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Tayson Terry

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Posts posted by Tayson Terry

  1. +support 

    • great leader  

    • good with people/community 

    • long time member of gaming light 

    • Deserves those promotion more than most

    • hard working good guy 

    • literally got on the server to help me with the situation in the middle of the night 

  2. Rank You are Applying For: LT

    In-Game Name:  Tayson Terry

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197725176

    Current Rank: SM

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  2 months 

    What timezone are you in?: MST

    How many Warns do you have?:  2  

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):  

      I want to preface this by the saying I retired from command two months ago I did not want to retire I was just not able to be on Garrys mod with my current situation.

    Hay, I would like to formally introduce myself. I’m RET. COL / Assistant Chief Constable Tayson Terry 1L27 / SO22  Now SM 1A27 I’m a long time member of the Gaming Light community joined around late 2017 and really made head way around 2018-2019 and I had a great career joining every department other then CAT, DS and CERT. at the time but other departments and sub departments have been formed sense than. 

      So what skills do i still possess? you may ask, I want to start with the map I started on Rockford originally and And I’ve played on many more sense than including great Lakeside this means I have an adoptable driving skill set and I am a key component in 10-80. I have a wide range of skills And have been in nearly every department that gaming light police RP has to offer and with all that came a great deal of training and knowledge. From three different tac teams to multitude of other gov agencies I haven’t read more SOPs and handbooks than most. All of this to say I know how to do my job and I’m dam good at it.

        Like I said I came back from a two month unexpected break you may have concerns about activity. I’ve always been great when it comes to activity with a constant 2 to 3 hour shift nearly daily now I have kept this routine up for sometime now after getting back from my break and I feel that with this as well as my reputation for activity should be sufficient enough to prove to you that I am a dedicated and ready member of the police department

    I feel that I am ready and if I’m not I would plead for any of you please help me with any constructive criticism‘s or anything that can help me along the way. I appreciate you all for reading and have a good day

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):  yes 

  3. How’s it going folks so I’m finally retiring some of you may be happy some of you may be sad just know that I care deeply for the server and for the people I’ve met while here but unfortunately things in my life have started to slip because of this and I cannot allow it to happen anymore I may still be on the server I may still be in TeamSpeak but I will no longer be your command I will miss a lot of you Now I would sit here and give people personal shout outs but I don’t think I could do that right now so I’m just gonna say thank you 

    • Sad 2
  4. -support 

    now I may be getting this mixed up with somebody else but if I’m not wrong you just came back from an extended leave from the police department I feel like you may need some more time and better activity before you get my +support  much love to you these are just my personal experiences you may be active and I just don’t see it best of luck

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. On 4/18/2022 at 12:55 AM, Recs said:

    100% Behind this man for Colonel

    +Goes above and beyond to help orchestrate and Co-Ordinate PD
    +Definitely has the Leadership Qualities that would/will be required to move up to this role

    When me and him were both applying for colonel I thought I was gonna lose to him that’s how much she deserves it.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Phamel321 said:

    the only reason you were at the wedding was for a "suspected" kidnapping of the bride by the groom (right or was it just a regular kidnapping) now you were withholding information and edited your post to include other reasons why you were at the wedding while on duty

    No, it wasn’t a suspected kidnapping it was a confirmed one we had found the person hanging off a bridge I was there for actual RP reasons and as much as you would like to say I wasn’t I was there with a purpose. No information was intentionally withheld from you or any other party. My story is always been the same as well. I was at the wedding to apprehend the groom who was suspected of committing a confirmed kidnapping. My goal was to go undercover as a friend of the bride as a way to gain access to the wedding. I was still carrying out that plan when you demoted me off the job unaware that a person or persons had been placed under arrest for the kidnapping. like I said they were members of state involved with this investigation so this isn’t something I’m just pulling out of thin air or some thing I was doing by myself. 

    I did not edit the original post anyway other than to include your Steam ID now I did edit a comment I made that was to make sure I was providing the most factual/truthful statements that I could so no the editing wasn’t to cover anything up that was simply to provide the best reading experience possible for the situation

  7. Here’s the thing firstly I never threatened a demotion And at no point I said I was demoting you in any  department. As well as the cover-up RP situation as you’re saying. I was under the impression that the groom of the wedding had kidnaped somebody and left them to hang off a bridge so my goal was to be a part of the wedding so at some point we could apprehend the groom when he came back. At no point was I told  that we had figured out who the suspect was and that the person was apprehended so I was still under the impression that we were still looking for the groom and were planning to apprehend him. And you say I was supposed to be the father of the wedding at no point that was ever the plan so I’m not sure where you’re getting that from. Now I did say I was a friend of the bride because I am friends with amethyst and that was my plan to get into the wedding. To carry out the plan. Now I do admit I definitely did carry A tone in TeamSpeak but at no point I threatened a demotion what I said was the only reason you should be demoting me is if I’m AFK. And then went on to say that without even asking me first you decided that what I was doing didn’t fall under the spectrum of my job and demoted me. So it seems like there’s a communication issue here. But no I didn’t threaten you in any capacity and I did in fact tell you that I was filling out a player report but that was simply a courtesy so you could give your side of the story.

    I was also working with some members of state so this isn’t just some thing I was doing by myself.

    The reason I was telling the corporal to leave because he was arresting a person for killing an NPC alien some member of SMT Spond in I said let him go and just get out of here because there’s no reason to be arresting somebody for killing an NPC. 

    as well as if you want to get really technical about it. multiple times people had adverted murder and attempt to shoot up the wedding I either Apprehended or subdue the peoples attempting to harm other civilians so I am still carrying out my job while being there 

  8. Your In-Game Name: Tayson Terry 

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197725176

     In-Game Name: Phamel

    The player's steam ID:  STEAM_0:1:46016881

    What did they do? falsely used the demote system to demote me off my COL job while in RP   

    Evidence (REQUIRED): Phamel ➞ USMS Enlisted moderator demoted COL Tayson Terry 1L27 ➞ Citizen platinum for not doing his job 


    What do you think is an acceptable punishment? server warning 

    • Like 1
  9. What you want to see? - I would like to see a rule added that states you are not allowed to make jokes or make fun of any current world events such like a temporary rule with the George Floyd event and more recently the Russia Ukraine event

    Why should we add it? - to help make sure everyone feels included on the server and to make sure no individual person gets called out or feels in a negative way because somebody is performing one of these actions

    What are the advantages of having this? - help make sure no one feels excluded or gets upset when somebody makes a joke. ruining RP and the feel of the server and hoping to not drive people away from the server

    Who is it mainly for? - everybody

    Links to any content -  N/A

  10. -support 

    you’re a great guy but I do have a few issues

    • you say you’re active but I’ve only ever seen you on two times

     • only three weeks as Lieutenant now I know that meets the requirement but I feel you need more time as command to gain more professionalism and maturity

    now these are all just personal feelings and experiences of mine you could very well be active and I just don’t see it and I just don’t think you’re quite ready to be a captain yet I think you need a little bit more command experience before you’re ready for this promotion

    best of luck

  11. 5 hours ago, YuckyDuckyKids said:

    Massive + Support
    Very Helpful in Training Cadets (Helped me train 3 Cadets when I was having issues with them)
    Lots of experience in other Departments
    Long Time member
    Good at listening to higher ups

    Hit the nail right on the head YDkids 

    good luck man 

  12. Rank You are Applying For: COL

    In-Game Name:  Tayson Terry

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197725176

    Current Rank: MAJ

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  14  weeks

    What timezone are you in?: MST

    How many Warns do you have?:  2

    Permission: Deputy Commissioner Solomon  

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):  

       So round two of making a COL application (and fyi I’ve got hundreds of rounds in me and I’m not going anywhere any time soon so if all else fails you’ll get to see a third COL application from me.) but I’m getting ahead of my self I would first like to formally introduce myself. Hi I’m MAJ / Assistant Chief Constable Tayson Terry 1L27 / SO22 I’m a long time member of the Gaming Light community joined around late 2017 and really made head way around 2018-2019 and I had a great career joining each department other then CAT, DS and CERT. at the time but other departments and sub departments have been formed sense than. But all good thing must come to an end and they did in mid 2020. I took a break from the serve and you may ask your self why am I back well I got my mental state in order and the server really drew me back. So my goal when coming back was to surpass my self and do greater things and so that is what I set out to do. I got back in SCO19 and became High Command far surpassing my old rank. Oh what about PD you my find your self saying well I wasted no time at all as soon as I got active enough I applied for LT and got it and that started my second journey in PD low Command. And I’ll tell you what it’s not easy to make it to MAJ not once but twice and I pushed my self twice as hard to prove I still had it in me. And you will find I’m the most persistent mother fucker around so if I don’t get COL now I promise you I will wait for my next opportunity so buckle up High command your in for the longest haul of your life. 

       Now time to get to the good stuff so get the popcorn and reading glasses and get ready this time around we’re doing a deep dive but I will try to refrain from writing a book and my grammar and spelling is shit so do judge on the lol. I want to start with the map I started on Rockford originally and for it to come full circle it must be fate. I need to get COL and I will stop at nothing,  being back on this map is a blessing as I have the most experience and skill on Rockford from 10-80 to just knowing the locations. 

       Ok ok I get it the map thing is boring but relevant. So maybe something exciting activity, I will include my battle metrics. Or you can take my word for it what ever works for you. So my activity I think is great I spend anywhere 1-6 hours and sometimes more all most daily my record a full 12 hour shift in 2020 on gov so yea I think it’s good if you have questions about the 12 hour shift pm me on discord and I will tell you how I did it like I said we’re doing a deep dive so that’s why included this.

       Now let’s talk about my skills I have a wide range of skills I have been in nearly every department that gaming light police RP has to offer and with all that came a great deal of training and knowledge. From three different tac teams to multitude of other gov agencies I haven’t read more SOPs and handbooks than most. All of this to say I know how to do my job and I’m dam good at it.

    As well as I feel like I have developed myself as a person to be more hospitable and overall kinder I feel I am a much better person and more than ready for this role. And now that  I have had far more HC (SCO19) and LC (PD) experience sense my last COL application I feel I am more confident,  prepared and ready to take this COL spot and I hope you feel the same further more I feel I have made many great relationships on the server and I feel I am a good part of the community. If you know me you would know the only time I apply for things like this is when I’m ready and I feel that I am ready and if I’m not I would plead for any of you please help me with any constructive criticism‘s or anything that can help me along the way. I appreciate you all for reading and have a good day

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):  yes 







  13. +support 
    Yes Yes Yes 

    that is the only thing I need to say. but PD HC needs a good reason so let’s give them one you were a previous command member and beloved by nearly everybody there was never an issue with you in command to my knowledge. you were active, easy to talk to, a good hand and knew what you were doing secondly you were in SCO19 high command and showed the same exemplary work there. I have known you nearly the entire time that I have been in this community I have never once had an issue with you and I’ve never felt more strongly about somebody becoming Lieutenant especially given your prior skills and knowledge

    @Herrman good luck but I don’t think you need it 

  14. Rank You are Applying For: COL

    In-Game Name:  Tayson Terry

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197725176

    Current Rank: MAJ

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  9 weeks

    What timezone are you in?: MST

    How many Warns do you have?:  2

    Permission:  Solomon 

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):  

       well, I’ve made it to MAJ and now that there is finally a COL spot open I thought I would throw my hat in the ring. For those of you who know me and my past will know that I took a break from the server. Then I came back with a great mental state and a even better attitude or at least I hope so that’s up to you to decide. And my only goal was to surpass my self and be better at everything that I did. I have far surpassed my self in SCO19 and now seeing as a COL spot has opened I have set my sights on PD. I have worked hard to get back to MAJ and I am great full that I am where I am today, now this wouldn’t be possible with out all of the great people supporting me so I thank you for that. But it’s time to shoot my shot and hopefully reach my goal. And we’ll the sky is the limit but let’s get to COL first.

       Now now I know what you are saying. “Why is he giving us his whole back story when it’s supposed to be about why he deserves to be a COL not how he got to MAJ” well don’t fret we are getting there. To start I have a wide range of skills I have been in nearly every department that gaming light police RP has to offer and with all that came a great deal of training and knowledge. As well as I feel like I have developed myself as a person to be more hospitable and overall kinder I feel I am a much better person and more than ready for this role. And now that  I have had far more HC (SCO19) and LC (PD) experience sense my last MAJ application I feel I am more confident,  prepared and ready to take this COL spot and I hope you feal the same 

       Now finally I feel that I have made many great relationships on the server  and I feel I am a good part of the community. If you know me you would know the only time I apply for things like this is when I’m ready and I feel that I am ready and if I’m not I would plead for any of you please help me with any constructive criticism‘s or anything that can help me along the way. I appreciate you all for reading and have a good day

     yes I did use some of the last paragraph From my MAJ app cause I think is a great closer don’t judge to harshly. 


    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):  yes 


  15. In-Game Name: Tayson Terry 

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:197725176

    Rank: MOD

    Length of LOA (Time must be Specified): 11/20/21-12/8/21

    Reason for LOA (if private that is fine):  family trip leaving in 4 days and i don't want to stress about the server just before leaving 

  16. Posted September 6 (edited)

    Rank You are Applying For: MAJ

    In-Game Name:  Tayson Terry

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197725176

    Current Rank: CPT

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  11 weeks

    What timezone are you in?: MST

    How many Warns do you have?:  2

    Permission:  Will

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):  so I want to be a MAJ and I need to tell you why I deserve to be there, but first let me say something.  some of you know I was a MAJ before and I miss it so much and that is why I have tried so hard to get back to my MAJ position. I also want to get to MAJ again cause I want to surpass my self and be the best PD officer I can be. and with that said we can get to the good stuff.

    Before I get into it all like I said I am more excited than ever and I want to surpass myself and grow greater than major but first let’s just get there! firstly I have a wide range of skills I have been in nearly every department that gaming light police RP has to offer and with all that came a great deal of training and knowledge  But with that said let’s get onto the main course like I said with me I am bringing a new skill set and new hardware. To elaborate I feel like I have developed myself as a person to be more hospitable and overall kinder now I do admit I do have my moments and the low Command can contest to that haha but all jokes aside I feel I am a much better person and more than ready for this role. And on the new hardware side of things well let’s just say I got some new tech and I’m now getting over 100 frames a second on the server making me far more efficient with response times and with other things like accuracy.

    Now finally you know me and I know you. Now I take this saying to heart with the server because I feel that I have made many great relationships on the server  and I feel I am a good part of the community and if you know me you would know the only time I apply for things like this is when I’m ready and I feel that I am ready and if I’m not I would plead for any of you please help me with any constructive criticism‘s or anything that can help me along the way appreciate you all for reading and have a good day

    and yes I did use parts of my old app because I think it is all 100% accurate to what I would say now 


    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):  yes 

  17. Rank You are Applying For: MAJ

    In-Game Name:  Tayson Terry

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:197725176

    Current Rank: CPT

    How long have you been in your current rank?:  5 weeks

    What timezone are you in?: MST

    How many Warns do you have?:  2

    Permission:  Will

    Why should you be promoted (200 words Minimum):  well here we are again. Now many moons ago I applied for the MAJ position and got it! but unfortunately had to leave shortly after. and I’m just as excited as ever to hopefully be coming back! And what I bring with me new lineup of skills and hardware. before I get into it all like I said I am more excited than ever and I want to surpass myself and grow greater than major but first let’s just get there! For starters or appetizers if you will I have a wide range of skills I have been in nearly every department that gaming light police RP has to offer and with all that came a great deal of training and knowledge  But with that said let’s get onto the main course steak and greens just kidding but like I said with me I am bringing a new skill set and new hardware. To elaborate I feel like I have developed myself as a person to be more hospitable and overall kinder now I do admit I do have my moments and the low Command can contest to that haha but all jokes aside I feel I am a much better person and more than ready for this role. And on the new hardware side of things well let’s just say I got some new tech and I’m now getting over 100 frames a second on the server making me far more efficient with response times and with other things like accuracy. Now finally you know me and I know you. Now i take this saying to heart with the server because I feel that I have made many great relationships on the server  and I feel I am a good part of the community and if you know me you would know the only time I apply for things like this is when I’m ready and I feel that I am ready and if I’m not I would plead for any of you please help me with any constructive criticism‘s or anything that can help me along the way appreciate you all for reading and have a good day

    p.s don’t mind the food jokes I just think there funny 🙂

    You agree that disobeying any rules set by High Command will result in an immediate demotion (Yes/No):  yes 

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