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Posts posted by Bor


    On 6/8/2019 at 7:13 AM, borith said:


    Borith Stole my name, (Even though he joined gaminglight before me o_o.

    ANYWAYS, Welcome to gaminglight! Enjoy your stay.

  2. 21 hours ago, October said:

    +support to the idea for timers. This will make it easier for new players to keep track of time. 

    -support to both CI ideas. Turning off the power (in the generator room) causes lag. If it were to just turn off the lights it would be bad because you have to roll a 60+ to turn off the lights and it would be a waste of a raid as you can only raid every 10 minutes. Plus CI already has a spec ops division. 

    +support to the cameras (but it will probably cause lag) 

    -support to the AR in the crafting table this would absolutely destroy GENSEC

    -support to the lockdown specialist. The lockdown up there is called by security command and activated by staff. 


  3. 18 hours ago, Nexieys said:

    + Support
    I can understand the school situation as well as the real world situation, you should of went on LOA though.. All in all I can relate to your situations and you seem like a cool guy I think it would be a great opportunity to have your staff restriction off and maybe you applying again! Also you have a very clean appeal with few to none grammar issues.


  4. 3 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    From my current understanding:

    If one person is solely looking at 173 it can move every 5 seconds. If two or more people are looking at him, he can't move unless someone is trying to cuff him and they fail the roll. If three or more people are looking at him, 173 can be cuffed without needing to have a roll. Additionally, 173's SWEP can not be used to to get places he would not normally be able to get while just running, so teleporting on top of cameras, or signs and such isn't allowed.

    + Major Support for having modified, documented rules for each SCP for their specific SWEPs and recontainment.


  5. 23 minutes ago, LuckyDudeFive said:

    Ya but no  one ever plays 131 because their is litterly nothing to do on it other than run around the facility


    Your not wrong.

  6. 14 hours ago, Rookieblue said:

    Straight from the MOTD:

    SCPs cannot open other containment cells. Only SCP-035 can do this.



    Regarding the armory thing, I would support allowing SCP 035-1 being able to attempt to get a keypad cracker IF the armory is already open, not giving SCP 035-1 a keycard to specifically access the armory. This would be consistent with server lore if the person was taken over by SCP 035 taking over a foundation staff member or a class D member, SCP 035 would attempt to gather supplies to further help him escape, as he's sentient. 


  7. Not sure if this is even possible to fix, But when you throw the trench knife and keep it in throwing mode, And unequip/Go to a different SLOT, When you look back at the trench knife it's gone, You have to turn off the throw mode to stop this.




  8. On 6/4/2019 at 11:09 AM, Dcethe said:


    This SCP is almost useless for being a platinum class. The low health makes re-containment barely an inconvenience for even GenSec, because 457 will burn himself out in 5 minutes anyway.

    Btw you cant shoot this SCP - you need to fear rp him with a fire extinguisher or put him out.


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