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Posts posted by NetworkParadox

  1. 19 hours ago, Soviet Spy said:


    -a pk...really... those are used for punishments not for rp

    -this is weirdly worded, rule one states that it MUST BE A D-CLASS, but rule 3 basically says or it cant be like you can't say it must and then change it to it doesn't have to be


    On 6/6/2020 at 6:31 PM, Ritz said:


    the rule where mtf can femur once an attempt has failed exists to counter 106 from camping lcz and repeatedly grabbing d-class that are being brought



    On 6/6/2020 at 3:23 AM, Sixx said:


    PK'd if you use the femur??! Yeah no.

    All points covered in the post, edited.


  2. What you want to see? - 

    I want SCP-096 to be near completely reworked. 096 as it is now is not fun to play, and is very jagged in its gameplay. Almost no one plays 096 due to the sheer boredom that takes place when playing unless theres a test on going. Someone can stare as 096 for 1.5 seconds and "technically" be fine, regardless of rules or even gameplay stability. 096 should not be nearly as weak as it is, considering its suppose to be a monster with high lethality rates when around it. 


    1. 096 S.W.E.P is either completely changed, or the 2 second rule of looking at him is reduce to 1 second or instant.


    2. 096 SWEP should ONE-SHOT anyone it hits. The hit regulation is already terrible on this SWEP,   theres no need to do it several times.

    3. Anyone who looks at 096 while enraged WILL count.


    4. When enraged, he can force open any door instantly to reach his target.



    Why should we add it? - 

    1. Looking at 096 for 2 seconds makes it impossible to unintentionally look at 096. Simply look away and whine that you didnt look for long enough, when in lore and in nearly every game of 096 its instant. This will reduce admin sits and make 096 more playable...

    2. Hit regulation for this SWEP is terrible. Forcing multiple hits for a creature that can destroy any material known to man to a human is ridiculously tedious and unrealistic, not to mention bad for gameplay.

    3. This will increase lethality for 096, making him more of a threat to the Foundation (since he has ZERO threat level as he is now).

    What are the advantages of having this? -
    More players will play 096, and fans of this SCP (many people) will love this change and to see 096 make an impact while breached. Generally bettering the gameplay.

    Who is it mainly for? -

  3. What is your in-game name?:

    What is your steam name?:

    What is your steam ID?:

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain)

    Yes, I was a community staff member here a long time ago. I've also been a community enforcer in countless other communities in and out of Garrys Mod.

    What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly)

    May 3rd, 2019

    What date did you make your forums account?


    Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)?

    Level 68, Gold

    How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)?

    14 [Keep in mind this is in the span of 13 months and when I was still learning]





    Have you donated?

    Yes, with the Gold rank and several other items such as the Falcon, SCP Pack and MTF Pack.

    What rank are you applying for?

    Trial Moderator

    Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)?


    Have you read the staff guidelines?




    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    I deserve the Trial Moderator rank because of my dedication to this community. Since my plans for Event Team have failed, moving to Staff will be a great step forward in order to improving my reputation and server quality. I will enforce all rules as they are written, as I have reread them several times since my last warning. I understand, I'm going to get alot of negative feedback from people who wont even read my staff application because they just don't want me in a position of authority. However, I can assure the community no matter how doubtful they are that I am capable of being an effective and efficient member of the Staff team. I've worked for many months in this community, making friends and enemies alike. Rising up the ranks of other departments and exploring new opportunities. After these few months I've decided to apply to staff a bit later than what my Restriction allowed. I have only the best intentions for this community. I don't mind being closely monitored, but I will prove everyone wrong by being a great part of the staffing team.

    How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    In this situation, I would review the evidence of the Mass RDM. Whether it be logs or recording, if I consider the evidence as valid the player would be punished accordingly. Since the player is not compliant and continiously disrespecting me or any other member of the community, they would be promptly remove as per the handbook given to me for the specified amount of time for Mass RDM and Player/Staff disrespect.

    Overall, I would remain calm and treat the player with respect and disengage the situation if possible before warning them for diss. I understand people have frustrating days, and don't want to punish them for it unless they refuse to comply.

    NOTE: When -supporting my app, please be respectful. Reasons are not required per forum rules, but would be a nice touch.

  4. In-Game Name:


    What is your ULX Rank?:
    Gold/Level 67

    What is your RP Rank?:
    Experienced Researcher

    What is your timezone?:

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 

    Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): 
    I was part of the Event Team here about a year ago. I made quality events which most people enjoyed, and were involved.

    How Active are you? (1/10):

    How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers):
    Over the span of over a year, 14 warnings.

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?:
    I should be allowed to become an Event Team Member because I want to support this community. I know I haven't shown that in the past, but I'm ready to finally move on and take my final step to proving my self worth to this community. I made mistakes, and I learned from them. I want to help and serve this community by creating and planning high-quality events for everyone to enjoy. I know not everyone here likes me, but I can do alot for this community and turn the tables. I've studied the SCP Lore over a span of 4 years. I know how to make unique events that will involve everyone and possibly have not been seen before. I made do mass breach events for the entertainment of everyone once in a while, but I can bring so much more to the table. With custom builds, teams, ideas, and introductions into the world of the SCP Foundation, I can make myself a very valuable asset to the Event Team and the community overall. I've been a member of the Event Team before, and I never once abused my powers and anyone can vouch for that whether they like me or not. I can be trusted with the power and tools given to me in order to make quality events, and now I can be trusted to keep loyal to this community.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better):

    Besides the typical mass breach events (which even then, I could spice up with lore and different outcomes), I have an idea to introduce a new group of interest for events. This GOI will be named the black hand, a group of military operatives created in 2001 after the Foundation conducted a raid on a blacksite belonging to them. Originally, the Black Hand was unaware of the existance of the Foundation until the raid. They would find and capture anomalies and other valuable items to create and fund weapons for their resistance. The Black Hand wants to resist against government and their accused corruption around the world, and planned to set a war from it.

    However, the Foundation was made aware of The Skeleton Key being in this groups possession. The Foundation conducted a raid with MTF Delta-5 and stole the anomaly back into their custody. The Black Hand suffered losses then, but discovered a true treasure trove of weaponize anomalies in Site-5. The Black Hands goal will be to capture these weaponized anomalies to use against their fight in the resistance. The Black Hand knows little to nothing about what Site-05 holds, so they'll have to send a trained saboteur to rig and discover more about the SCPs this facility holds. This Saboteur will report back to the Black Hand to organize a full-on raid if they are successful, and will attempt to release or capture several SCPs. However if the Saboteur fails and is discovered, The Black Hand will not be able to raid and will have to send another spy in the future.

    I like to make events with several possible outcomes depending on player choices.

    Have you read the Event Team Guidelines?:

    What is your favorite SCP? Why?
    SCP-049 is a favourite amongst many. I favour SCP-049, closely followed by SCP-096, because of his calm nature and understanding of something which humans can't see. SCP-049 is calm, collected, and not a typical monster that will kill everything on sight. He has purpose, reasoning, and lore which is why I favour him.

  5. What you want to see? -
    SCP-106 should be harder to contain. Last time I breached as 106, they immediately used MTF when I never touched any Class-D, then claimed they tried. Staff had no evidence against it, so I was contained rather easily. I want containment of 106 reformed to one of the following:

    1. A Class-D MUST be used no matter what. (There must be 80+ people to breach, you'lll find a Class-D eventually. Use tactics and communication to get him there safely, that's part of the challenge.) [If No Class-D are available, such as being dead, used, or rioting, resort to proposal 3.]

    2. When a Foundation Member uses the Femur Breaker, they must be PKed. (I.E, MTF PFC sacrifices him or herself to the femur. They will be demoted one rank and given a name change.)

    3. Only a low-ranking Foundation Member may be used in the femur if getting a Class-D fails. (Low-Ranking utility members, low ranking gensec, NO MTF) and even then, they will be forced a name change when done.


    Why should we add it? - 
    Honestly, 106 is as easy as lying to staff and yeeting someone into the femur with no consequence. Far too often do I see MTF personnel sacrificed and then telling staff they tried using a Class-D with no viable proof for or against it, so it has to be taken at their word. SCVP-106 should be a pretty scary guy considering his object class. And in no universe would the Foundation put their best combat personnel into the femur to sacrifice 106. 

    What are the advantages of having this? -
    This will make 106 live up to his name of Keter, and being a massive threat to the Foundation. This will also give Class-D more of a chance to escape or explore the facility, encouraging new players to stay and experience the server and its opportunities.

    Who is it mainly for? -
    SCP-106, Class-D

    Links to any content -

    Response to possible concerns:

    "A Whole demotion AND name change? That's way too OP."

    Throwing any MTF willy nilly into the Femur Breaker several times a day is also OP for MTF. In any universe the Foundation may exist in, by this point they would be completely out of MTF members. It's not balanced, and it's not realistic.

    "Only Class-D? What if they're all dead or rioting?"

    I would say that Security should then think about some protocol changes to satisfy Class-D more, but that would take too much time. I understand this is a possible (though rare) concern. So I propose mixing proposal 1 and 3 together, so if there's no Class-D you can only use utility members or low ranking/non essential personnel. They will still be a challenge to find and escort, but still make containment relatively possible.

    "What if SCP-106 is camping D-Block?"

    Two rebuttals.  1. It's already against the rules to do this for any SCP.
    2. 106 has a 15 second cooldown between capturing people. If you can't get a Class-D and run within 15 seconds, then you need to be better trained on how to distract 106 and how to move.




    [Any other concerns I see, I will add here.]


  6. Steam Name: ZetaBrace

    Ingame Name: Experienced Researcher Zeta

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:455778278

    Ban Length: 7... hours...?

    Admin that Banned you: Gamikzone

    Reason for Ban: "Fail"

    Dispute: Honestly the reason itself is a dispute. I wasn't on today or yesterday, I was on the day before only as a Researcher. The only thing I did that day was do a test on SCP-1048-A. About 30 minutes of doing nothing passed, and I went offline. I come back two days later and I'm banned for absolutely no reason whatsoever. I have no idea what "Fail" means, the only possibility I can think of is FailRP which I never did.

  7. Please make sure suggestions are pertinent and relevant! 

    What you want to see? - SCP-106s cooldown buffed from 30 seconds to 20 seconds.

    Why should we add it? - This will make the gameplay of SCP-106 much more playable and bearable, and a lot less awkward in moments where people stare, mock, and or shoot you because you're on cooldown.

    What are the advantages of having this? - More versatile gameplay, more enjoy-ability to SCP-106

    Who is it mainly for? - SCP-106

    Links to any content - 

  8. 58 minutes ago, CanOBeanz said:


    I like the idea of having them for RP & Moving SCPs, but you can just move the SCP with cuffs for a cross test, so it's not really needed.

    Mainly against this because some people would likely be tempted to help recontain SCPs with it if it was available on the job.

    SCPs like 939 would hardly comply with a RIG unit. The RIG unit is under a lot of layers of applications and requirements before you can actually play it, so I trust the people who have access to it know how to use it.

    +/- Support, I'm unsure.

  9. Full Name (Lore Name):
    Zeta Addler

    Researcher // Research Recruiting Agent

    Requested Name(i.e RIG Unit [Number] [Name]):
    RIG Unit 9418 "NOVA"

    Who gave you permission to apply?:
    Slurmp, R.A.M Cancer, Trevdec, Tomato

    Why should the foundation authorize your requested unit? (80 word minimum):
    The Foundation as we know it deals with some of the most dangerous entities mankind has ever known. While man has done a great job securing these entities, automation has always been the future of our kind. RIG Unit 9418, NOVA for short, is a combat-trained Android created by some of the worlds brightest minds. It's primary objective is to serve the Foundation (its calibrated handlers) in any way its authorized to do. It's highest priority is to ensure any testing environment is secured from any hostile or unauthorized activity while testing is on-going by the Research Team. NOVA is extremely loyal and obedient, with some of the fastest reaction times an Android can have with real-time reactivity. NOVA is also capable of comprehending and understand human emotion and commands, allowing for an enjoyable and relatable experience with this RIG Unit to make all Foundation employees feel welcome and safe in the hands of this unit. Finally, but certaintly not least, NOVA has undergone extreme military training which includes hand-to-hand combat, long-range combat, and close range combat alike. NOVA is the result of years of collaboration of the brightest minds the world has the offer, along with the greatest and most precise technical engineers the Foundation has. Overall, accepting this Unit will greatly increase safety for all of the Research team and Foundation alike. Not accepting this unit would even be considered a mistake.

    OOC, I generally want to take the stress off of Researchers and Security/MTF alike when they're occupied. Obviously, I have no intent to take Securities job. However I do want to relieve the stress of having a lack of security or MTF online/available for testing. I'm very experienced in the SCPRP server, with every rule known to man burned in my mind. I'm hard working and a good roleplayer, so I wouldn't disappoint.

  10. Sup boys and girls, I come here today to recruit everyone to a new gang I am creating called "The Plague Rebellion". This will be the first, actually formal and active gang Class-D will have. In short, our main goals are to free SCP-049, Rebel against security, and free our troubled and abused inmates used to feed animals like pieces of meat.


    1988 - October 12th

    D-9418, Mark Fisher, worked as a Private First Class Marine for the U.S Army. However, several documents were released and an ambush on a military escort occured. After investigation, Mark Fisher was accused of Treason and sentenced to life in a Federal/Military Max Security prison. On October 12th, Mark was taken into Foundation custody to be used as a prisoner at Site-05. He was stripped of his name and lively hood, re-named to D-9418. He spent the rest of his days there, being thrown test after test and somehow making it alive for months to come...

    1988 - November 19th

    D-9418 was being tested with SCP-049. He was thrown into his containment chamber, but SCP-049 did not harm him. After minutes pass, SCP-049 and D-9418 were discussing the pestilence and how it lingers. D-9418 understood what SCP-049 meant by the pestilence, that the pestilence was not a disease as humans knew it. After 15 minutes have passed, an alarm blared outside of the containment chamber. Security immediately pulled D-9418 out and escorted him back to D-Block. While on the catwalk to the Medical Bay, a group of armed men in black shot the security escort down. As these men were going to take D-9418 into their own custody, a large, endothermic lizard attacked. D-9418 curled and closed his eyes, but felt nothing except the silence that surrounded him. He opened his eyes to see the lizard was gone, with the disemboweled bodies of the men infront of him. Sickened, D-9418 used all of his will power to run to the elevator. To D-9418s dismay, the entire facility was dark and filled with bodies. D-9418 hid in one of the medbay rooms until a group of military-looking men took him back into his cell. After that day, all of the Class-D were on lockdown for days. Having no idea whether they would leave alive, D-9418 made notes of his experience. The legacy and promise of a cure to lifes hardships made its way down to generations of Class-D.

    This is when the Plague Rebellion was created. The Plague Rebellion was created to free all of the abused inmates and entities trapped within this facility. And they all knew just how to do it.



    Interested in joining? Well, I'll make it relatively simple for initial entry. Simply fill out the form below, and I will invite you to a discord.

    (I don't expect much to happen from this, since this forum probably won't be seen by many. But this is a way to have more fun as a Class-D for myself and others who join with lore behind it and more intentions than simply killing everyone else.)

    Lore Name:

    Why do you want to join?:

    How many warns do you have?:


  11. "But-But... all you need to do is move!"

    This is assuming you CAN move, and move fast enough while outputting any sort of lethal damage from the lack luster guns given to Security and MTF. We're in an underground facility ladies and gentlemen, there isn't much space openly available. Sure you can get a few shots off, but again the guns MTF and Security have are lacklusted and not nearly enough to save themselves.

    "But-But... This makes Class-D more balanced against Security!"

    May I remind you, that Class-D are not heavily armed special forces. They are inmates in an orange jumpsuit in a maximum security clandestine prison. In no way shape or form should Class-D have a chance in fighting the Security or Special Forces of said prison through blunt force, Class-D are meant to escape mostly via intelligence.

    "People won't like having the stats of a weapon they bought changed!"

    Of course not. There is no silver bullet when it comes to gaming balance, there will always be upset people. The trick is to appeal to the majority so you can get more players to be satisfied. When people bought the Knives, most of them had no idea how powerful they would be. They could just assume it has the strength of a kitchen knife, but it doesn't. 

    Overall, +Support.

  12. What you want to see? - I want to see specific rules regarding gagging and blindfolding players, most specifically Class-D and SCPs.

    Gagging - Players should NEVER be gagged UNLESS: Player is micspamming || Player is being insulting/offensive || Player refuses to stop speaking after being told to.

    Blindfolding - Players should NEVER be blindfolded UNLESS: Role playing "torture" or "negotiation" ||

    Why should we add it? - Because being gagged for no reason while be forcefully dragged around the map is no fun, same with being blindfolded. Someone can be perfectly silent and compliant, and they'll end up being blindfolded or gagged for the other persons entertainment.

    What are the advantages of having this? - Reduced player stress.

    Who is it mainly for? - Everyone

    Links to any content - 

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