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Posts posted by Fool

  1. MTF Nu-7 “Hammer Down” Branch Update

    By: Commander Fool, Vice Commander zboz



    Approved by:

    Ethics Committee: 

    Overseer Council: Weiss

    Site Administration: Blackbeard, Spider, Drizzle

    Epsilon-11 HCMD: Curtis, Blackout

    Delta-5 HCMD: Shadows

    Alpha-1 HCMD: 

    CI Gamma: Starr

    Maintenance HCMD: 

    Medical HCMD: Vintage

    Research HCMD:  Cryptonus

    Gensec HCMD: Baby arm, Bucket




    Job Updates




    Job: MTF Nu-7 Operative


    HP: 150 -> 175

    AP: 125 -> 150

    Weapons: Remove tfa_csgo_mp9 | Add robotnik_bo1_spc


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Senior Operative


    HP: 150 -> 200

    AP: 150 -> 175

    Weapons: Remove tfa_csgo_bizon | Add robotnik_bo1_mpl


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Tactical Response Team

    Weapons: Remove tfa_g36, tfa_mp5sd  | Add robotnik_bo1_aug, tfa_remington870


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Field Expert


    HP: 150

    AP: 175 -> 150

    Weapons: Remove tfa_fal, tfa_mossberg590 | Add robotnik_bo1_m14, robotnik_bo1_sog


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Covert Agent

    New Name: MTF Nu-7 Assault Unit

    New Description: The MTF Nu-7 Assault Units are specially trained operatives equipped with explosive ordinance and advanced weaponry. They specialize in handling high volumes of swarming SCPs.

    Models: Remove models/player/cheddar/mtf/nu7/nu7_marksman.mdl | Add models/player/cheddar/mtf/nu7/nu7_autorifleman.mdl
    Weapons: Remove tfa_svu, blink_swep | Add robotnik_bo1_law

    Slots: 4->2

    Remove jump boost


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Enforcer (Gold+)


    HP: 150 -> 175

    AP: 150 -> 175

    Job: MTF Nu-7 Goliath (Platnium+)


    Weapons: Remove tfa_csgo_sawedoff | Add tfa_ak47


    Job: SCP-7101-GL (Level 100+)


    HP: 400 -> 600

    AP: 150 -> 200


    Job: MTF Nu-7 S.H.A.M.E Unit


    Weapons: Remove iw_mauler | Add iw_auger

    Give immunity to 610/049 (We are removing C.B.R.N so this can happen)


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Officer



    AP: 175 -> 200

    Weapons: Remove tfa_f2000, tfa_mossberg590 tfa_csgo_frag  | Add tfa_m16a4_acog, tfa_ithacam37, tfa_csgo_nu_7_frag


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Senior Officer


    HP: 200 -> 225

    Weapons: Remove tfa_aw50 | Add robotnik_bo1_sog, robotnik_bo1_psg, scp018_containment


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit


    HP: 250 -> 225

    AP: 150 -> 200

    Weapons: Remove iw_kbar32, tfa_remington870, tfa_csgo_awp, tfa_csgo_frag  | Add iw4_m16a4, tfa_csgo_xm1014, robotnik_bo1_l96, tfa_csgo_nu_7_frag


    Job:  MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle: Apex Unit


    HP: 250 -> 225

    AP: 175 -> 225

    Weapons: Remove iw_kbar32, tfa_csgo_nova  | Add iw4_m16a4, tfa_jackhammer


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Commander


    HP: 225 -> 250

    Weapons: Remove tfa_csgo_ak47, tfa_csgo_nova, tfa_barret_m82 | Add robotnik_bo1_fms, robotnik_bo1_py, tfa_csgo_xm1014, tfa_private_dsr

    Models: Remove models/bloocobalt/science/jarmy_09.mdl | Add models/player/cheddar/mtf/nu7/nu7_marksman.mdl



    Job Removals


    Job: MTF Nu-7 C.B.R.N. Unit (Level 40+)


    New HSU Assault Rifle https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3033464397

    Current Stats

    Accuracy: 3 || 0

    Mobility 100%

    Firerate 975 (It is a 3 round burst rifle)

    Damage 46

    Stability 80%


    For comparison


    Kbar-32 stats

    Accuracy: 2 || 0

    Mobility 90%

    Firerate 731

    Damage 47

    Stability 74%


    Gun in action



    BO1 gun stats + new Auger stats



  2. 6 minutes ago, Glass said:

    Epsilon 11 is a surface spawning branch, with an SCP recontainment goal

    My entire branches main thing is the protection of HCZ and ensuring containment of SCPs we don't have anything in common with what Delta-5s primary thing is

    Both Nu-7 and E-11 function VERY differently from D-5, how often do you even see people join D-5 from E-11? I'm pretty sure they mainly get people from Security like Nu-7 

    And also why such a big focus on E-11 in this? I don't understand why you are treating them like a super elite force which they aren't. Just because it's a donator branch doesn't make them higher than Nu-7 or D-5

    10 minutes ago, Glass said:

    Delta 5 should recruit from branches within the same area of goals. That being Nu7 and Security.

    What goals do D-5 and Nu-7 share exactly? We only work together if a GOI is onsite or there is lots of SCP breaches. D-5 are literally military police and handle the ethics side of shit, Nu-7 is as I said the main people who protect HCZ and secure SCPs

    This suggestion just seems so pointless I don't see any problems with how recruitment goes in D-5.

    1 minute ago, Glass said:

    I disagree. I wouldn't have posted this if I didn't evaluate the suggestion requirements first. If anything, a suggestion like this is a grey area. Regardless, it's not like a branches high command is particularly open to having their options for recruitment cut off. There's definitely input to be had from other branches which are used as a gateway. That's why it's a suggestion, and not a DM.

    Bro this is literally something Delta-5 HCMD and E-11 HCMD have to discuss

  3. 43 minutes ago, K I W I said:

    This really only negatively effects GOI as they're pursued while on site, considering Bio sawbones is the only combatant job with defibs that can be targeted by any and all combatants unlike field medic which 1 is not pursued and 2 is not a combatant and can only be killed/targeted by E4 exclusively not to mention Sawbones can only revive twice in site total per raid.

    This is straight up facts

  4. 22 minutes ago, Sweeps said:

    How long has cloaking been on the server?

    I started playing in march of 2019 and cloaking jobs were there so probably since the server started 

    +Support though

    Cloaking classes weren't a major problem back in they day since there was only 3 combat jobs with cloaks two of them being donator (Zeta-6 and CI Infil) the only one you could earn through a branch was Alpha-1 Special Forces which was very exclusive. Even then the old cloak would uncloak you when you switched to a different weapon, if we can't remove them go back to that system

  5. Mobile Task Force Nu-7 “Hammer Down” Branch Update

    Last branch update J0lt worked on F


    Ethics Committee: Piller

    Overseer Council: Infected

    Site Administration: Ozzie, Spixe, Pills, Blackbeard, Drizzle, Kiwi

    Epsilon-11 HCMD: Rektify, Lew, Curtis

    Delta-5 HCMD: Shadows

    Alpha-1 HCMD: Goat

    CI Gamma: Ignis

    GOC HCMD:CyanicZed

    Maintenance HCMD: Silence

    Medical HCMD: Inaccurate 

    Research HCMD: Tyler, Cryptonus

    Gensec HCMD: Babyarm, Bucket, Sprink


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Commander

    Job Weapons: remove tfa_m416 tfa_m3 tfa_csgo_g3sg1 | add tfa_csgo_ak47 tfa_csgo_nova tfa_barret_m82



    Job: MTF Nu-7 Senior Officer

    Job Weapons: remove tfa_m24 | add tfa_aw50



    Job: MTF Nu-7 Trainer

    Job Weapons: Remove weapon_scpcodes



    Job: HTF Alpha-04: Mark I

    New Name: MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle Unit

    Job Model: remove models/ishi/suno/halo_rebirth/player/innie/male/innie_ray.mdl models/ishi/suno/halo_rebirth/player/innie/female/innie_miia.mdl | add models/valk/h3odst/unsc/odst/odst.mdl

    Job Description: MTF Nu-7 “Hammer and Sickle'' is a division comprised of enhanced super soldiers made to be the pinnacle of human biology and along with it, a suit of highly advanced power armor to enhance their abilities further. HSD (Hammer and Sickle Division) was developed to be a counter for Keter Class SCP’s contained on site. Under the leadership of Nu-7 HCMD and the War Chieftain HSU will complete the mission at all costs.

    Job Weapons: remove tfa_mossberg590 tfa_m98b weapon_doom3_chainsaw | add tfa_remington870 tfa_csgo_awp halo2_sword 



    Job: HTF Alpha-04: Mark II

    New Name: MTF Nu-7 Hammer and Sickle: Apex Unit

    Job Description: Hammer and Sickle Apex Units are a more advanced version of the standard HSU, equipped with stronger armor and advanced weaponry Apex Units are the most fearsome warriors Nu-7 has.

    Job Weapons: remove tfa_m3 weapon_doom3_chainsaw tfa_ins2_codol_free | add tfa_csgo_nova halo2_sword mac_bo2_dsr50 

    DSR-50 stats

    Accuracy 10 || 0

    Firerate: 50 RPM

    Mobility: 85%

    Damage: 210

    Range: 1.5k

    Stability: 0%

    Mag Size: 10+1



    Job: MTF Nu-7 C.B.R.N. Unit (Level 40+)
    Job Model: remove models/KSS/TSRemastered/smod_operator_tac_01.mdl | add models/player/cheddar/mtf/nu7/nu7_autorifleman.md
    Job Slots: 6 -> 4

    HP: 175 -> 125

    AP: 175 -> 125


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Senior Operative

    Job weapons: Remove tfa_csgo_galil | Add tfa_csgo_m4a1



    Job: Field Expert

    New Name: MTF Nu-7 Field Expert


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Marksmen

    Removing the job


    Job: MTF Nu-7 Corpsman (Level 30+)

    Removing the job



    Job: MTF Nu-7 S.H.A.M.E. Unit

     Description: Project S.H.A.M.E (Specialized Hostile Aggression Mitigation and Enforcement) was a marvel of its time, Its presence on the battlefield is like no other and acts as a rallying point for many of the Nu-7 battalion. They are built for handling the most dangerous threats to Foundation security and are only deployed in the most dire situations.

    Model: remove models/player/starcraft/marine.mdl | add models/halojorge/pm-spartanjorge.mdl

    Health: 350 -> 500 



    Job: MTF Nu-7 Quartermaster (Level 100+)

    Removing the job


    Job Addition: SCP-7101-GL (Level 100+)

    Replacing Quartermaster

    Model Path: models/timbleweebs/anthem/interceptor_timbles_pbrtest.mdl

    Job Description: SCP-7101-GL appears to be a female humanoid with unknown physical characteristics. The entire body is covered with some kind of technologically advanced armor that has proven to be undetachable through rigorous testing. There are several markings on the subject's armor which appears to be of Sumerian origin similar to SCP-073 and SCP-076. This SCP has shown devotion to being on the Foundations side and has been allowed to assist Nu-7 currently.
    Weapons: Add tfa_l4d2_oren

    HP: 400

    Armor: 150

    Comms: Only /nu7

    Additional: Immunity to SCP-049, SCP-610

    Jobs can Blacklist: Nu-7 CMDR, DOTF+

    This update will free up to 24.3 mbs if the models we are taking off our jobs are removed from the server

    Branch weapons: https://mega.nz/folder/b8E3QAbR#G2OZ-AHwENNdelR8X6HGCQ  (Had to do this since the energy sword and DSR-50 are in packs that are around 200mbs each I have tested the weapons they work on their own. On their own they are both under 10 mbs each)

    Branch models: https://mega.nz/folder/vgEQBCBK#5kzf7F2mT4ipkPDtNOEKUg  (Hitboxes on lots of the models were fucked and had to be fixed by J0lt so thank J0lt)

  6. What are you suggesting? -  Adding Scramblers to the server

    How would this change better the server? - It would add a extra and more unique feature to the server, the scramblers could also be made that they only work for a short amount of time for balance and they can only be given to SF's (A1, HTF, E4, etc)

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Only if they aren't balanced correctly

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - It would give SF's something more unique to use and would help CI and SF's with securing 096

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2988971057 (what's nice about this addon is it's a extension of our current NVG/Thermal system we already use and it's built in to only work with 096's model. Another nice part is the scramblers are coded to work against the guth 096 swep which is the one we use I'm pretty sure)


  7. What are you suggesting? - Moving SCPs 076-2, 106, 939, and 610 into LHCZ. Moving SCP 1245-2 and 1265-A into LCZ / Adding new SCP CCs for SCPs 012, 079, 513, and 280.

    How would this change better the server? - It would make much more sense in a RP perspective to have more Keter Class SCPs in LHCZ especially 610 not being in a more secure area, another thing is moving those Keters into LHCZ means some from misc can be moved to UHCZ as well. 1245-2 and 1265-A are Euclid SCPs about as dangerous as 098 or 5208 I don't see a good reason for them to be in HCZ so they should be moved into misc containment in LCZ. 012 and 513 not being in their own CCs makes no sense at all they are both very dangerous SCPs that should not just be in the item SCPs area with 294 and 1025, we also have way to many SCPs in misc containment in HCZ 079 and 280 deserve their own CCs. Also these changes in my eyes will help improve research wanting to test on some of these SCPs and open up more opportunity for it. 

    Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None that I can think of these all seem like reasonable things to do

    Who would this change mostly benefit? - The server as a whole and Research

    Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A

  8. On 5/7/2023 at 1:14 PM, Ein said:

    +Support but it might not be possible or too time consuming

    My honest reaction when I shoot a 50 caliber sniper rifle at somebody and it deals 85 damage because I magically hit their arm while firing at their torso, or when I unloaded a magazine into a C.I. and deal 150 damage in 13 hits and they kill me with 250 damage in 8 hits.

    The only issue is that a suggestion like this was brought up before (universal hitboxes) and was denied because it would be far too time-consuming going through each model. If SMT is willing to take the time though I would absolutely fucking love to see this.

    Said it perfectly

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