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Posts posted by Infected

  1. -Support

    You have little information on the final 2 questions 

    I don’t see you ingame very often 

    the final question was not specific, we want a walkthrough as if we were asking you and you were giving us an answer/demonstration.

    Overall I think you could use some work on the activity and try to lend us more information on your future applications, until then goodluck.

  2. On 10/14/2019 at 9:01 AM, Yoga said:

    + Support

    - I have Seen Jared On Almost All the time

    - He is a very Responsible person 

    - In My Opinion He has a lot of Experience 

    - He can handle sits Carefully and Swiftly and Successfully

    - Jared is a Very friendly person and Humorous Guy

    With this I believe that Jared Deserves the Rank of Admin.



  3. +/-

    This application could definitely use more, there is not a lot to gain from the minimal amount of information you’ve put down.

    I feel you could be ready for this rank, but as I said you certainly should increase your activity on staff.

    i wouldn’t have given you the permission if I didn’t think you were ready, fix these few flaws and I certainly think you’ll be fit.

    • Like 1
  4. On 10/13/2019 at 12:57 AM, Catsro said:


    Here are a few reasons:

    You have combat medics so why can you not RP a surgery in E11 base?

    E11 in lore cannot go in the foundation when the site is already safe like Defcon 4/5.

    I agree that you guys should be able to do something on defcon 4/5 but this suggestion just ain't it.

    It's not fair for D Class or CI to have to fight 3 MTF branches even on Defcon 5.

    E11 isn't meant to be site inspectors and inspect what is wrong in the foundation.


    This is so unnecessary...

  5. On 10/1/2019 at 10:44 PM, pixelated pancakes said:

    +/- support


    +Your pretty active

    +Chill dude

    +Fun to be around

    +Nice event idea

    +0 warns

    -Some minor spelling/grammar mistakes

    -Kinda went off track on why you should be event team

    Overall +Support good luck


  6. On 10/1/2019 at 11:21 PM, pixelated pancakes said:


    -high ranking in to and a moderator so nost likely well trusted

    -well organized

    -good examples of why you should be in event team

    -great grammar

    -event is cool, I would have myself or another event team as 3812 so you can trust them with a swep

    Good luck hope you make event team and i look forward to doing events with you


  7. On 9/30/2019 at 1:45 AM, Catsro said:


    • We could always use more UK staff!
    • This player's character is calm and collected and very mature.
    • You only have 1 warning but that is okay.
    • Forums activity could improve.
    • Parts of Q16 are correct like contacting an admin+ to assist you. Then there is the part with the minge system, the minge system was removed and we now selectively use the jail/ban system. Micspam might now be the best thing to warn them for unless they actually do it a simple staff diss warn would do.
    • This user is active even staying up late at night/morning for CI meetings and is pretty dedicated to it.

      I think you could be a good addition to the staff team! 


  8. - Support

    I don’t think your quite ready for this position, from what I’ve seen recently and from the past I still think you need some time.

    Your actions when speaking/including other people heavily effects if you’re ready for a position like this.

    I’ve seen you on maybe once or twice in the past 4-5 days and you got on staff one time to spectate Tmods but got off soon after.

    You have good intentions but I think a little more maturing and interaction might suit you in the future.

  9. On 9/24/2019 at 12:31 AM, Kade said:


    + Responds to Admin Chat

    - Engages in RP scenarios

    - Handles sit unprofessionally, made long groan noise for 20 seconds thinking of what you should do. (Saying "I guess" at end of sit is not confident in your decision)

    - Joked about banning someone, wasting time on staff and ruining staff experience with players

    - Other various small things, rather not go into detail

    Overall, I do not believe you are ready for SMod after 30 minutes of overseeing you staff. I recommend working on professionalism, activity, and confidence.


  10. On 9/22/2019 at 5:10 PM, enuz | trade.tf said:

    Obviously shows major activity for the server, always active, always dedicating time on staff, know how to handle every situation. 

    I wouldn’t say he knows how to solve every situation, he was in a 1v4 on league and died and then ran it down mid and went 3/62 that game.


    Major +Support

    He has been ready..

    • Like 1
  11. 10 hours ago, Catsro said:


    • I have seen this player ingame and he was a respectable mature person.
    • Has good forums count but could improve on forums activity.
    • Timezone would be useful for when we have minimal staff on.
    • Nailed question 16.
    • Warning was not recent.

    The only thing that may be a problem is that you are still an event team trainee other than that I believe you would make a good addition to the staffing team.


  12. 10 hours ago, Catsro said:


    • You made your forums account on the 15th of September.
    • Low forums activity only having 3 forums posts.
    • No Poll
    • 2 fairly recent warns one of them being for mass rdm.
    • Q16 is wrong as you cannot deliver a ban as a trial moderator however you were correct to get a higher staff member.
    • I haven't really seen you in game but that could be me missing you in the tab menu.

    Overall Pop, I believe if you can fix this above you could be a good trial moderator addition to the staff team and increase overall activity.


  13. On 9/27/2019 at 1:46 PM, ASimplePlayer said:


    Reasons: Balance, as if they have more guns, Gensec won't be able to fight rushing D Class. It's not fun to deal with D Class shooting at a distance and D Class have a upper advantage in size and low spawn times, which makes it difficult already to balance them.

    Conclusion: Can cause balance issues and Gensec will not survive D Class riots at all, especially if you add guns to the mix. Overall a bad idea. The only this I will support is a week ranged D Class, but Reznov exist, so it will be a bad idea anyways.


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