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Posts posted by Infected

  1. +Support

    The man is an amazing staff member and highly deserves this rank. Not only is he responsible but he is ready for anything, literally ANYTHING. 

    -Best of the best


    -Very nice

    I think kade would be an amazing senior admin, he has worked very hard for a long time now and definitely deserves this rank.

     ~Infected ❤️

    • Like 1
  2. 9 hours ago, th3 said:


    Why would you spawn a filing cabinet near the checkpoint to “wait for someone to come”. Most common place to find people who are attempting to get past the checkpoint by exploiting the sit mechanic is in the roof cause they can’t do it correctly. I don’t think just because he doesn’t conduct a sit doesn’t mean the conclusion he came to was a wrong one. If anything I think the warn appeal should be accepted and you get warned for a separate instance of spawning a prop in as a d boy because you are more than aware of this rule.


  3. On 3/7/2019 at 9:16 AM, October said:


    spartan, you’re very mature and responsible. I know you would be an amazing staff member. I only have 2 problems, 1. You can’t be as active as others. I do not blame you for this as I know it’s impossible for you as you have to balance a job and this community. 2. You’re supposed to add a poll. Overall, this is a well written app. 

    Good luck. 

    Good luck!

  4. Large +Support

    Woods is a VERY hard working fella ingame and in real life. Woods has a job he has to tend to In real life and still manages to put in as many hours as he possibly can, he is always on the go and ready to move when told and I can definitely see woods becoming a great staff member to work alongside with. 

    Best of luck woods!

  5. Massive +Support 

    I have been hoping it would be added sooner but I think we could maybe have someone use the sonido swep and just have him be invisible while opening/closing doors and as said before in order for them to get gates open they need to contact him with adverting 

    or instead they have to win a roll battle with him in order for him to open gates.

  6. +/- Support

    Recently there is a gensec post requesting that security don’t  get NLR and I feel if the ClassD had NLR it would make it much harder on researchers, I also feel if security don’t have NLR than ClassD should also not have to receive NLR it’s extremely unfair on the people that ONLY rp as ClassD. 

    If ClassD get NLR I think they should atleast be able to stand in the line but they are not allowed to attack/escape.

  7. +/- Support 

    - it will make it much harder for ClassD to have the ability to escape/become CI and reduces their RP in a whole by a bunch.

    + Makes it much easier on Security, I tend to hang out in Dblock and I always find at least 2 ClassD wiping the floor with GENSEC using a knife. Saw 1 ClassD kill (Swat armor SCP) easily and continue to kill 2-3 other security officers afterwards.


  8. +/- Support.

    + Much harder for MTF/NTF/A1 to do their job when containing SCP’s.

    + Every since people learned they can break out many have acquired binds to make it EXTREMELY easy to escape the cuffs.

    - Previously said, it would be kinda awkward for a fat, slimy lizard being dragged down the halls as it’s looking at everyone that passes by.

    - Ruins the whole “giant” or “strong” SCPS purpose, imagine the ingame 682 is in cuffs and just sits there like, “ay B let me out these cuffs” when in reality he would be able to snap the cuffs and eat the person whole.


    Ok, if this rule doesn’t get removed you could maybe put limits to which scps can and cannot escape, 682 can he is big, ugly, strong, and slow. Then you have 096, passive when not angered, lazy, and overall doesn’t really do anything unless looked at.

  9. KADEEEEEEE, I never got to say a good farewell. You were always a really good friend and a good SCP buddy, I hope you live a loving and prosperous life forward. 

           ~Infected (Stinky)

    take those flying skills I gave you and fly into the CI base. <3

  10. Th3 big fun.

    - Great person

    - Very very responsible

    - Great person

    - Always been there when he is needed

    - Great person

    Ok but seriously, Th3 has ALWAYS been the best, he has been by my side since the start and I have learned a lot from him.

    Massive +Support

    He learns more from me though because         I AM his tearcher after all..

    Best of luck Th3!

    BTW Great person

  11. 15 hours ago, Sensei said:

    I know this is going to be deleted BUT PLEASE READ. 

    Lesson buckel didnt do anything wrong. Neither did homer. It was all my fault. I was the player poacher. I am saying this as clean as it is. Its not their fault. Please unban buckel as it was my fault and that he got poached by me. I take full responsibility and i will take all the blame. I am sorry as i didnt realize that posting a link for another community is a blacklistable offense. So once again i say this, please unblacklist buckel he had nothing to do with it and it was all my fault he got into it. 

    It takes a lot to own Upto your actions, respect.

    this says a lot to this investigation!

  12. On 2/20/2019 at 9:13 PM, War Gamer said:


    You seem like a nice guy but there is a few things I don't like about this Staff Application.

    1) You really don't have many post on the forums

    2) #No. 15 could use some more labor in it.

    3) #No. 16 especially needs more work; it looks like you just speed through it.

    4) Never have heard of you or seen you

    5) Be more active on the forums

    6) You need a poll



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