Section 1: General job description and duties (Tied in somewhat with what your interaction will be with GENSEC)
      • Section 2: SCPs (Multiple people can do this section)


    • MTF Command Section:
      • Section 1: General job description and duties (1 Command member from Nu7, A1, and E11 is preferred)
      • Section 2: Chaos Insurgency


    I look forward to working with all of you! Thank you for your interest in the continual improvement of our server!

    ---This thread was approved by Igneous, th3, and Rangiatea.---

  7. Official GENSEC Training Video Project



    Over the next couple weeks I will be working on a GENSEC training video to expedite the training process for all our Trainers. The goal of this video is to decrease training times for Trainers, improve information retention rate, and provide the Foundation with well-trained Security Officers. 


    To Be Involved

    Members of Command from all Divisions are invited to participate in the creation of this video with many sections available to choose from. I will be explaining the sections further down in this thread. To reserve a roll, all you need to do is reply to this post in the following format (only apply for sections available for your branch):

    In-Game name:

    Section of Interest (see below):

    Time Available During Weekends:

    Are you skilled in any video editing software? (not required):


    How it will work

    Sometime after you've written your reply, I will send you the script for your section of the training. The script must be accepted by High Command members before implementation. Once the script is accepted, you will receive your section. If you have any suggestions for adding/modifying the script specific to your section, it must be approved by High Command. 

    The video will take place in-game in multiple locations and likely over several days (due to scheduling command members and time constraints). 

    While doing your part, it is important that you RP as though it is your legitimate profession. Although this server is to be enjoyed for fun, we'd like it to be as immersive and informative as possible for the Trainees. 



    • High Command Section (05, Site Director etc...)
      • Into and Outro (1 for each or someone can do both) I know High Command is usually very busy, but his section won't take long and to hear from the Highest ranking members will greatly increase the appeal of the video


    • Security Command Sections:
      • Section 1: Introduction
      • Section 2: Conduct and Basic Rules (NLR, PTS, Golden Rules etc...)
      • Section 3: Branches // GENSEC // D-Class (What they are and the Ranks/Specializations of GENSEC)
      • Section 4: Zones (More detail for zones pertaining to your Branch)
      • Section 5: DEFCONs
      • Section 6: Faces and Formations


    • Research Command Section:
      • Section 1: General job description and duties (Tied in somewhat with what your interaction will be with GENSEC)
      • Section 2: SCPs (Multiple people can do this section)


    • MTF Command Section:
      • Section 1: General job description and duties (1 Command member from Nu7, A1, and E11 is preferred)
      • Section 2: Chaos Insurgency


    I look forward to working with all of you! Thank you for your interest in the continual improvement of our server!

    ---This thread was approved by Igneous, th3, and Rangiatea.---

    • Like 2
  8. On 7/5/2019 at 1:02 PM, LuckyDudeFive said:

    I first played on the server in like April but at the time me and a couple other dudes were actually trying to do our own Gmod think and it went to poop so in May I got trained for gensec and went from their and now I'm having a ton of fun playing on the server due to the really good managment of it

    You tried to start your own Gmod server?

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