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Retired DoTF Daedran

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Posts posted by Retired DoTF Daedran

  1. -Support
    I have not seen you at all, nor do I think you are fit for RRH due to the fact that you were removed from Alpha-1 due to mass inactivity, just because you were in the department before does not mean that you were fit for it. I'm not one to decide whether or not someone has changed, although this does not change my standing.

    Geeman | Inappropriate video in discord | Strike | None | 10/28/2019 | O5 | A1 | Infected
    Geeman | Inactivity | Removal | None | 11/19/2019 | COL | A1 | Arium
    [These can be found on past punishment records along with a few others things should you have roster access]

  2. +Support

    They are very active in GENSEC and know how to lead even when the tough gets tough, I don't get to interact with them much in MTF anymore due to them being in GENSEC, but I've had great interactions with him in the time that I have known him. They know how to protect themselves along with other people to a rather acceptable degree, and I feel they are fit for the position. 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  3. +Support

    Shows dedication and great activity on behalf of MTF and Omi-9 Operation, along with being a good, respectable member of the community that treats others fairly. That aside, they also know well how to PVP effectively and protect a designated VIP. They used to be in Alpha-1, I say they should be again because they are fit for the position.

    • Like 1
  4. [The following resignation was requested on behalf of Red Cross due to them not having the means to post on the forums]

    Name: Red Cross

    Rank: MSGT

    Reason for leaving: It was fun being on the server as MTF but after a while I kinda wore it out by not takng that many breaks and it's not as fun anymore, I have had great times as MTF but it isn't the same anymore.

    Do you agree to stay active for 48 hours?: Yes

  5. -Support

    I have to deny my support for this application due to the fact that while yes you may be improving yourself, you also lack self control and do not seem to pay any mind to boundaries. On multiple occasions I have had to deal with you breaking COC in regards to some things that a SGT could probably help you with, and it still continues to this day. On top of that, whenever combat does not go in your favor, which is most of the time, you complain and act in an unprofessional manner, and due nothing to improve your PVP skills. On top of that some things that you lack common sense at times, and I don't think that would be good for when you are protecting someone. Being as how this was my primary job in the past, hesitation and lack of common sense do not mix well at all, and will result in you and O5 staff getting killed.


    While I do acknowledge and respect that Kilo is improving as a person to make themselves a more reputable community member, which I am proud to see, I cannot support something I feel you are not fit for at this time. I hope you understand.

  6. -Support

    Not going to sugar coat it but I don't believe that you are fit, nor are you competent enough for any O5 position. Not only did you release the names of Experimental Personnel on public Foundation communications, but you are pretty mingey from all the encounters I've had with you. I personally don't think you would represent RRH/O5 Staff correctly, and honestly I feel that you would abuse this rank. I will list a few more reasons below as to why I believe this should be denied, which can be found on the punishment sheets.

    • Concerning attitude issues
    • Unable to communicate in a professional manner 
    • Abuse of open comms to the point of punishment
  7. +Support

    • Active and dedicated to their designated branches. 
    • Shows a lot of experience and interest with RP.
    • Proposes interesting ideas and concepts. 
    • Knows how to be a proper medical staff.

    Not going to lie but there is no obligation whatsoever to being active as a medical personnel that is not command. It does not count as a life therefore this should not be credited against them. Myself am not active on medical whatsoever most of the time, and I don't see anyone complaining. I think they would be a fine candidate for the O5 Medical Staff team due to their overall interesting, and RP friendly behavior. I feel they can represent O5 in a positive manner with professionalism, and efficiency.  

  8. -Support

    • Model change would be decent to see, considering it's the old Alpha-1 Special Forces model**

    **Second model will be denied on my behalf due to it already being used in active duty in my regiment. 

    • The weaponry on said classes are balanced according to SMT's standards, on top of that the weaponry is pretty powerful, so I do not see a need for a change.
    • MTF Donation classes are currently, as mentioned before, balanced by SMT due to them being a donation class, and while I understand a lore aspect to some of them, they will be thrown into an imbalance if there is more than 2, it's the same reason every MTF regiment has only 2 Explosive based classes. 2 is the limit, and has been for a few years for a reason. 
    • Did not test the models at all, nor did they check to see what regiments have said models. Along with the size of files, which exceeds the limit.

    Another reason as to why not many people choose the MTF pack over a bronze rank, is due to the fact that you are not able to join MTF E-11 which is something that a lot of players desire, especially considering it is a regiment. I understand perfectly why MTF Tau-5 may need a bit of freshening up, but with the current weaponry the only thing I can see needing to be changed is the Model, which should be the old model if it is still available, since it fits the best. 

  9. +Support

    As stated before, SCP-106 cannot travel through empty space due to the fact that the said SCP Object does not have the ability, nor has it ever, the ability to fly through the air. You should have walked up the stairwell, due to the SCP's humanoid nature, and while I understand the SCP Object being able to phase through solid entities, it cannot defy the laws of general gravity and fly.

  10. On 5/30/2020 at 12:51 AM, Kumandant said:


    Now wait a minute, did anybody actually watch the evidence? In the first video, it clearly shows that you ambushed Weiss, after going down the elevator. Anybody who cared to look at the video would clearly see Weiss just waiting infront of the elevator with his keys out, a very normal thing to do. 


    Turner said it best here. Why would someone planning to sneak up on you, wait at the face of the elevator? It makes more sense to sit behind the wall.

    The second video is incredibly unclear, you'd have to be majorly biased to take it as solid proof. Ignoring the fact that the video was so dark that I had to brighten the image, the video clearly shows Orange taking a single shot at Weiss, who had already crossed the bridge.


    Would it not have occurred to anybody that Weiss didn't notice the CI on the elevated bridge? As I said earlier, it's normal to wait for the elevator with your keys out, and he may have only noticed Orange the moment he shot, which was when Weiss had already crossed.

    I'm not being biased in the slightest with this response. I'm simply making a rebuttal against a player report that was clearly made with malicious intent. Any normal person would simply remind SMT about the model's bug, not try to get someone high ranking banned for fun. It costs money to replace a model, and if SMT still hasn't done anything about it, there's no incentive to shovel out money, just out of good will. It's not like Bael added the model knowing it was broken, why should real money have to be spent to fix what is clearly a mistake?




  11. 15 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

    I feel the mac 10 was the metta for way to long and since it is very cheep everyone used it. I believe the current gun meta is nice as it is. Don't think things need to be changed rn but maybe later on it can be added back to the meta.

    On top of this it's more reasonable now that the mac-10 is kinda a second choice to an AK, being as how a bullet that's pretty much a .308 does more damage then a dinky 9mm


  12. -Support

    This is something that is set into place to reduce the amount of jobs that are on the server, and has been around to some degree for a multitude of generations. I do not believe that removing this rule would do any good for the server, being as how people who pay for their CC know, and abide by said guidelines that they agreed upon. On top of that, if there were a bunch of jobs that were inactive and they kept building up, LUA scripts would not load as fast and loading times to get in game would increase, and server performance would decrease, regardless of the host.

  13. +Support
    E-11 needs a bit of freshness to it, I agree with the job updates and changes so long as they remain balanced and follow the books.


    3 hours ago, Dang said:

    - I guess KOS all utility now with the potential of them being a spy.

    Also, if you do that you run the risk of having harsh branch relations with utilitarian staff. I understand why you would, but I wouldn't recommend it. 

  14. You have a special place in my heart bro, I respect your decision to resign, just know that you're always welcome back in MTF if you do decide to come back when things straighten out. You're the best COL I've ever worked with. 

    Also I just noticed that I just got Rick fucking Rolled ❤️ 

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