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Orange 🍊

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Posts posted by Orange 🍊

  1. -support

    Preamble: One of the purposes of the CI is to cause Chaos.

    As a member of CI we are always outnumbered in the foundation, and most raids to not go successful, this topic originally was brought up to me by Jet when I had done a duo raid, we were completely outnumbered with atleast 5 MTF on at the time and 10+ gensec, that raid did not result in a nuke, but lead to the breaching of every SCP (that were on at the time) which were all eventually contained. I feel like the problem starts at the foundation, they should not worry about the SCP's running lose, but initially worry about the CI that are causing this issue, and then focus on re-containing the SCP's. Another fix is to enforce that SCP's have to target everyone even CI (Us CI even try to tell them that they cant team with us) , and if caught immediately remove the person from there SCP job. These are just suggestions but limiting the number of breaches that the CI can do is not the way to go. 

  2. Name:  Orange

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:121830468

    What is your ULX Rank?: Bronze

    How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 6

    Do you have any experience as a GM or event planner in the past (If so, explain l): None, but I feel like I have great potential to fill this role.

    How Active are you?: I'm normally on daily for at least 5 hours.

    How many warns do you have?: 0

    Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I feel like have the potential to fill a creative spot on the event team, with plenty ideas for small little events and massive events as well. Over the time on the server I feel like not one day has repeated itself due to the variety of daily events I experience on the server, and would to contribute to make other players time on the server enjoyable as well. I believe that I can express many different creative ideas for the team that will help gaming light stand out from the rest of the SCP servers. Another reason I believe I would be a strong part of the event team is my time on, since I am EST I am on a good portion when the server is not very active if I am able to create some fun events for everyone to take part of it may boost EST players and keep players active during those times.

    Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): 

    One event I have thought of ( This would be a mega event) is a complete take over of the foundation by SCP 049 with mutant 049-2's with increased health and shield. There is not possible way to detonate the nukes as the facility has been completely overrun. This would mean the CI, MTF, and NTF would need to work together to stop the doctor by either eradicating all the 049-2's ( Which would be mostly D class and some SO's ) or breaking their way into the facility and honorably sacrificing themselves and the foundation to stop the doctors plan to take over the world.

    What is your favorite SCP? Why? 

    My favorite SCP is 049 since the history of Plague Doctors is very interesting. As he seems like a type of SCP that would try to help but in reality he back stabs people and uses them for his own experiments.

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