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maral the great

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Posts posted by maral the great

  1. 9 minutes ago, Gaur said:

    I believe it to be more than necessary to have specific posted outlines or clarification to prevent confusion like this in the future. When I was a Manager for SWRP and HA on PRP there were no specific rules, it fell under "just use common sense." Having specific outlined rules would prevent unnecessary reports on SMT members and if they are reported the excuse that they had "no clarification" cannot be used to prevent punishment. Not having specific rules allows any SMT member to get off with the same excuse and a slap on the wrist. I'm not saying there need to be extensive guidelines, but there need to be some rules. If SMT does not wish to have rules then that needs to be stated that they don't have restrictions, if they do then it needs to be stated what they are and not hidden from the community.

    well said i agree ^^^

  2. +support crease is a great guy never seen him break rules weird situation never seen this happened but he did said he can prove it so i believe him    

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