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About TheFallenOne

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  1. +Support -Mature -Reasonable -Has A Very Good Amount Of Knowledge
  2. Name on roster: Lucifer Rank on roster: LCPL How active are you: I am on every single day and plan to try to continue being that active i stay on for about 8 hours a day most of the time more Who should be the next Major?Crimson What can Security improve on? I personally think we need to improve on protocols and the way we deal with containment breaches Why should we keep you in Security? (30+ words) I do my job to the best of y ability and make sure that i keep everyone as organised as i can personally i think that i do my job very well and that I know what to do in breaches but professionally i think that keeping me and anyone els should not be a GODDAMN 30+ WORD QUESTION THING but anyway if i do not do my job correctly i fix what i am doing wrong and always make sure to do what i do the best i can i assign guard potions when no one else dose i select people to guard scientist when people are bitchy about it i even go out of my way even in a multi keter class breach to close doors this is why i think i should stay as security
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