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Posts posted by Grеg

  1. 22 hours ago, 1stSavagerY said:

    I don't see the harm of letting him back.  If we didn't, we would be setting a double standard as we have given lesser punishments for a lot worse.

    Yeah I mean I don’t want him back but I’m giving my honest opinion. I truly do not see the harm in him coming back.

  2. +Support

    He has learned his lesson. I know myself and many members of Gaminglight hold grudges. He burned a lot of bridges and wants to try to build them again.

    To @Hex-Gsaying the hard R is a lot better then continually harassing members and being a general prick. You weren’t SCMD then but I have had issues with Meeseeks in the past even when he was told to stop. DMs are 100% not out of GL. If some officer starts spamming in CMD DMs saying racist and transphobic shit you would report him correct? Any communication between GL members can be scrutinized if someone wants it to be.

    To @Mr.Meeseeks 123 if this gets denied, you should try writing with correct spelling, proper grammar and sentence structure. 

    Meeseeks fucked up by choice many times, that’s not a sign of good character. HOWEVER, other people have done worse and gotten less of a punishment. ZJ for example who was let back into command 3 times after being caught hacking 3 times.
    Meeseeks was young, rude and borderline moronic sometimes but everyone has a time where they are like that. I don’t see harm in letting him come back. He can always be removed again if needed. The server has gone through a lot worse then one member harassing people. We always bounce back.

  3. 44 minutes ago, PryingTree said:

    The job only has 25 more than what it already had, which is 25 less than the Security Light Weight job.

    (Security Light Weight is a combatant!! -Some dude)

    Yet this job (AFM) is a non combatant, and still has less speed than a security donor combative job. AFM is only given to those who are Senior Enlisted in the sub branch, and not having to simply donate to the store and hop on with no gensec experience.

    Akshually Light weight isn’t a donor job. 🤓

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  4. Name: Greg
    Warden Name: Arcadius
    Rank: 2LT

    Length of LOA:  8/1/2022-8/3/2022

    Reason for LOA: Sick, probably come back early
    Forums LOA Link (Only CMD): 


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